KFOR Chronicle

The Command Info section at KFOR HQ is responsible for the publication of KFOR's official website and the publication of the monthly magazine 'KFOR Chronicle'.

KFOR Chronicle Archive
1999 2000
2002 2003 2004
2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010
2011 2012  


The 'KFOR Chronicle' is produced as an internal publication to inform KFOR soldiers. Most KFOR soldiers do not have access to KFOR Online, and therefore the newspaper is a very useful source of information for them. Only a limited number of printed copies are made available to the public.

The 'KFOR Chronicle' and the Official Web Site of the Kosovo Force are fully funded by KFOR, and authorized and published by the KFOR forces in the area of responsibility. The contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by the coalition governments' defense departments.

The 'KFOR Chronicle' and KFOR Online welcomes submissions. These can be articles, photos, or ideas for stories.

Public Affairs Office, Internal Information Section, KFOR HQ, Pristina, on a CD or via e-mail to kforchronicle@hq.kfor.nato.int . Please, send high-resolution pictures.

The 'KFOR Chronicle' does not normally return original materials and will assume no liability for materials submitted.