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Export Import Bank of the United States
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Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), found in Section 552 of Title 5 of the United States Code, was enacted by Congress to provide the public with access to certain federal records. The Act requires federal agencies to produce government records in response to requests from the public, provided that the records are not exempt from disclosure by the FOIA.

The Export-Import Bank, like all federal agencies, charges for processing FOIA requests. Much of the information typically sought by FOIA requesters is available free of charge, however, on this website. Ex-Im Bank encourages all prospective FOIA requesters to thoroughly search this website prior to submission of a FOIA request.

Department of Justice FOIA and Privacy Reference Material

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations

How to Make a Request

Frequently Requested Records:

  1. Quarterly Deal Data Information for FY 2006-2011
  2. Ex-Im Bank Annual Reports
  3. Country Limitation Schedule
  4. Minutes of the Board of Directors and Credit Committee
  5. Competitiveness Report to Congress (Report to the U.S. Congress on Export Credit Competition and the Export-Import Bank of the United States)
  6. Link to Export-Import Bank FFATA (Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act) transaction information on USAspending.gov site (Bank’s information using the search capability and parameters options provided on USAspending.gov web site. This information is updated frequently and available to the public for searching as well as downloading .

    Export-Import Bank FFATA Transactions for FY2007

    Export-Import Bank FFATA Transactions for FY2008

    Export-Import Bank FFATA Transactions for FY2009

    Export-Import Bank FFATA Transactions for FY2010

    Export-Import Bank FFATA Transactions for FY2011

    Transactions Detail FY2011

    Transactions Detail - Insurance FY2011

    Transactions Detail - Loans and Loans Guarantees FY2011

  7. If You're a Small Business Exporter” - This portal provides step by step information including an interactive guide and contacts at the Bank to help small businesses with exporting challenges.
  8. Avoid Common Multi-buyer Insurance Claims Mistakes
  9. How Ex-Im Bank Structures Local Cost Financing: An Example
  10. Subscribe to Ex-Im Bank electronic publications: (The public may subscribe, at no cost, to the Bank’s news updates, Exporter Newsletter, Environmental Exports Program Update, Africa news, the Americas and Caribbean news, India news, and Broader Middle East and North Africa news, as well as receive alerts on changes to the Country Limitation Schedule).
  11. Ex-Im Bank's Freedom of Information Act Report
  12. Accessing Export-Import Bank of the United States information on Regulations.Gov
  13. Export-Import Bank of the United States, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Chief FOIA Officer Report, February 28, 2012 PDF file
    Export-Import Bank of the United States, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Chief FOIA Officer Report, February 16, 2011 PDF file
    Export-Import Bank of the United States, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Chief FOIA Officer Report, March 15, 2010 PDF file

FOIA Reading Room Certification (October 27, 2008) PDF file

Export-Import Bank of the United States, Review of the Freedom of Information Act Operations & Plan for Improvement of Agency Performance, June 14, 2006PDF file

FOIA Regulations (and Other Information Disclosure Regulations)

Please direct all FOIA questions to Dawn R. Kral at (202) 565-3248 or send an e-mail to foia@exim.gov.

Last Updated: March 03, 2011

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