Curriculum Programs



Advanced Placement

DoDEA's main goal in offering Advanced Placement courses is to help students earn college credit while preparing them for the academic course load of college.


Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)

AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.


Career and Technical Education

The DoDEA Career and Technical Education (CTE), formerly Professional Technical Studies (PTS) Program offers career-related courses to middle and high school students.


Early Childhood Education

The DoDEA Early Childhood philosophy encompasses preschool through grade three. We believe that early childhood programs involve a community of learners with a commitment to the education of young children.


English as a Second Language (ESL)

The English as a Second Language (ESL) program delivers comprehensive instruction so that English Language Learners (ELLs) can attain the goals and outcomes as set forth in the DoDEA Community Strategic Plan.


English Language Arts (ELA)

The English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum provides students rich, rigorous programs that address literacy skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening, as well as 21st-century skills in research, technology, and media.


Gifted Education

The goal of the DoDEA Gifted Education program is to identify students with high potential and exceptional performance and to offer challenges that match their strengths.


Health Education

The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Health Education Program prepares students to make wise decisions on matters concerning personal, family and community health by providing comprehensive health education to students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12.


Host Nation Studies

The Host Nation program provides DoDDS elementary school students with a cross-cultural and language acquisition focus to develop an appreciation and understanding of the culture and language of the country in which they are located.


Information Centers

The role of the DoDEA School Library Information Center program is to support the DoDEA mission of preparing military children for success in a global environment.



PreK-12 mathematics offers a comprehensive program for students from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. It is centered on students' learning and their ability to reason and think mathematically.



The DoDEA Music Education Program for kindergarten through twelfth grade.


Physical Education

The DoDEA Physical Education curriculum is based on a planned sequence of experiences in a wide variety of developmentally appropriate learning activities beginning with basic movement concepts and skills and progressing toward more complex game, sport, dance, and other forms of movement and physical fitness activities.



The DoDEA science program offers courses for students in grades pre-kindergarten through twelve, including 19 specific secondary science courses offered in traditional and virtual classrooms.


Social Studies

Social Studies is a vital part of the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) curriculum which emphasizes the growth and preservation of a democratic society and the interdependency of the world.


Special Education

Special education is specially designed instruction, support, and services provided to students with an identified disability requiring an individually designed instructional program to meet their unique learning needs.


Virtual School Program

The Virtual School will offer a complete curriculum of courses necessary for a student to graduate from high school.


Visual Arts

The DoDEA Visual Arts Program for Kindergarten through twelfth grade


World Language

The DoDEA World Language Program prepares students to meet the challenges of an interdependent world community by enabling them to recognize the importance of learning foreign languages, to value learning about other cultures, and to develop proficiency in one or more foreign languages.

Curriculum Features

DoDEA Complete Course Descriptions and Codes
Complete list of Course Codes and links to Curriculum programs and Course Descriptions
Parent Guides
To create a world-class education system, DoDEA has developed rigorous and demanding curriculum standards.
The Curriculum Ordering System (COS)
The Curriculum Ordering System is an electronic management system for curriculum orders awarded at HQ and includes the administrative and Supply Technician functions within curriculum that exists after the contract is awarded and shipments are received.
The DoDEA Curriculum, Assessment and Program Evaluation Cycle
The Curriculum Renewal Process assures that each curriculum and program area is evaluated, adapted, and developed on a continuing basis in accordance with a Program Evaluation Plan.

Adopted Materials
Lists of adopted textbooks and other materials currently in use in DoDEA classrooms. The materials were selected as a result of the source selection procedure and materials review. These materials, in conjunction with other resources, should be used to implement the DoDEA standards in each subject area.
Career Explorer
DoDEA's Career Explorer is an education and career-planning guide for middle-and high-school students to help them chart the path for the future that works best for them

Clusters and Pathways