Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan

On Enactment of Connecticut’s Education Reform Measure S.B. 458

p, (202) 401-1576,

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today issued the following statement on enactment of Connecticut’s education reform measure, S.B. 458.

“I commend Connecticut for coming together to enact meaningful education reforms that will benefit students. I know the negotiations on S.B. 458 were difficult, but Governor Malloy and the Legislature, business, unions, educators, and advocates were committed to begin fixing what is broken in public schools. The final bill includes important reforms in early reading, school turnarounds, school choice, and school staffing and delivers more resources targeted to those districts and schools with the greatest need. Now that Governor Malloy has enacted the law, Connecticut can begin the hard work of putting these important reforms to work in the classroom.”