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News > Fairchild Airmen rescue SERE student
Tech. Sgt. Joseph Brownell, an independent duty medical technician, monitors Survival Evasion Resistance Escape student 1st Lt. Andrew Metzger Aug. 10, 2011 following Metzgerā€™s reaction to a bee sting while he was in training. A four-man crew helped to rescue Metzger by airlifting him from the Colville National Forest, Wash., to Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Wash. (Courtesy photo)
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Fairchild Airmen rescue SERE student

Posted 8/12/2011 Email story   Print story


by Scott King
92nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

8/12/2011 - FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, Wash. (AFNS) -- A student attending the Survival Evasion Resistance Escape training course in the Colville National Forest, Wash., was rescued Aug. 10 after he went into anaphylactic shock following a bee sting.

The student, 1st Lt. Andrew Metzger, was practicing evasion techniques when he was stung.

Three Airmen responded to the call in a UH-1N Iroquois helicopter while one independent duty medical technician on the ground provided medical attention to Metzger.

The IDMT on the ground, Tech. Sgt. Joseph Brownell, was providing medical support for the students attending the SERE course and did not have enough medication to transport Metzger via-ground transportation because of the rough terrain, so he called for air support.

"We had to clear some small trees and move him to a suitable extraction zone," Brownell said. "We then placed ground-to-air signals and even with that we were hard to see from the ground - to say the least, this made the rescue even more challenging. Due to the denseness of the vegetation, I had to then talk the crew to our exact location."

Once the helicopter arrived overhead, the flight engineer, Tech. Sgt. Steven Perez, lowered a Stokes litter 210 feet down to retrieve Metzger. Following that, Brownell was hoisted into the aircraft and they flew to Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Wash., where he was stabilized and is now doing fine.

"I am extremely grateful for my fellow students and rescue crew who helped me through this," Metzger said. "Without the fast speed at which I was evacuated, I don't know how I'd be right now - it's pretty safe to say they saved my life."

The other two Airmen who were aboard the helicopter were: pilot, Capt. Stephen Jones and co-pilot, Capt. Lauren Robillard.
Brownell has been involved in more than a dozen rescues of disabled, injured and lost people in Washington and Idaho over his years stationed at Fairchild.

1/26/2012 11:41:53 PM ET
Same: Stay in your lane. Comparing someone wearing a multicam uniform or for that matter doing anything you aren't personally familiar with to the Nazis is WAY out of line. Them standing out at SERE is a GOOD thing and is an ideal way to separate the cadre from the students for just such instances as these where safety is a priority.
Steve, Lackland AFB
8/31/2011 6:59:41 PM ET
One of the ways they've justified MC's and other clothing like it is to say that it's not a uniform, it's PPE. Not sure if that's the case. Either way who really cares?
Logan, OH
8/18/2011 8:19:46 AM ET
Outstanding. Proud to hear Fairchild Helicopter Crews and Ground Teams are still upholding the greatest motto ever: THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE. Go Rescue. 40 ARRS Det 24 UH-1N FE 1984-1986. AF Retired
Mike Rodericks, Oklahoma City
8/17/2011 1:50:54 PM ET
Same Here- Don't forget each command can have a supplement to 2903. But I believe chapter 9.1 addresses what a commander can do for the deviation of the instruction.
8/17/2011 9:55:20 AM ET
LTS, feel free to submit the necessary chanegs for the AFI to read that uniform variations are authorized based on the environment and mission at hand. Otherwise, your point is moot as the AFI only references specific Air Force uniforms. Not multi-cams. I'm also pretty sure the AFI regards the ABU as a multi environment utility uniform. Yes sir, just checked. No reference of multicams in the AFI. Until the AFI changes, every Air Force member has the right to voice his or her opinion on wearing an inferior product and Air Force leaders allowing illegal variations.
Same, Here
8/17/2011 7:14:14 AM ET
Same here, the multi-cam pattern or its moronic name OCP has been around since at least '04. SF and SOF forces have been wearing it on and off throughout since they can wear whatever they want or whatever the mission dictates, but lately it seems that since Big Green and Big Blue have been seeing more and more of it and wanting it servicewide so noooow the regs start to come out and the uniform debate comes up. The AF started to get in on it because all the CCtPj/SOWT guys attached to SF units would look ridiculous and stand out wearing the puke green ABU in a fire team of a different camouflage and so other airmen wanted to get in on it.
SrA Brcka, GFAFB
8/17/2011 12:58:54 AM ET
Great job To all who carried out this rescue. Thankful that 1st Lt Metzger is OK.
Retired TSgt, E TN
8/16/2011 5:44:11 PM ET
Someone needs to calm down.
Jake, McChord
8/16/2011 3:17:36 PM ET
The multicams are an approved DIRECTED and approved uniform for SERE instructors and SERE medics. Do your homework before compairing your own to Nazi's. We have a different training mission and ops than the rest of the Air Force and this uniform suits best what we do up here.
holly, Fairchild afb sere medic
8/16/2011 2:54:03 PM ET
First, great job to all those involved in stabilizing, transporting, and treating the Lt. Second, I don't quite get why people get all bent out of shape on who is wearing what uniform. You know what's important? What you are supposed to wear for your job. You know what's not important? What other people are supposed to wear for their job. Yes, the ABUs aren't great and I wish I could wear something else at work, but guess what? I can't. Seriously, this is like a "but mom" argument. "But mom, Joey is wearing multicams. Why can't I?"
8/16/2011 1:10:45 PM ET
Same SERE cadre - including the IDMTs who do a great job - are authorized to wear multicams. Guess what? There are various jobs in the Air Force and some people are authorized to wear different uniforms. Get over it. It's that same mindset that is causing this whole uniform debacle. There is no one uniform that can be equally worn in every setting and environment. I'm not even going to address your Nazi reference because that is buffoonery to the highest degree. But good job to the SERE staff for making sure another student got the medical attention he needed and hopefully Lt. Metzger will be training complete soon.
LTS, Oklahoma
8/16/2011 4:36:38 AM ET
Go Pep
Capt Jen Whetstone, Naval Postgraduate School
8/13/2011 8:55:42 AM ET
Multi-cams: Aren't those supposed to be worn outside the wire in the AOR only? Not to detract from the great job TSgt. Brownell did but it seems as though the Air Force enjoys creating a "them and us" atmosphere. The Nazi's did the same thing. How far is this uniform debacle going to go?
Same, Here
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