U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
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Injury News

Injury News

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current injury news!

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News Updated
March 17, 2008
Northwest News
new iconOregon's Graduated Driver's License Program - An Evaluation
pdf icon (pdf-912Kb) The State of Oregon enacted its Graduated Driver’s License (GDL) program in March 2000. NHTSA contracted with the Center for Applied Research (CAR) to conduct an evaluation of Oregon’s GDL program. CAR obtained evaluation data through two methods: 1) focus groups and 2) driver performance (i.e., crashes, convictions, and suspensions).

new iconOregon's Alliance for Community Traffic Safety (ACTS) web link icon
The Mission of ACTS Oregon is to reduce fatalities, injuries and the severity of injuries resulting from vehicle crashes throughout Oregon
by providing resources, technical training and education.
new iconIdaho Office of Highway Safetyweb link icon Promotes safe driving behaviors and improve the safety of roadways on the state highway system.

new iconWashington Safety Restraint Coalition web link icon They are the state's leading independent source of occupant protection education and are recognized as Washington State's independent authority on child car seats.

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National News
new iconAdolescent Violence web link icon
The high and still rising prevalence of adolescent violence and preventable injury in the United States is a serious public health problem. Adolescent violence may lead to other serious health risks as well as violence in adulthood. Visit this website for more information and resources.

Some news items from
the past are now being
archived on the
A to Z Injury Info page.
new iconRural Safety Initiativepdf icon(pdf-111KB)
Rural roads carry less than half of America’s traffic yet they account for over half of the nation’s vehicular deaths. It is time to put a national focus on a local problem. Smarter, low-cost solutions to improve rural road safety are readily available and can be deployed quickly. This initiative seeks to refocus the Department of Transportation's extensive safety programs in a comprehensive way to help state and local leaders get solutions implemented in rural areas faster.

$$$ Funding is available $$$
See below in funding section for more details. Tribal governments partnering with State departments of transportation are eligible.

new iconATVs and Children are a Potentially Dangerous Mix web link icon
For the seventh year in a row, serious injuries caused by all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) increased, and children under age 16 continued to suffer a significant portion of those injuries, according to a report released today by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that no child under age 16 ride an ATV of any size because ATVs require as much or more skill and judgment to operate safely as an automobile.
SNAP Picture Logo

new iconS.N.A.P. (Safe Native American Passengers)web link icon This 12-hour course introduces basic concepts of child passenger safety. The course consists of 8 hours of instruction and 4 hours of fitting station experience. The intended audience of this course is anyone who works in Native American communities and is interested in child passenger safety. Participants may include checkup event volunteers, Health Educators, EMS Personnel, Fire Personnel, Law Enforcement, Tribal Environmental Health Specialists/Practitioners, and Child Care Providers.
new iconTraumatic and Mass Casualty
Events Information
. web link icon
In response to the Northern Illinois University campus violence in February, CDC posted information on the their website for school, work, and public violence, including mental health information for students, parents, and school personnel. For More Details...
Coping with Stress & Violence web link icon
Coping with Traumatic Events web link icon

Some news items from
the past are now being
archived on the
A to Z Injury Info page.

The Choking Game pdf icon (pdf-30KB)
At least 82 youth have died as a result of playing what has been called ”the choking game". The choking game involves intentionally trying to choke oneself or another in an effort to obtain a brief euphoric state or “high.” Death or serious injury can result if strangulation is prolonged. Read more here...
Choking Game Q&A pdf icon (pdf-35KB)
Choking Game MMWR pdf icon (pdf-1.4MB)
nsn logoThe Neighborhood Safety Network (NSN) Tool Kit.web link logo This electronic tool kit was designed to be an easy-to-access, easy-to-use kit for designing your own safety program. NSN is an initiative of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

National Poison Prevention Week web link iconMarch 16-22, 2008. More than 2 million poisonings are reported each year to the 61 Poison Control Centers (PCCs) across the country. More than 90 percent of these poisonings occur in the home. The majority of non-fatal poisonings occur in children younger than six years old. And, poisonings are one of the leading causes of death among adults.
Posion Control Center Directory web link icon Washington Poison Control web link icon
Oregon Posion Control web link icon

Seat Belt Survey Protocol pdf icon (pdf-241kb)
What is the seat belt use rate in your tribal community? Use the seat belt survey protocol below to find out. American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) have the highest unintentional injury rates in the U.S. Motor vehicle crashes are the third leading cause of death for American Indians/Alaska Natives. A seat belt Girl in Seat Belt picturedecreases the chances you’ll get hurt by firmly keeping you in place. If you crash or slam on your brakes, your car comes to a sudden stop. But you will keep moving until you, too, are stopped—by the windshield, dashboard or pavement. Wearing a seat belt stops your body from being thrown around inside or outside the car.
If you wear a seat belt every time
you get into a vehicle, you are
more likely to:

Get to where you’re going on time.

