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Non-Road Pricing Revenue: Defined

Funding for transportation can be characterized in terms of road pricing and non-road pricing revenues. Road pricing revenues are described in further detail on the Road Pricing webpage of the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Innovative Program Delivery Portal. Non-road pricing revenues cover a vast landscape of strategies to help pay for non-tolled improvements or facilities, such as transit. Value capture strategies, however, may also be applied to toll roads to take advantage of the increased property values and other economic benefits produced by such improvements as is the case for the San Joaquin Toll Road in southern California and E-470 outside Denver, Colorado. Depending on the arrangement, non-road pricing strategies may involve the sharing of costs, revenues or financial risk between public and private partners, or may impose fees or taxes on defined groups expected to benefit from the project. Although most non-road pricing revenues are obtained at the state and local level, federal programs like the FHWA's Office of Innovative Program Delivery provide technical assistance in these areas, encouraging state and local jurisdictions to explore new revenue sources outside of traditional and road-pricing revenue sources to address funding shortfalls.