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National Directory of Programs for Women with Criminal Justice Involvement

Bottomless Closet

Agency Information

Bottomless Closet
15 Penn Plaza, Level B, Suite 40
New York, New York 10018
Phone: (212) 563-2499
View Website

Program Contact

  • 15 Penn Plaza, Level B, Suite 40
    New York, New York 10018
  • Phone: (212) 563-2499

Bottomless Closet promotes self-sufficiency among economically disadvantaged women in New York City. They offer career, financial and personal development workshops and partner with over 100 referral organizations that provide work-readiness and skill-building training to clients. Women from approved referral organizations with scheduled job interviews are referred to Bottomless Closet. They meet with a volunteer, who helps the client prepare for the interview by reviewing her resume, interview questions and protocol, and job search basics. Volunteers work to put together two interview-appropriate outfits, including accessories. Personal grooming do's and don'ts are reviewed.
Started in 1999

Who is helped?

By referral only; referrals through different agencies with formerly incarcerated women in job programs. Bayview Correctional Facility also refers women to the program. Capacity: More than 2000 women per year.

More Information

Last modified: 1/10/2012 2:55:27 PM
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