Tag Archives: Summit

Learning International Lessons in Principal and Teacher Preparation

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan joined education leaders from twenty-three high-performing, rapidly-improving countries in New York City last week. Over the course of two days, each country shared ideas and successful, innovative practices for teacher preparation and school leader … Continue reading

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21st Century Skills: A Global Imperative

This is our reality. In many urban areas our graduation rates hover around fifty percent. Nearly forty percent of our students need remediation in college after they graduate from high school. We have one million students dropping out of school each year. And recently, President Obama … Continue reading

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Dynamic Dialogue and Shared Experience at Miami Summit

More than 200 Latino leaders convened earlier this month in Miami for the White House’s Hispanic Community Action Summit at Miami-Dade College (MDC), a fitting venue for the forum as the nation’s largest community college and one renowned for graduating … Continue reading

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Secretary Duncan’s Straight Talk Is Music to Puerto Ricans’ Ears

On the island of Puerto Rico, home to the third-largest school district in the United States, Secretary Duncan on Monday brought a tough, but optimistic message to the “Investing in Our Future” Education Summit. Puerto Rico, Duncan said to the … Continue reading

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ED Hosts Community College Virtual Symposium

“As we try to educate our way to a better economy, community colleges are absolutely going to help lead us where we need to go,” said Secretary Duncan earlier this week at the first-ever Community College Virtual Symposium. The symposium, … Continue reading

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Final Community College Regional Summit Focuses on Veterans, Military Members and Families

Tomorrow, April 15, ED will hold its fourth and final Community College Regional Summit at San Diego City College in San Diego, Calif. The focus of this one-day event is on Exemplary Programs for Veterans, Military Members, and Families, and … Continue reading

Posted in College Completion, Community Colleges, Headlines, News | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Duncan Opens National Summit on Gender-Based Violence Among Young People

“No school can be a great school unless it’s a safe school,” is a familiar phrase often cited by Secretary Duncan, and one that he repeated earlier today as he opened the first session of the National Summit on Gender-Based … Continue reading

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Community Colleges + Businesses = Jobs

President Obama frequently talks about the importance of educating our way to a better economy, and partnerships between community colleges and businesses are vital to getting there. That was the key message of the U.S. Department of Education’s Community College … Continue reading

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ED Kicks Off International Summit on the Teaching Profession

Later today, Secretary Arne Duncan will join teachers and education leaders from around the world in New York City, to open the first session of the International Summit on the Teaching Profession.  The summit, which will be held today and … Continue reading

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