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Limits on the Response to Higher Energy Prices in the End-Use Sectors 


Energy consumption in the end-use demand sectors—residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation—generally shows only limited change when energy prices increase. Several factors that limit the sensitivity of end-use energy demand to price signals are common across the end-use sectors. For example, because energy generally is consumed in long-lived capital equipment, short-run consumer responses to changes in energy prices are limited to reductions in the use of energy services or, in a few cases, fuel switching; and because energy services affect such critical lifestyle areas as personal comfort, medical services, and travel, end-use consumers often are willing to absorb price increases rather than cut back on energy use, especially when they are uncertain whether price increases will be long-lasting. Manufacturers, on the other hand, often are able to pass along higher energy costs, especially in cases where energy inputs are a relatively minor component of production costs. In economic terms, short-run energy demand typically is inelastic, and long-run energy demand is less inelastic or moderately elastic at best [90]. 

Beyond the short-run inelasticity of demand in the end-use sectors, several factors make the long-run demand response to changes in energy prices relatively modest, including: 

  • Infrastructure—such as the network of roads, rails, and airports—that is unlikely to be substantially altered even in the long term 
  • General lack of fuel-switching capability in capital equipment 
  • Unattractive attributes of some energy-saving equipment, such as differences in quality or comfort and high cost 
  • Structural features of energy markets—including builder/owner versus buyer/renter incentives; incomplete information on energy-using equipment, such as consumption levels and potential savings; and inadequate price signals to consumers, resulting from rate design or other issues [91] 

Uncertainty with regard to the value of potential energy savings and the opportunity costs of technology choices for long-lived equipment. 

Buildings Sector 

In the buildings sector, which includes residential and commercial end uses, building structures are long-lived assets that affect energy consumption through their overall design and “shell integrity” against unwanted heat transfers in or out of the building. A typical building may remain in the stock for 75 years. Beyond the structure itself, the energy-consuming equipment in a building typically lasts from 10 to 30 years. As a result, adjustments to the stock of buildings and equipment take many years, even if energy prices change dramatically. Because most previous disruptions in energy prices have been transitory, there is little evidence to indicate how quickly and how much the buildings sector could respond to a decades-long trend of increasing energy prices. 

Limited capability for fuel switching is the rule rather than exception for equipment in buildings. In the residential sector, consumers have some limited choices between electricity and other fuels for a given energy service. For example, the thermostat on a natural gas water heater can be adjusted to reduce the use of the electric heating element in a clothes washer or dishwasher. In the commercial sector, some boilers have true dual-fuel capability; however, fuel-switching opportunities are available for only 3 percent of commercial buildings, accounting for 16 percent of total commercial floorspace, which use both oil and natural gas as fuel sources [92]. 

In some cases, energy services provided by more efficient equipment may be less desirable, and consumers may be slow to adopt the more efficient option when energy prices are high. For example, early versions of compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) had several quality issues, including bulky sizes that did not fit standard fixtures, poor light quality (flickering, poor color rendering, low light levels), and premature failures that caused life-cycle energy savings to be less than advertised [93]. Today’s CFLs typically perform much better than the early models, and they are much less expensive. Even with those gains, however, some of their features remain less desirable than those of incandescent lights. CFLs typically have a warmup period, requiring several seconds to reach full output, and they cannot be dimmed. Other examples include lower outlet air temperatures for heat pumps than for other heating equipment and slower recovery times for heat pump water heaters. 

Structural features of energy markets also contribute to the limited demand response. For example, investment decisions often are made by home builders, landlords, and property managers rather than the energy service consumers. In such cases, the decisionmakers may prefer to purchase and install less costly, less efficient equipment, because they will not pay the future energy bills. Builders may choose less efficient equipment or offer fewer options to buyers in order to reduce design costs and increase profitability, even though consumers might be willing to pay higher home purchase prices or higher rents if they could lower their energy bills over the long term. A related issue arises from the inability of most consumers to evaluate the tradeoffs between capital cost and efficiency. Green building rating systems, such as the EPA’s ENERGY STAR and DOE’s Building America, do attempt to provide reliable information on the energy efficiency of buildings and potential energy savings [94]. 

