Where We Work

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board operates the majority of its staff out of Headquarters in Washington, DC. In addition to the full time staff at headquarters, there are additional staff who serve as Site Representatives at designated Defense Nuclear Facilities. Click here to see a map of the DOE Defense Nuclear Facilities which have full time Site Representatives.

Our Headquarters

Our primary location is at 625 Indiana Ave NW Suite 700 in Washington, DC. We currently provide a public library at this location where any member of the public can peruse DNFSB documents. We issue all information and FOIA requests through this location and is the general point of contact for the agency.

DOE Defense Nuclear Facilities

There are currently 6 operating Defense Nuclear Facilities: Hanford, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Pantex, and Savannah River Site.

Our Site Representative Offices

Click here to meet our Site Representatives and find out more about the work they do.