Small Business Owner Benefits from 8(a) Program

Jose and Lynne Pereira established Pereira Plumbing in 1990 but have actually been in business since the late-1970s. They started out in the pool service business, moved into plumbing, then began installing fire sprinkler systems, and now have obtained a California Class A license as a general engineering contractor.

Pereira’s business has expanded to include asphalt, renovations, painting, abatement, landscaping, HVAC, and mechanical work. Jose plans to obtain two additional licenses this year to continue with his expansion plans Pereira Plumbing is unique in that Jose has a particular talent for problem solving and is constantly trying to sharpen his knowledge and skills. He strongly believes in educating himself, as well as his employees, in all aspects of construction to find better ways to finish a job. As a result, employees are cross-trained so they may perform work in any area of construction.

Jose and Lynne Pereira feel fortunate to be certified participants in the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) Program. The program has provided them with opportunities to demonstrate their proficiency as a general contractor. When utilized as intended the SBA’s 8(a) Program is an essential instrument for helping socially and economically disadvantaged entrepreneurs gain access to the economic mainstream of American society. Lynne says, “We are extremely thankful for the doors opened to us through the SBA.” Additionally, Lynne was happy to inform us that Pereira Plumbing was recently accepted into the City of San Diego’s Mentor/Protégé Program and had their first opportunity to work in the City’s Minor Construction Program.

Lynne’s advice to other small businesses is to “keep knocking and stand up for what you think is right. Compromise when it’s the right thing to do. Seek out all opportunities, total dedication is a must; it’s not easy by any means. Customer service is priority one, it seems to have diminished in the industry over the years. Accept every opportunity for assistance that is out there, but be sure it makes sense and your instincts tell you it’s right.”

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