In addition, because building equipment generally is expected to last for more than 10 years, many tenants will move before their cumulative energy savings can make up for the added expense of installing energy-efficient equipment. Residential homeowners on average stay in the same house for only 8 years [95], and while the value of potential energy savings might be expected to increase the sale price of a house, there are no guarantees (although there is some evidence that energy efficiency investments are capitalized in a home’s market value) [96]. 

Replacement of equipment before failure is uncommon in buildings, especially in the residential sector. An example often cited is replacement of water heaters. Typically, a consumer waits until the water heater completely fails before replacing it. Because the failure creates considerable inconvenience, the consumer is likely to buy a new water heater as quickly as possible, without comparing price and efficiency tradeoffs before making a purchase decision. In the commercial sector, an exception is lighting retrofits, which often are made before the existing equipment wears out. 

The potential for disruption of operations during equipment replacement can also affect decisions by purchasers, especially in the commercial sector, where energy costs are only a small fraction of business expenses for a typical commercial establishment. Efficiency investments may not be seen as cost-effective if the cost of the disruption outweighs potential savings, as is often the case with retrofits to improve the efficiency of building shells. 

Demand response can also be attenuated by price signals that are incomplete or do not represent marginal costs. For example, because residential renters often pay electric bills but not natural gas bills, they may see the costs of air conditioning (electric) but not heating (natural gas, except for the electricity that powers the fan in a forced-air furnace). In commercial buildings, energy consumption choices (turning off computers or lights, for example) often are made by office workers who see no cost implications. Residential consumers, who typically see only monthly electric bills based on average costs, have no incentive to reduce their use of air conditioning on peak days. Under nonseasonal time-of-use rates, they would pay the higher marginal cost; but nonseasonal time-of-use rates currently are available in only about 5 percent of the residential market. For commercial customers, who tend to be larger consumers of electricity, the additional cost of more sophisticated demand metering or nonseasonal time-of-use metering is less significant, and their rates more often approximate the marginal cost of the electricity they use. 

Industrial Sector 

The industrial sector is more responsive to price changes for all inputs; however, the speed at which operational changes can be introduced to mitigate the cost impacts of rising energy prices is limited. Limitations arise from the fuel mix required by the existing capital stock (for example, it is not feasible in general to operate a natural-gas-fired boiler using coal), slow stock turnover, and falling capital investment rates. In addition, a strategy to reduce the demand for energy services by reducing production rates could prove to be more costly than the value of the energy savings if the reduction in output increased the probability of losing market share, reduced overall profitability, or led to contractual penalties. 

Over a longer period, existing equipment could be scrapped and replaced with new equipment that uses different fuels or uses the same fuel more efficiently. The investments required to implement such changes would, however, compete with other uses of the funds available. Given the inherent uncertainty of energy prices, firms may be less than eager to invest in such measures as alternate fuel capability. Because most energy prices rise and fall together, dual-fuel investments may not be expected to have attractive paybacks. If high energy prices were sustained, however, companies might find previously neglected opportunities to reduce energy losses resulting from poor maintenance or other housekeeping items. Further, firms might find low-cost or no-cost options for reducing energy expenditures while maintaining the same level of energy services [97]. Successful examples include motor system optimization and steam line insulation, with implementation costs recovered in less than 1 year [98]. 

Energy costs account for only 2.8 percent of annual operating costs for U.S. manufacturing [99]. As a result, energy-saving investments may be less important than other factor-saving investments. Indeed, if energy prices rose substantially, corporate cash flow and the financial capital available for such investments could be reduced. 

According to EIA’s 2002 Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS), more than 90 percent of petroleum consumption in the manufacturing sector is in the form of feedstocks [100]. In 2002, the sector’s petroleum consumption for energy totaled only 450 trillion Btu, of which 140 trillion Btu was reported as switchable. Consumption of natural gas in the manufacturing sector totaled 6.5 quadrillion Btu in 2002, about 10 percent of which was used for feedstock. The 2002 MECS data indicate that 18 percent of the natural gas used for energy could be switched to another fuel, primarily petroleum. If all such switching did take place, the sector’s petroleum consumption for energy would more than triple, increasing by 1 quadrillion Btu. 

In summary, the manufacturing sector does respond to higher factor input prices, including energy prices, but energy expenditures do not constitute a large portion of most manufacturers’ operating costs. Over time, however, the overall energy intensity of manufacturing does tend to decline in response to higher energy prices [101]. 

