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What is a Major Project?

Can a project with a total cost of less than $500 million be designated as a Major Project?

Do the Major Project requirements apply when the federal financial assistance is very small compared to the total cost of the project?

Does the Major Project status apply when TIFIA loans are executed with a private entity (e.g., P3) and represent the only federal financial assistance?

What plans are required for Major Projects?

How do the FHWA requirements for Major Projects differ from those of Projects ranging from $100 to $500 million in cost?

Who is responsible for submitting the Finance and Project Management Plans?

What is a Project Management Plan?

Who approves the Project Management Plan?

Which projects must have a Project Management Plan?

What is a Financial Plan?

Who approves the Finance Plan?

Which projects must have a Financial Plan?

What costs must be included in the estimated cost of the project?

What is the role of the FHWA in the project delivery process?


What is a Major Project?

Based on the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), signed into law on August 10, 2005, a Major Project is defined as "a project with a total estimated cost of $500 million or more that is receiving financial assistance." Generally the Project Owner is the Transportation Agency (STA), but major projects can also be developed by other State Agencies (Toll Agencies), Local Public Agencies, and/or Private Ventures (e.g. Public Private Partnerships.)

Can a project with a total cost of less than $500 million be designated as a Major Project?

Yes, the FHWA has the discretion to designate a project that has a total cost of less than $500 million and is receiving Federal financial assistance as a Major Project. The FHWA may choose to do so in situations that include, but are not limited to, those where the project: requires a substantial portion of State Transportation Agency (STA)'s program resources; has a high level of public or congressional interest; is unusually complex; has extraordinary implications for the national transportation system; or is likely to exceed $500 million in total cost during the life of the project.

Do the Major Project requirements apply when the federal financial assistance is very small compared to the total cost of the project?

Yes, any amount of Federal financial assistance can trigger the Major Project requirements.

Does the Major Project status apply when TIFIA loans are executed with a private entity (e.g. P3) and represent the only federal financial assistance?

Yes, any recipient of Federal financial assistance for a project exceeding $500 million must comply with Major Project requirements.

What plans are required for Major Projects?

Section 106(h) of title 23, as enacted by SAFETEA-LU, requires the recipient of Federal financial assistance for Major Projects to prepare and submit to FHWA a Project Management Plan and Finance Plan with annual updates.

How do the FHWA requirements for Major Projects differ from those of Projects ranging from $100 to $500 million in cost?

For Major Projects, the recipient of Federal financial assistance must prepare and submit to the FHWA a Project Management Plan and a Finance Plan for approval at the major milestones as specified in the FHWA Major Project Deliverable Timeline.

While the preparation of the Financial Plan is also expected of Projects between $100 and $500 million in cost, the submittal of the Financial Plan to the FHWA is not required. The Financial Plan of these projects, however, is subject to FHWA review upon request.

Who is responsible for submitting the Finance and Project Management Plans?

The recipient of the Federal financial assistance, most often the State Transportation Agency (STA), will be responsible for preparing and submitting the Finance and Project Management Plans to the FHWA. In the case of a P3 where there may be no federal assistance provided to the STA and the private entity delivering the project is securing a TIFIA loan, the private entity receiving the TIFIA loan will be responsible for submitting the Plans to the FHWA.

What is a Project Management Plan?

The Project Management Plan is the guide for implementing the major project and documents assumptions and decisions regarding communication, management processes, execution and overall project control. The purpose of the Management Plan is to clearly define the roles, responsibilities, procedures and processes that will result in the project being managed such that it is completed on-time, within budget, with a high degree of quality, in a safe manner and in a way in which the public trust, confidence and support in the project will be maintained.

In accordance with Section 106(h)(2) of Title 23, as amended by SAFETEA-LU, a Project Management Plan shall "document the procedures and processes that are in effect to provide timely information to the project decision makers to effectively manage the scope, costs, schedules, and quality of, and the Federal requirements applicable to, the project. A Project Management Plan shall also document the role of the agency leadership and management team in the delivery of the project. It is essential that the Project Management Plan establishes the metrics by which success of the project is defined."

The FHWA has developed Project Management Plan guidance that describes topics that form the basic contents of a Project Management Plan that meet the SAFETEA-LU requirements. This guidance is intended to be a general framework for the Project Management Plan, but not a prescriptive format. View the Project Management Plan Guidance.

