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NOAA SeaGrant

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Ghostbusting in the Chesapeake: Rounding Up Derelict Fishing Gear

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shark Island Explorers
"The lesson plan page provides engaging activities for elementary and middle school students in topics such as physical oceanography, ocean organisms and their interactions, and human impact on the ocean.  Thorough background information provided for teachers in each lesson plan, along with recommendations for making the activities work with ideal materials as well as substitutions if those items aren't available.  Extension activities are provided for most lessons, too.  Great site!  "
–Julie, Bridge Teacher Reviewer

State of the ArcticClimate Change Curriculum
Middle and high school curriculum units from Stanford University.  The lesson plans include a variety of both teacher-centered and student-centered activities ranging from lectures based on provided slideshows, teacher-led demonstrations, student-led investigations, and group analysis of data. Underlying these activities is a philosophy of learning by inquiry as well as justifying claims with evidence.

Photo credit: EPA

State of the Arctic
Palmer LTER 2012 Blog

The Palmer Long Term Ecological Research program. Spring is entering its 21st field season. Visit the station's blog to track the research ship and weather along the western Antarctic peninsula, explore the
environment, view photographs and enjoy videos. Educators can download
instructional materials that parallel the scientific research and encourage their
students to post questions directly to the scientists.

 The Bridge is sponsored by NOAA Sea Grant and the National Marine Educators Association

© Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
College of William and Mary