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9/11 Patriot Day Ceremony
Honor guard members from the 8th Fighter Wing at Kunsan Air Base, South Korea, raise then lower the flag to half staff Sept. 10, 2010, during the Sept. 11 Patriot Day Remembrance Ceremony. The ceremony was in honor of the victims from Flights 11, 175, 77, 93; the Pentagon; the World Trade Center North and South tower employees; and emergency service workers who were killed in the events in America Sept. 11, 2001. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Ciara Wymbs)
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Members of Kunsan Air Base remember Sept. 11 events

Posted 9/11/2010   Updated 9/10/2010 Email story   Print story


by Staff Sgt. Amanda Savannah
8th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

9/11/2010 - KUNSAN AIR BASE, South Korea (AFNS) -- A quiet and somber crowd gathered here early Sept. 10 to remember the events in America Sept. 11, 2001, and pay tribute to those who lost their lives that day.

Airmen representing firefighters, law enforcement and emergency medical services, among official guests and others, attended the 8th Fighter Wing's Sept. 11 Patriot Day Remembrance Ceremony.

Tech. Sgt. Matthew Reichle, 8th Civil Engineer Squadron firefighter; Staff Sgt. Charles Nelson, 8th Security Forces Squadron defender; and Tech. Sgt. Joseph Couser, 8th Medical Operations Squadron medic, each recited their respective first responders' prayers to begin the ceremony.

The narrator, Master Sgt. Claudia Mainer, also an 8th MDOS member, recalled the events of the day that are forever etched in American history.

"On Tuesday morning, Sept. 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the United States in a series of despicable acts of war," Sergeant Mainer said. "They hijacked four passenger jets, crashed two of them into the World Trade Center towers and a third into the Pentagon, causing great loss of life and tremendous damage. The fourth plane crashed in rural Pennsylvania countryside, killing all on board. The plane fell well short of its intended target because of the heroic efforts of the passengers on board. This carnage, which caused the collapse of both World Trade Center towers and the destruction of part of the Pentagon, killed more than 3,000 innocent people. As we gather this morning, let us remember all those who lost their lives that day. Let us also remember their loved ones who lost a mother, father, brother, sister, husband, wife, son or daughter."

Col. John Dolan, 8th FW commander, and Col. Choi Jae-Hun, commander of the South Korean air force's 38th Fighter Group, then presented a wreath in memory of the lives lost nine years ago and observed a moment of silence before Colonel Dolan addressed the group.

"We all remember where we were on Sept. 11, 2001," Colonel Dolan said. "I personally was a major, on a staff job at Langley Air Force Base, Va., when someone stopped the meeting I was in and turned on the television. It was just after the second airliner hit the World Trade Center tower. We were all in shock and in denial, and I remember later that night I told my then 10-year-old son that he needed to remember this day because it would change as we know it.

"We all have similar stories; we all know where we were that day," he continued.  "It was a day that changed our world and how we think. As we did with the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, we do not celebrate this day, but instead we take a moment out of our busy day to remember those who died that day, those who have died in battle over the last nine years, and to honor those who have sacrificed months and years of separation from families and loved ones in response to our nation's call.

"Most of us here have been deployed to Southwest Asia, many of us multiple times and on multiple deployments, including over 20,000 Republic of Korea forces over the last seven years, one of the largest forces of allies that has served side-by-side with the United States. Once again, the ROK has proven their alliance with the U.S., not only within the local community, but also in arms and in service. Please take some time this weekend to either call or write home to your family and loved ones and thank them for allowing you to serve our country. It is an honor to serve with you and alongside our Korean friends."

As the ceremony came to a close, the 8th FW honor guard fired a rifle volley and a four-ship F-16 Fighting Falcon formation flew over the crowd, leaving them with the sounds of freedom and Taps ringing in their ears.

9/13/2010 11:31:24 AM ET
We all remember the patriotism and flag flying after 9/11. There seems to be alot less of it now. We can NEVER forget the events of 9/11 and that we are at war with terrorists who want to destroy our way of life. Each and every military installation should take note of what was done at Kunsan AB and do the same It's the least we can do...
AL D., WIchita Falls TX
9/11/2010 11:22:09 PM ET
I remember my days at Kunsan.... Bless those who took part in honoring those who lost there lives on 911. I will never forget those. Thanks to all my former and present AF family members. AIM HIGH AIR FORCE....
John Volpe, E. Tenn
9/11/2010 9:48:03 AM ET
Beautiful ceremony Wolf Pack Thanks for taking the time to remember 911 even though you have your own challenges a half a world away.
TacAirlifter, Colorado
9/10/2010 10:04:58 PM ET
God Bless and keep all of our servicemen safe in Kunsan and around the world. I pray everyday for all of you.
Nick Diorio, Tampa Fl
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