FOIA Reading Room (FHFB)

View FHFB's FOIA Reading Room Certification as of June 2008.

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Please go to FHFA ELECTRONIC READING ROOM if you would like to see current information pertaining to FHFA.


+ Advisory Bulletins
+ Advisory Bulletins (Rescinded)
+ Approval Letters
+ Chairperson Orders
+ Federal Register Notices
+ FHFA Documents
+ General Counsel Opinions
+ Managing Director Orders
+ No-Action Letters
+ Regulatory Interpretations
+ Resolutions
- Supervisory Actions
Supervisory Actions, which were first issued in 2004, are formal enforcement actions brought by the Finance Board against a Federal Home Loan Bank for an unsafe and unsound practice; conduct that violates a law, order, rule, or regulation; or a violation of a condition imposed in writing in connection with the granting of any application or other request by a Bank or any written agreement entered into by a Bank. Supervisory actions include written agreements between the Finance Board and the Federal Home Loan Banks as well as final cease and desist orders, removal orders, or orders to pay civil money penalties. Supervisory Actions are numbered in sequence with the prefix “SUP”, e.g., 2004-SUP-##.
- 2008
July 23 2008-SUP-01: Stipulation and Consent to the Amendment to a Consent Order to Cease and Desist
July 23 2008-SUP-01: Amendment to Consent Order to Cease and Desist
+ 2007
+ 2006
+ 2005
+ 2004
+ Waivers
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