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Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (BOEMRE)
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Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Bureau FOIA Officer

MS 2200
381 Elden Street
Herndon, VA 20170-4817
Fax - 703-787-1207

Make Electronic Payments


Fee for Services

How to Request FOIA Information from BOEMRE and FOIA Contacts


Request Mailbox: BOEMRE FOIA


FOIA Requester Service Center  (703) 787-1327


FOIA Public Liaison  (703) 787-1689


BOEMRE Guide for FOIA information




DOI Guide to Requesting Information Under FOIA

What's New

Deepwater Horizon Library and Reading Room (June 9, 2010)

DOI Search and Review Fees Effective August 1, 2010

Attorney General's Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies Concerning the Freedom of Information Act (March 19, 2009)

Guidance Communication sent to Agency Chief FOIA Officers, Agency Principal FOIA Contacts, and DOJ FOIA Officers Concerning the Implementation of President Obama's Memorandum on the Freedom of Information Act
(January 23, 2009)

President Obama's Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies Concerning the Freedom of Information Act
(January 21, 2009)

BOEMRE, in accordance with 43 CFR 2.26 and DOI guidance, uses the following multi-track processing of FOIA requests:

Blue Bullet FOIA requests will be placed in one of three tracks based on the amount of time needed to process the request:

  • Simple: 1-5 workdays
  • Normal: 20 workdays
  • Complex: Over 20 workdays

Please Note: The time limits for all of the tracks above begin to run when a request, complying with the procedures in 43 CFR 2.8 and 2.10, is received by the FOIA contact at the Bureau office that has the requested records.

Additional FOIA Sites/Reading Rooms
bullet BOEMRE Library and Reading Room
bullet Frequently requested FOIA documents
bullet BOEMRE Gulf of Mexico OCS Region
bullet BOEMRE Alaska OCS Region
bullet BOEMRE Pacific OCS Region

Other Resources

bullet The Freedom of Information Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552)
bullet Electronic Library of Interior Policies (ELIPS)
bullet DOI FOIA Website
bullet DOI FOIA Annual Report
bullet FOIA Policy and Guidance
bullet DOJ FOIA Website
bullet Open Government Act of 2007
bullet FOIA Executive Order (E.O. 13392) –Improving Agency Disclosure of Information

bullet Directory of Key BOEMRE Officials
bullet BOEMRE Organization Chart

BOEMRE Holds First Post-Macondo Unannounced Spill Drill to Test Sub-sea Containment Response


Secretary Salazar Names Michael R. Bromwich and Tommy P. Beaudreau to Lead New DOI Bureaus

Deepwater Horizon Joint Investigation Team Releases Final Report


Salazar, Bromwich Announce Proposed Rule to Further Strengthen Workplace Safety in Offshore Oil and Gas Operations

BOEMRE Director Delivers Final Speech Before Agency Reorganization

BOEMRE Director Bromwich Names Key Career Leadership for New Agencies

BOEMRE Continues Focus on Improved Efficiency of Plan and Permit Review Process