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State Electricity Profiles

Data for 2010  |  Release Date: January 30, 2012  |  Next Release: October 2012   |   full report

Archived State Electricity Profiles

Missouri Electricity Profile 2010 Missouri profile

Table 1. 2010 Summary Statistics (Missouri)  
Item Value U.S. Rank
NERC Region(s)   SERC/SPP
Primary Energy Source   Coal
Net Summer Capacity (megawatts) 21,739 18
Electric Utilities 20,360 12
Independent Power Producers & Combined Heat and Power 1,378 39
Net Generation (megawatthours) 92,312,989 18
Electric Utilities 90,176,805 12
Independent Power Producers & Combined Heat and Power 2,136,184 46
Emissions (thousand metric tons)
Sulfur Dioxide 233 8
Nitrogen Oxide 56 18
Carbon Dioxide 78,815 10
Sulfur Dioxide (lbs/MWh) 5.6 6
Nitrogen Oxide (lbs/MWh) 1.3 26
Carbon Dioxide (lbs/MWh) 1,882 7
Total Retail Sales (megawatthours) 86,085,117 17
Full Service Provider Sales (megawatthours) 86,085,117 15
Direct Use (megawatthours) 256,411 38
Average Retail Price (cents/kWh) 7.78 38

MWh = Megawatthours.
kWh = Kilowatthours.
Sources: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-860, "Annual Electric Generator Report." Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report." Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report" and predecessor forms.

More Tables on Missouri's Electricity Profile: Formats
Table 2. Ten Largest Plants by Generation Capacity, 2010
Table 3. Top Five Retailers of Electricity, with End Use Sectors, 2010
Table 4. Electric Power Industry Capability by Primary Energy Source, 1990 Through 2010
Table 5. Electric Power Industry Generation by Primary Energy Source, 1990 Through 2010
Table 6. Electric Power Delivered Fuel Prices and Quality for Coal, Petroleum, Natural Gas, 1990 Through 2010
Table 7. Electric Power Industry Emissions Estimates, 1990 Through 2010
Table 8. Retail Sales, Revenue, and Average Retail Price by Sector, 1990 Through 2010
Table 9. Retail Electricity Sales Statistics, 2010
Table 10. Supply and Disposition of Electricity, 1990 Through 2010 (Million Kilowatthours)

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