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National Directory of Programs for Women with Criminal Justice Involvement

The Haven

Agency Information

The Haven
3630 West Princeton Circle
Denver, Colorado 80236
Phone: (303) 761-7626
View Website

Program Contact

  • 3630 West Princeton Circle
    Denver, Colorado 80236
  • Phone: (303) 761-7626

Related Programs

The Haven is a therapeutic community that offers 24-hour intensive residential programming for women who have substance abuse issues and who are involved in the criminal justice system. The program can last anywhere from 9 months to 1 year. Services and treatment activities address recovery using evidenced-based programing, including cognitive behavioral techniques, Stages of Change, Contingency Management, and Community Reinforcement, which are integrated to address mental health and trauma issues. Treatment activities include individual and group education and counseling, peer run activities-groups-meetings, vocational skills, GED preparation classes, on and off-site 12-step meetings, recreational activities and parenting issues. Case management services are also part of the treatment and the women are linked to services for healthcare, dental care, benefits acquisition, transportation, eye care, employment and vocational services in addition to other needed services provided by community agencies. Upon completion of the Haven House program, women enter the Haven-Harmon house, which is a transitional house for women who are in the final phase of treatment before being sent to outpatient care. Women in this house must be employed in the community. The program serves 26 women and up to 10 infants and allows the Haven to expand services to mothers, infants, and those with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders. Curricula: Matrix Model, Strategies for Self Improvement and Change (SSIC), and the Seeking Safety Curriculum
Started in 1992

Who is helped?

Women with substance abuse issues, women with co-occurring disorders, women seeking long term residential care, women who are sentenced by the courts, women on parole, women on probation. Capacity: 40 women at any given time at the Haven; 26 women at the Harmon House

More Information

Last modified: 11/21/2011 11:38:13 AM
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