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National Directory of Programs for Women with Criminal Justice Involvement

Female Offender Treatment and Employment Program (FOTEP) Treasure Island

Agency Information

Haight Ashbury Free Clinics-Walden House
1735 Mission Street
San Francisco, California 94103
Phone: (415) 970-7500
View Website

Program Contact

  • 852 Ave D
    Treasure Island
    San Francisco, California 94130
  • Phone: (415) 217-3296
  • Send Email

Related Programs

FOTEP Treasure Island provides a Gender Responsive/Trauma Informed, modified Therapeutic Community Substance Abuse Treatment Program. The focus of the program is on issues specific to needs of women; trauma, relationships, communication, parenting, family re-unification, relapse prevention, development of pro-social behavior, the exploration of issues which drive substance abuse and criminal behavior and educational and vocational preparation. Women with Mental Health issues receive therapy on site and referrals for medication evaluation at the local Parole Outpatient Clinic. The Parenting Center on Treasure Island provides a variety of services to children and families. Women participate in a didactic parenting course and simultaneously work shifts in the child care center with staff who teach them how to implement the skills they have learned in the classroom. Children with behavioral problems receive individual treatment and family therapy. Both education and vocational preparation are provided. Women with literacy issues and those who do not have GEDs attend on-site school. Job readiness skills, vocational training programs and job placement services are provided. Additionally, case management is available to help clients locate both permanent and transitional housing. The goal of this program is to improve individual and family functioning and help women to successfully re-integrate back into their communities.
Started in 2002

Who is helped?

Women who have been formerly incarcerated, women with substance abuse issues, parolees, women with children, women seeking to reunify with their children. Capacity: 76 women and 20 children up to age 12.

More Information

Last modified: 12/21/2011 2:22:46 PM
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