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National Directory of Programs for Women with Criminal Justice Involvement

College Initiative

Agency Information

College Initiative

29-76 Northern Boulevard
Long Island City, New York 10468
Phone: (212) 691-7554
View Website

Program Contact

  • 29-76 Northern Boulevard
    Long Island City, New York 10468
  • Phone: (212) 691-7554

College Initiative's mission is to create pathways from criminal justice involvement to college and beyond and to establish and support communities invested in their own success. CI is open to men and women in New York City who have criminal justice involvement or history and a GED or high school diploma. Central to CI's approach is a collaborative and evolutionary approach to program design that captures the collective intelligence and experience of CI's community. Using this approach, CI develops transportable strategies, tools, relationships and networks aimed at increasing students' resilience in navigating barriers and challenges on the pathway into and through higher education. In the process, CI generates and elevates the work of transformative leaders, from formerly incarcerated students to peer mentors to program staff to faculty to university and community administrators – committed to building the pathway from criminal justice to college. CI's activities include: outreach and recruitment, including on-site presentations at facilities and correspondence with those preparing for release; orientation and assessment, including an overview of the program and baseline testing of academic skills; academic and social preparation including tutoring, and a college preparation program; academic and financial aid counseling and referrals to other reentry services; scholarships; peer mentoring and retention, including employment assistance and linkages to housing and entitlements.
Started in 2002

Who is helped?

Women who have been formerly incarcerated, women who are on parole, women on probation, women who are participating in an alternative to incarceration program, women with limited criminal justice involvement. Capacity: 35-40 women per year.

More Information

Last modified: 1/10/2012 3:02:03 PM
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