Who approves the Project Management Plan?

The FHWA Division Office approves the Project Management Plan in consultation with the FHWA Headquarters Project Delivery Team. Once the Record of Decision (ROD), Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or Categorical Exclusion (CE) determination has been made for a project, FHWA may withhold any further project approvals until the Project Management Plan is approved.

Which projects must have a Project Management Plan?

Project Management Plans are required for projects that have been designated as Major Projects.

What is a Financial Plan?

A Financial Plan is a comprehensive document that reflects the Project's cost estimate and revenue structure and provides a reasonable assurance that there will be sufficient financial resources available to implement and complete the project as planned. Section 106(h)(3) of Title 23 states that a financial plan "is based on detailed estimates of the cost to complete the project and provide for the annual submission of updates that are based on reasonable assumptions, as determined by the Secretary, of future increases in cost to complete the project."

The FHWA has developed Financial Plan guidance that describes the contents of a Finance Plan that are necessary to meet the requirements of 23 U.S.C. 106. This guidance is intended to be a general framework for the Financial Plan, but not a prescriptive format. View the Financial Plans Guidance.

Who approves the Financial Plan?

The FHWA Division Office will approve the initial Financial Plan with prior concurrence from the FHWA Headquarters Project Delivery Team. The FHWA Division Office will approve annual updates to the Financial Plan with prior concurrence for the Project Delivery Team on an as-requested basis by either office. The FHWA will not approve the award of a Federal-aid construction contract without an approved Initial Financial Plan, and may withhold future Federal-aid contract awards subject to the approval of required annual updates.

Which projects must have a Financial Plan?

Financial Plans are required for projects that have been designated as Major Projects; projects with costs ranging from $100 to $500 million; as well as TIFIA projects. While Financial Plans for Major Projects must be submitted to the FHWA for approval, those for projects that range from $100 to $500 million in cost do not need to be submitted to the FHWA. However, these projects' Financial Plans are subject to the agency's review upon request.

What costs must be included in the estimated cost of the project?

All costs that are associated with the project from the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) phase through final construction must be included regardless of the source of funding. The cost of the project must include adequate contingencies and reserves for all cost elements. These costs must be expressed in year of expenditure dollars and estimated using a risk based approach, which is consistent with current FHWA Cost Estimating Guidance. The FHWA will conduct cost estimate reviews as appropriate at critical stages throughout the project to review the cost estimate.

What is the role of the FHWA in the project delivery process?

A sample matrix of FHWA's responsibilities in different processes throughout the project delivery process is presented in the table below.


