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How the IPD Office Does Business...

About Us

The FHWA established the Innovative Program Delivery (IPD) Office in October 2008 to provide a comprehensive set of tools and resources to assist the transportation community in exploring and implementing innovative strategies to deliver programs and projects. Innovation can help overcome resource constraints, address energy and environmental considerations, and promote efficiencies in program delivery.

Currently, the IPD Office focuses on revenue generation (e.g., road pricing), procurement (e.g., public-private partnerships), and innovative finance (e.g., GARVEEs and SIBs). Support for our partners include outreach and education activities; technical resources, guidebooks, and tools; and technical assistance. Through the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) program, the office offers credit assistance to surface transportation projects of national or regional significance that might otherwise be unable to assemble their financial plans. Finally, the office provides for stewardship of major highway investment projects that cost more than $500 million by advancing best-practices related to project cost estimation and finance plans.