Transportation Sector 

In the transportation sector, when consumers seek out energy-saving products and other cost-effective ways to service their travel needs, the energy cost savings are weighed against the perceived value of other factors considered in the decisionmaking process. Those factors include—but are not limited to—mobility, safety, comfort, quality, reliability, emissions, and capital cost. 

The transportation sector is served primarily by four modes of travel: highway, air, rail, and water. Most of the energy consumed in the transportation sector is for highway vehicle travel, which accounts for approximately 85 percent of total consumption, followed by air (9 percent) and rail and water (6 percent combined). Energy consumption in the transportation sector consists almost exclusively (98 percent) of petroleum fuels. Thus, when there are appreciable increases in fuel prices, opportunities for reducing fuel expenditures through fuel switching are limited. As a result, savings can be realized only through reductions in travel demand, mode switching, improvements in system efficiency, and/or improvements in vehicle fuel efficiency. 

The amount of efficiency improvement that could potentially be achieved varies greatly across modes and is limited by infrastructure constraints, vehicle lifetime and use patterns, and vehicle design criteria. For example, rail is a very energy-efficient way to move freight, about 11.5 times more energy-efficient on a Btu per ton-mile basis than heavy trucks. Opportunities for efficiency improvement in the rail mode are minimal, limited primarily to increases in system efficiency through higher equipment utilization and more efficient equipment operation—for example, by using unit and shuttle trains and by reducing locomotive idling. Limits are imposed by very long equipment lives, available infrastructure, and vehicle duty cycles. Similarly, waterborne travel is very efficient, and opportunities for energy savings are limited to improvements in system efficiency. 

Air travel is serviced by a very competitive industry with significant investments in long-lived capital stock that operates in a constrained infrastructure. Immediate improvements in fuel efficiency can be gained through increased utilization of available infrastructure and increased load factors (ratio of passengers to available seats), but the desire of each company to maintain or increase market share limits opportunities for market players to act. 

Long-term efficiency gains in air travel are realized through the adoption of technologies that improve either infrastructure efficiency (increased aircraft throughput at gates) or aircraft fuel efficiency (improved engine efficiency and lightweight materials); however, efficiency losses that result from changes in market structure to meet continued demand for increased flight availability and convenience generally cancel out efficiency gains. For example, the amount of air travel serviced by regional jets, which are about 40 percent less efficient than narrow-body jets, continues to increase as consumers look for improved destination and flight availability. As the share of the market served by regional jets increases, the overall fuel efficiency of the active aircraft stock is reduced, regardless of gains in the efficiency of larger aircraft. 

Unlike the other transportation modes, highway vehicles have a relatively short life. The average age of the existing passenger car fleet is 9 years, and the average age of trucks (light and heavy) is 8 years, reflecting, in part, the shift toward light trucks for personal transportation over the past decade. In addition, the car stock turns over at a rate of about 6 percent per year. Heavy truck stocks turn over at a much slower rate, approximately 4 percent per year. Those slow stock replacement rates, coupled with consumer attitudes toward fuel economy improvement relative to other, more highly desired vehicle attributes, make it difficult to realize short-term increases in fuel economy for the vehicle stock as a whole. 

Further limiting increases in vehicle fuel economy is the scarcity of cost-effective alternatives within the vehicle categories preferred by consumers. Whether the consumer rates the desirability of a vehicle purchase by quality, safety, seating capacity, storage capacity, towing capacity, luxury, or performance, once the criteria are established they limit the vehicle types considered. For example, someone shopping for a van or sport utility vehicle is unlikely to view a compact as a viable alternative. 

In addition to efficiency improvements made within a mode, transportation efficiency can be improved by switching to more efficient modes of travel. For example, passenger and freight travel can be served by a variety of travel modes (highway, air, and rail), with mode selection determined by cost of service, access, convenience, mobility afforded, and time budgets. When energy prices increase, consumers seeking reductions in travel costs examine the expected savings associated with alternative mode choices in relation to the values placed on other considerations. For most consumers, alternative mode choices are limited, providing little opportunity for cost reductions. For others, the cost savings that would result from the choice of an alternative mode of travel are likely to be outweighed by the value placed on travel time, convenience, and mobility.


Notes and Sources


Contact: Crawford Honeycutt
Phone: 202-586-1420
E-mail: crawford.honeycutt@eia.doe.gov