Partner Compliance and Oversight

USAID is dedicated to protecting the integrity of our foreign assistance efforts and the taxpayer funds entrusted to us to save lives and improve livelihoods.

Our new Compliance and Oversight Division for Partner Performance in the Office of Acquisition and Assistance serves to:

  • Track trends in partner performance issues
  • Track compliance with U.S. federal regulations by partner organizations or individuals working directly with USAID
  • Take suspension and/or debarment actions against firms, organizations, and/or individuals as necessary
  • Evaluate contractor or grantee self-reports of organizational or compliance issues
  • Manage corrective actions with partner entities
  • Facilitate the registration and timely completion of past performance reports and encourage substantive narratives that properly coordinate to appropriate ratings in CPARS
  • Adjudicate disputes and appeals to the Assistance Executive under grants and cooperative agreements
  • Analyze termination statements

The Compliance and Oversight Division works closely with the USAID Office of Inspector General (OIG) and other USG oversight bodies on waste, fraud, and abuse matters. As well, this division proactively manages alleged reports of non-compliance or ethical concerns associated with USAID development partners.

You can contact the Compliance and Oversight Division at or at the compliance hotline at 855-807-9820.

COPP Brochure (PDF, 127 KB)

RED ALERTS - New Suspensions or Debarment Actions

Find the latest notifications on suspension and/or debarment actions taken by USAID here at Red Alerts.

U.S. Excluded Parties List

To determine if an organization, firm, or individual has been suspended or debarred from receiving U.S. government funds, visit the official U.S. Excluded Parties List at

What is a USAID Partner?

A USAID partner is any entity or individual who enters into an agreement with USAID to support the achievement of our foreign assistance goals via our overseas development programs. We expect our development partners to act in the spirit of partnership while delivering effective and sustainable development solutions to the beneficiaries we work with in more than 100 countries worldwide. We expect the USAID partner to take all steps necessary to ensure integrity within their organization, systems and personnel, and to meet the compliance standards of the U.S. government.

Last updated: July 25, 2012