Electric Power Monthly

Data for June 2012  |  Release Date: August 24, 2012  |  Next Release: September 2012  
|  full report

Previous Issues of Electric Power Monthly

SAS Output
Table 1.10.A. Net Generation from Natural Gas by State, by Sector, June 2012 and 2011
(Thousand Megawatthours)

  Electric Power Sector  
Census Division
and State
All Sectors Electric Utilities Independent
Power Producers
Commercial Sector Industrial Sector
  June 2012 June 2011 Percent
June 2012 June 2011 June 2012 June 2011 June 2012 June 2011 June 2012 June 2011
New England 5,440 5,238 3.9% 37 28 5,118 4,912 46 47 239 251
Connecticut 1,349 1,293 4.3% NM NM 1,306 1,261 NM NM 31 NM
Maine 474 608 -22% -- -- 289 395 NM NM 185 212
Massachusetts 2,251 2,224 1.2% 25 24 2,173 2,149 32 37 21 NM
New Hampshire 625 393 59% 8 1 615 391 -- -- NM NM
Rhode Island 741 720 2.9% -- -- 735 715 NM NM -- --
Vermont * * -40% * * -- -- -- -- -- --
Middle Atlantic 13,120 10,316 27% 1,408 1,286 11,492 8,891 99 39 121 101
New Jersey 2,733 2,275 20% -- -- 2,678 2,229 NM NM 45 NM
New York 5,774 4,380 32% 1,405 1,284 4,265 3,050 81 26 22 NM
Pennsylvania 4,613 3,661 26% NM NM 4,549 3,611 NM NM 54 43
East North Central 8,767 3,363 161% 3,120 1,104 5,439 2,121 78 50 130 89
Illinois 1,470 559 163% 81 69 1,315 428 35 34 39 NM
Indiana 1,396 637 119% 1,097 420 252 174 NM NM 43 39
Michigan 2,517 879 186% 653 148 1,824 714 NM 8 NM NM
Ohio 1,934 812 138% 534 236 1,396 572 -- -- NM NM
Wisconsin 1,450 476 204% 756 230 652 232 NM NM NM NM
West North Central 2,770 1,419 95% 2,335 1,227 405 177 NM NM NM NM
Iowa 324 84 287% 320 81 NM NM NM NM NM NM
Kansas 378 469 -19% 378 469 -- -- -- -- -- --
Minnesota 892 227 293% 748 170 128 49 NM NM NM NM
Missouri 932 581 60% 646 449 277 128 8 4 NM NM
Nebraska 180 45 300% 179 45 -- NM NM NM -- --
North Dakota NM NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- NM NM
South Dakota NM NM NM NM NM -- -- -- -- -- --
South Atlantic 24,158 20,560 18% 18,703 16,320 5,139 4,011 16 NM 301 224
Delaware 653 430 52% NM NM 593 426 -- -- 56 --
District of Columbia -- -- NM -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Florida 13,528 13,076 3.5% 12,302 11,866 1,098 1,042 NM NM 125 165
Georgia 4,276 2,719 57% 2,464 1,380 1,748 1,300 -- -- 64 38
Maryland 451 301 50% -- -- 422 296 NM * 17 NM
North Carolina 1,686 1,268 33% 1,407 1,024 271 235 * * NM NM
South Carolina 1,161 1,132 2.5% 1,083 895 74 236 NM NM 3 1
Virginia 2,383 1,592 50% 1,442 1,144 914 441 -- -- 26 NM
West Virginia 20 42 -51% 1 7 19 34 -- -- NM NM
East South Central 10,517 8,163 29% 5,262 3,878 5,094 4,158 NM NM 151 120
Alabama 5,291 4,437 19% 1,279 1,264 3,912 3,105 -- -- 99 68
Kentucky 287 180 60% 241 146 28 17 -- -- 18 NM
Mississippi 4,082 3,144 30% 2,895 2,082 1,154 1,036 NM NM 31 24
Tennessee 858 403 113% 846 385 -- -- NM NM 4 11
West South Central 33,732 30,394 11% 10,154 8,938 18,330 16,532 45 46 5,204 4,877
Arkansas 1,856 1,570 18% 342 384 1,498 1,176 NM NM 15 10
Louisiana 5,999 4,807 25% 2,699 2,272 1,316 611 NM NM 1,980 1,920
Oklahoma 4,357 3,830 14% 2,763 2,792 1,580 1,027 NM NM NM NM
Texas 21,521 20,187 6.6% 4,350 3,490 13,936 13,719 37 39 3,198 2,939
Mountain 8,258 6,017 37% 4,883 3,372 3,289 2,570 18 NM 67 58
Arizona 3,273 2,146 52% 1,468 919 1,799 1,222 NM NM NM NM
Colorado 1,043 884 18% 591 438 450 443 1 3 NM NM
Idaho NM 35 NM NM NM NM 10 -- -- NM NM
Montana NM NM NM NM NM NM NM -- -- NM NM
Nevada 2,384 1,817 31% 1,701 1,293 659 506 NM NM 19 NM
New Mexico 853 809 5.5% 544 461 303 342 NM NM 1 --
Utah 579 286 103% 503 232 63 NM * -- 13 NM
Wyoming NM 35 NM NM NM NM NM -- -- 31 30
Pacific Contiguous 9,160 5,354 71% 2,829 1,531 5,147 2,708 124 148 1,061 967
California 8,828 5,139 72% 2,706 1,481 4,950 2,549 121 147 1,052 962
Oregon 167 122 37% NM 4 155 115 -- -- NM NM
Washington 165 93 76% NM 47 42 44 NM NM 4 2
Pacific Noncontiguous 261 271 -3.6% 260 269 -- -- NM NM NM NM
Alaska 261 271 -3.6% 260 269 -- -- NM NM NM NM
Hawaii -- -- NM -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Total 116,184 91,096 28% 48,990 37,952 59,454 46,080 453 368 7,287 6,696

* = Value is less than half of the smallest unit of measure (e.g., for values with no decimals, the smallest unit is 1 then values under 0.5 are shown as *.)
NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
Notes: • See Glossary for definitions. • Values are preliminary. - See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923. • Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation. • Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. • Percentage difference is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report.