# Activity Authority Action Frequency Delegated To
  R = Review, A = Approve, C = Compliance
SP Statewide Planning
1. 20 yr Statewide transportation plan 23 CFR 450.214 R for C As updated Community Planner
2. 3 yr STIP & amendments 23 CFR 450.216, 220 R & A w/ FTA As requested by State (at least biennially) Community Planner
3. Interstate additions & access revisions 23 CFR 470.111, 115(a) R & A or Recommend action to HQ for system to system or new As requested by State Headquarters and/or Design Engineer
4. NHS revisions 23 CFR 470.113, 115(a) R & Recommend action to HQ As requested by State Headquarters
MP Metropolitan Planning
1. Transportation plan for non-attainment metropolitan areas 23 CFR 450.322 R & A Every 3 yrs Community Planner
2. Transportation plan for attainment metropolitan areas 23 CFR 450.322 R for C Every 5 yrs Community Planner
3. Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) and corollary STIP amendments for non-attainment areas 23 CFR 450.324 - 330(b) R & A As requested by State - at least biennially Community Planner
AQ Air Quality
1. Transportation plan conformity determination for non-attainment areas 23 CFR 450.322(d) R & A Every 3 years Community Planner
2. TIP conformity determination for non-attainment 23 CFR 450.330(b) R & A Every 2 years Community Planner
E Environment
1. Environmental document determination (all other projects) 23 CFR 771.113 R & A As submitted by State Project Manager
2. Final EIS 23 CFR 771.125 R & A As submitted by State Division Administrator
3. Record of Decision (ROD) 23 CFR 771.127 R & A 30 days after publishing final EIS Division Administrator
4. EIS written re-evaluations 23 CFR 771.129 R & A If no action is taken within 3 years after final EIS as submitted by State Project Manager
5. Section 4(f) individual 23 CFR 771.135 R & A As submitted by State Project Manager
6. Section 106 actions 36 CFR 800 R & A As submitted by State Project Manager
7. Implement Mitigation Commitments during PS&E Review 23 CFR 635.309(3)(j) R & A Project by Project Project Manager
DCM Design, Construction, & Maintenance
1. Consultant Agreements, Supplements, and Settlements for Megaproject 23 CFR 172.5 R & A As needed Project Manager
2. Projects Near Airports 23 CFR 620.103 R As requested Project Manager
3. Highway Facility Relinquishment 23 CFR 620.203 R & A As needed Project Manger
4. Design Exception Request 23 CFR 625.3 R & A As needed Project Manager (w/ Design Engineer)
5. Plans, Specifications, & Estimates (PS&E) 23 CFR 630B, 23 CFR 633.102 23 USC 106 R & A Project by project Project Manager
6. Competitive Bidding 23 CFR 635.104, 23 USC 112 R & A As requested Project Manager
7. Use of Public Owned Equipment 23 CFR 635.106 R & A As needed Project Manager
8. Changed Conditions 23 CFR 635.109 R & A As needed Project Manager
9. Concurrence in Award 23 CFR 635.114, 23 USC 112(d) R & A Project by project Project Manager
10. Changes and Extra Work 23 CFR 635.120 R & A As needed Project Manager
11. Claims 23 CFR 635.124 R & A As needed Project Manager
12. Statement of Materials and Labor (NHS projects of $1 million or more) (form FHWA-47) 23 CFR 635.126 Periodically R for C (State prepares and submits to HQ Project by project Project Manager
13. Public Agency Furnished Material 23 CFR 635.407 R As needed Project Manager
14. Utility Agreement 23 CFR 645.113 R & A Project by project Project Manager
15. Railroad Agreement 23 CFR 646.216 R & A Project by project Project Manager
16. Construction Inspection FAPG G 6042.8 R for C As needed Project Manager
17. Project Authorizations/Agreements (PE, Final Design, ROW, Utilities, RR, Force Account) 23 CFR 630 Subpart C Accept As needed Project Manager (w/ Finance Manager)
18. Authorization to Advertise 23 CFR 630.106 and 23 CFR 635.309 R & A Project by project Project Manager
19. Advanced Construction (all projects) 23 CFR 630.705 R & A As needed Project Manager
20. Payroll (all projects) 23 CFR 635.118 R As needed Project Manager
21. Termination of Contract 23 CFR 635.125 R & A As needed Assistant Division Administrator
22. Value Engineering (NHS and $25 million or more) 23 CFR 627 and P.L. 104-59 Sec 303 R for C (State conducts study) Project by project Project Manager (w/ Design Engineer)
23. Bid Opening/Tabulations 23 CFR 635.113 Periodically R for C (State takes action) Per letting Field Operations Engineer
24. Utility Agreement Alternate Procedure 23 CFR 645.119 R & Accept One time Program Operations & Engineering Team Leader (w/ ADA)
25. Utility Accommodation Policy 23 CFR 645.215 R & A When changes occur Program Operations & Engineering Team Leader (w/ ADA)
26. Railroad Agreement Alternate Procedure 23 CFR 646.220 R & A One time Program Operations & Engineering Team Leader (w/ ADA)
