Information Required for Safe Harbor Self-Certification

To expedite the certification process, please compile the following information before you go online to self-certify your organization's compliance with the Safe Harbor Framework(s).

Organization Information:

  • Organization Name
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • Website (Optional)

Organization Contact handling complaints, access requests, and any other issue involving your organization under the Safe Harbor Framework(s):

  • Contact Office
  • Contact Name (Optional)
  • Contact Title (Optional)
  • Contact Phone
  • Contact Fax
  • Contact Email

Corporate Officer certifying your organization's adherence to the Safe Harbor Framework(s):

  • Corporate Officer Name
  • Corporate Officer Title
  • Corporate Officer Phone
  • Corporate Officer Fax
  • Corporate Officer Email

Description of your organization’s activities with respect to personal information received from the EU/EEA and/or Switzerland.

Description of your organization's privacy policy for personal information:

  • Effective date of your organization's privacy policy
  • Location of your organization's privacy policy
  • Appropriate statutory body that has jurisdiction to hear any claims against your organization regarding possible unfair or deceptive practices and violations of laws or regulations governing your organization’s privacy practices (Federal Trade Commission or Department of Transportation)
  • Any privacy programs in which your organization is a member for Safe Harbor purposes (See FAQ 6)
  • Your organization's verification method (e.g. In-house, Third Party) (See FAQ 7)
  • Independent recourse mechanism(s) available to investigate unresolved complaints (e.g. private sector developed dispute resolution mechanism that incorporates the Safe Harbor Framework(s), EU and/or Swiss data protection authorities) (See U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework FAQ 11 and U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework FAQ 11)
  • Personal data processed by your organization covered by the Safe Harbor Framework(s) (e.g. organization, client, customer, clinical trial data)
  • Whether your organization plans to cover organization human resources data (i.e. personal information about your organization’s employees, past or present, collected, collected in the context of the employment relationship), and if so, whether your organization agrees to cooperate and comply with the EU and/or Swiss data protection authorities (See U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework FAQ 5 and FAQ 9, and U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework FAQ 5 and FAQ 9)

Additional Information Required

  • Relevant countries from which your organization receives personal information (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom)
  • Your organization’s appropriate industry sectors (View Safe Harbor Industry Sectors)
  • Your organization’s level of sales (this information will not be posted on the website)
  • Your organization’s number of employees (this information will not be posted on the website)