Wearing a seat belt isn’t just a good idea, it’s
the law, and many States are conducting heightened enforcement of their seat belt laws.

check box image Hold onto your hard-earned cash. Seat
belt tickets can mean hefty fines and, in some places, points on your license.
 check box imagePrevent disabling injuries and scarring. Every 15 seconds, someone is injured in a
traffic crash. If you’re not buckled up, you
could be thrown through a window, sent
skidding along the pavement or be crushed
under a vehicle in a crash.

 check box imageLive.
Someone is killed in a crash every
13 minutes. However, seat belts save over 11,000 lives each year, and they can help you maintain control of your car in a crash.

Buckle up on every trip. Every time.

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new iconRural Safety Initiative Funding
pdf icon(pdf- 62 KB) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) anticipates funding of $15 million or more to be available for the Rural Safety Innovation Program. Successful projects will demonstrate application of innovative technologies and approaches with significant potential for improving safety on eligible rural roads through infrastructure and technology improvements. Applicants must provide the appropriate match for the Federal funding source proposed. It is estimated that competitive awards will be made in the range of $200 thousand to $2 million per project.

Applications must be received on or before April 14, 2008. Proposals for applications selected for potential funding will be due in June 2008.
new iconBIA Child Safety Seat Grants
pdf icon (PDF-2MB) The BIA Indian Highway Safety Program is pleased to announce the availability of the 2008 Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Child Safety Seat Program grants. The objective of this initiative is to supplement child passenger safety initiatives in Tribal communities. We are accepting applications to reimburse Tribes for the purchase of child safety seats that are to be distributed as a part of a coordinated community child passenger safety seat program (for example, CPS installation and use training, fitting station, participation in CPS campaign, etc).

Applications must be received not less than 30 days prior to the event for which seats are needed. The last date for applications to be accepted in FY 2008 will be
August 1, 2008.
All activities for FY2008 must be concluded by September 30, 2008.
new iconHHS Funding Preparation web link icon
The Forecast of HHS funding opportunities is now available for the first time to the public so that they can begin planning and preparing proposals at an earlier date for potential funding announcements. These grant opportunities have not yet been funded yet. If funds become available, the grants will be formally announced on Grants.gov

BIA Highway Safety funding opportunities for FY08 pdf icon (pdf-23KB) Contact Ms. Pat Abeyta at 505-563-5371 for additional information.
Trainings and Meetings


Cancellation Notice

The IHS Practical Program
(April 8-10) scheduled
to take place in Albuquerque, NM
has been cancelled due to
low enrollment.

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training. pdf icon (pdf-144KB)
March 20-21 (Spokane, WA)

Cost is $50.00 for both days. It is a skills-based training program that prepares “gatekeepers” to integrate intervention principles into everyday practice and includes five important sections: Preparing, Connecting, Understanding, Assisting, and Networking.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Speaker Series for 2008. pdf icon (pdf-142KB)
Two sessions left in this three-part series: April 2, and May 14 in Eugene, Oregon. This series presents an exciting opportunity for people who work with or assist individuals with brain injury. It will provide information and strategies for understanding brain injury and improving outcomes for people with TBI. The cost is $30 per session, or $80 for all three.
The 2008 PREVENT Child Maltreatment Institute: Enhancing Leadership for Child Maltreatment Prevention. web link icon
It starts April 2008 in North Carolina.
This program offers state of the art training to experienced teams from across the country, who are working to stop child maltreatment before the first victimization or perpetration occurs. The PREVENT Child Maltreatment Institute will include two intensive three-day, on-site sessions separated by six months of working as a team at home. Application deadline is February 20, 2008.

2008 Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities. web link iconPortland, OR, April 13-15, 2008. Lifesavers is the premier national highway safety meeting in the United States dedicated to reducing the tragic toll of deaths and injuries on our nation's roadways. The conference addresses a wide range of safety topics, from child passenger safety, occupant protection and impaired driving, to roadway and vehicle safety and technology.
Registration deadline is February 29, 2008.

new iconFall and Fire Prevention Campaign: Train the Trainer
pdf icon (PDF-307KB)

May 7, 2008 in Renton, WA
May 8, 2008 in Bellevue, WA

Attend this workshop and learn how you can provide important fall and fire prevention messages to your senior population. Then become a partner by hosting your own fall and fire prevention educational event.
$15 registration fee. Registration due by April 15.

2008 Northwest Alcohol Conference.
web link icon July 17th & 18th, 2008 in Boise, Idaho. Registration cost is $165.00 per person. Several classes have already been booked, and they will be posted on the website in the upcoming weeks. If you are interested in teaching a breakoutBoise, Idaho Convention Center
session, you can go to the website for class proposals.

IHS Epi Info Training web icon
July 15-17, 2008 in Albuquerque, NM. Epi Info is a free computer software program used to enter and analyze data. This three-day introductory course is designed for those that are involved in data gathering and analysis activities for injury prevention, safety, disease, or other surveillance programs. Get a free copy of the EpiInfo computer program here. web link icon

Job Annoucements
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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852