PM Pavement & Materials
1. Buy America 23 CFR 635.410 R & A As Needed Project Manager
2. Proprietary Materials 23 CFR 635.411 R & A As Needed Project Manager
3. Warranties 23 CFR 635.413 R & A As Updated Project Manager
4. Convict Produced Materials 23 CFR 635.417 R & A As Needed Project Manager
5. Materials Acceptance 23 CFR 637.207 R & A As Updated Project Manager
6. Quality Control/Quality Assurance Programs 23 CFR 637.207 R & A As Updated Project Manager
7. Sampling and Testing of Materials 23 CFR 637.207 R & A As Updated Project Manager
B Bridge
1. HBRRP eligibility determinations 23 CFR 650 Subpart D R & A Project by project Finance
2. HBRRP discretionary candidate submittals 23 CFR 650 Subpart D R & A Annually by July 1 Bridge Engineer
3. TS & L and PS&E reviews 23 CFR 630, 23 USC 106, and W.O. 11/13/98 memo R & A Project by project Project Manager (w/ Bridge Engineer)
4. Innovative Bridge Research and Construction Program eligibility determination 23 USC 503(b) R & A and submit to HQ Annually (date varies) Bridge Engineer
5. Construction inspections FAPG G 6042.8 R for C As needed Project Manager (w/ Bridge Engineer)
M Mobility/ITS
1. Congestion management system 23 CFR 500.109 R for C As needed/revised by MPO/State Project Manager (w/ ITS Engineer)
2. Conformity with National ITS Architecture FHWA Final Rule dated January 8, 2001 R for C As needed w/PS&E submission (full oversight projects that affect regional integration) Project Manager (w/ ITS Engineer)
3. ITS Life Cycle Cost (>$3 million) and ITS Financing and Operations Plan TEA-21 Section 5210 R for C As needed for projects funded by TEA-21 Sections 5208 and 5209 Project Manager (w/ ITS Engineer)
4. ITS Service Plan TEA-21 Section 5207 Develop As needed ITS Engineer
FM Financial Management
1. Finance Plan & Annual Updates for Megaprojects TEA-21 Section 1308, and associated FHWA Guidance Review & Accept Prior to authorization of construction, and annually thereafter. Division Administrator
2. Project Agreements - including drug free work place and other provisions 23 CFR 630 Subpart C Accept As needed Finance Manager (w/ Project Manager)
3. Fed-aid billing reimbursement of eligible expenditures 23 CFR 140 and 635.122 R & A Weekly Finance Manager
4. Transfer of funds as requested by State 23 USC 104 (c) and 119 (f) R & A As needed Finance Manager
S Safety
1. Work Zone Safety Process review of effectiveness 23 CFR 630.1010 R & A Annually by Sept. 30 Safety Engineer
R/W Right-of Way
1. State R/W Manual changes 23 CFR 710.201 R & A Jan. 1, 2001 & every 3 years thereafter ROW
2. Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Report - (OMB Form 2125-0030) 49 CFR 24.9(c) and Appendix B R Every 3 years ROW
3. Requests for waivers 49 CFR 24.204(b) R & A As submitted by State ROW
4. Use of R/W Air Space authorization request (on Interstate system) 23 CFR 710.405 R & A Project by project ROW
5. Access Break / R/W Disposal authorization request (if on Interstate system or fair market value not charged) 23 CFR 710.401 & 409 R & A Project by project ROW
6. Functional Replacement 23 CFR 710.509 Periodically R for C (State takes action) As needed ROW
7. Lead Agency Uniform Act monitoring activities 49 CFR 24.603 R for C As needed ROW
8. Develop R/W oversight agreement 23 CFR 710.201(i) R & A By Jan. 1, 2001 and updated as needed ROW
CR Civil Rights
1. Title VI Plan accomplishments and next year's goals 23 CFR 200.9 R & A Annually by Oct. 1 Civil Rights
2. Title VI Plan update 23 CFR 200.9 R & A As needed or requested by State Civil Rights
3. EEO Contract Compliance review reports (form FHWA 86) 23 CFR 230.409, 230.413 R & A As submitted by State Civil Rights
4. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program revisions 49 CFR 26.21(b) R & A As needed or as requested by State Civil Rights
5. State's DBE program goals 49 CFR 26.41 R & A Annually by Aug 1 Civil Rights
6. Supportive services funds requests 23 CFR 230.113 R & A As requested by State Civil Rights
7. Annual Contractor Employment Report (Construction Summary of Employment Data (form PR-1392)) 23 CFR 230.121(a) R for C and send to HQ Annually by Sept 25 Civil Rights
8. Report on supportive services (On-the-Job Training (OJT) & DBE) 23 CFR 230.121(e) R for C and send to HQ Quarterly by April15, July 15, Oct 12, and Jan 15 Civil Rights
9. OJT goals & accomplishments 23 CFR 230.111(b) R for C Annually by Jan 30 Civil Rights
10. Report on supportive services (OJT & DBE) 23 CFR 230.111, 113 R for C Quarterly Civil Rights
11. Americans with Disabilities Act Review complaint Voluntary agreement with Justice Dept. Conduct evaluation & correct or recommend action to HQ As requested by HQ Project Manager