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  • Re: ex-felon cant find work.

    It can be difficult to find programs that are located in Downstate Illinois, or even just outside of Chicago quite frankly. A quick search led me to a website with several resources: . I also found this agency, however, I have not heard anything about them so this...
    Posted to Offender Employment (Forum) by kcooke on Thu, Oct 11 2012
  • Employment for Felons in NJ

    Hey, everyone. I've been on probation for three years, and owe a whopping $34.000 in restitution for a theft I committed in first (and last) crime. I have been trying to get a job since my release from county jail and have had no success. Oh, wait....yes...I DID have a job for two weeks...
    Posted to Offender Employment (Forum) by Deswy on Fri, Jun 15 2012
  • Physical Fitness Test for Jail employment

    Please advise if your agency has a physical fitness test as part of the employment requirement. Do most of the jails in your area do so? Are there any test that are relevant to job tasks?
    Posted to General Topics (Forum) by Leon Bradley on Fri, Oct 14 2011
  • Re: Career Choices for Ex Offenders

    Hi Alea, Perhaps only you are the person who is struggling with your self for re establishing your self, to join the main stream of society. Yes it is very difficult to re Establishment your self. Coming to the point - At first I would like to know your qualification, skills, education so that I can...
    Posted to Offender Employment (Forum) by Phillip on Fri, Sep 23 2011
  • List of Employers That Utilize WOTC for Ex-Felons

    I would like to compile a list for the residents at the community based correctional facility I work at in Ohio of employers that have hired ex-felons in the past. I am curious if anyone has made such a list in the past in their state of employers that have utilized the WOTC for ex-felons. I believe...
    Posted to Offender Employment (Forum) by brentw on Sat, Jul 9 2011
  • North Carolina Community Corrections

    I am relocating to the Charlotte area; there are not many postings for corrections job in the area. I am wondering if there is a job search avenue in that area I am not aware of. Of course I have checked State, County, City, Sheriff's Department sites; there just seems to be very few postings. Any...
    Posted to General Topics (Forum) by Vicki Burney on Wed, Jun 1 2011
  • Transgender Employees

    Has anyone dealt with the issue of transgender corrections officers? This applicant for an officer position has not legally or surgicially changed genders yet, but is in the awkward in-between stage due to taking hormones. When the final transition will happen is unknown. Our policy prohibits males from...
    Posted to General Topics (Forum) by Sharon Willits on Wed, Aug 25 2010
  • Re: Motivating Ex-Offenders for Employment

    Timothy, This portion comes directly from the State of Tennessee's statues: Pardon application form (available from the Board), provides that an applicant must have completed sentence, including any period of community supervision. In addition, the Governor “will give serious consideration” to pardon...
    Posted to Offender Employment (Forum) by Ignovi on Tue, Aug 17 2010
  • Re: Career Choices for Ex Offenders

    Timothy, I can only commend you for your efforts. Ideally, if the criminal justice system and the publics view on ex-offenders were improved, those relationships could be even more dramatic that you engage with the local businesses. Education to the employers and having a system in place that allows...
    Posted to Offender Employment (Forum) by Ignovi on Mon, Aug 16 2010
  • Re: Career Choices for Ex Offenders

    Mattbrown555, Dealing with ex-offenders is extremely difficult when related to employment opportunities. And from my experience I see this nationwide, not just in your area. What we do here at Ignovi is work with as many clients as we can helping them to get out from the stigma of always being classified...
    Posted to Offender Employment (Forum) by Ignovi on Mon, Aug 16 2010
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