Community Relations

Ground Combat Element Branch (POG) 

Mission Statement


To provide Director, PO the staff assistance to represent DC, PP&O in:

  • The POM Processes:

    • FEA, PEG, PRG, PWG

  • Act as the GCE Advocate to coordinate policy regarding ground combat issues, programs, readiness, and structure with the appropriate HQMC & OPNAV agencies and the operational forces.

  • Influence the development, review, and/or revision of Ground Combat Issues relating to:

    • Policies

    • Capabilities & Requirements

    • Equipment

    • Structure

    • Ground Based Fire Support

    • Aviation Based Fire Support

    • Other issues impacting ground combat readiness & capabilities

  • Coordinate with other HQMC staff agencies, MCCDC, MarCorSysCom, and the operating forces to advocate for and influence ground combat & supporting system's requirements, policies, and weapon systems.

  • Exercise HQMC staff responsibility and serve as the coordinating office for ground combat element occupational field structures.


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