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Earth sciences
Broad term for all science related to the study of the earth.
Atmospheric sciences (43 items)
Geochemistry (160 items)
Geography (157 items)
Geology (450 items)
Geophysics (115 items)
Glaciology (8 items)
Hydrology (402 items)
Limnology (19 items)
Ocean sciences (51 items)
Paleontology (21 items)
Soil sciences (5 items)
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Results 1 - 1236 of 1236 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Earth science photographic archive [More info]
Photographic archive collection from the USGS Photo Library. Photos dated 1868-1992 are of geology, earthquake damage, national parks, pioneer photographers, St. Helens eruption and mining and available at 100, 700 and 1400 dots/inch resolution.
A Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake in the Tacoma Fault Zone-A Plausible Scenario for the Southern Puget Sound Region, Washington [More info]
Scientific description of the likely effects of a significant earthquake on this densely populated area.
PDF Carbonatite and alkaline intrusion-related rare earth element deposits--A deposit model [More info]
Describes where and how mineral deposits of this type are found, including chemical and mineralogical characteristics, as well as unsolved scientific questions surrounding their origin.
Central California /San Francisco Bay Earthquake Hazards Project [More info]
Information on earthquakes in central California and the San Francisco region with links to four types of field studies, deep seismic investigations, geotechnical investigations, shallow seismic imaging, and airborne geophysical surveys.
Development of a global slope dataset for estimation of landslide occurrence resulting from earthquakes [More info]
Technical description of methods used to generate global slope data from SRTM topography data
Earth Resources Observation & Science (EROS) [More info]
Access to products archived at the EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD, including aerial photography, remote sensing data, satellite imagery, maps, and elevation data with product search retrieval and ordering information.
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center Popular Web Sites [More info]
List of links leading to remote-sensing, satellite imaging, and general mapping produced by this USGS science center.
Earth Surface Processes [More info]
Homepage for Earth Surface Processes Team with research studies in two general categories: climate change and geologic mapping. Links to research activities, available data sets, workshop, and programs.
PDF Earth as art three [More info]
Images from the Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 satellites chosen for their aesthetic appeal, with color manipulated to enhance color variation or details.
Earth tides and volcano monitoring [More info]
Article in the May 28, 1998 issue of Volcano Watch describing of correlation of earth tides to volcanic eruptions and value in monitoring underground magma movement with deformation measurement instruments including tiltmeters and strainmeters.
EarthExplorer [More info]
Query and order satellite images, aerial photographs, and cartographic products through the U.S. Geological Survey. Log in as a guest or as a registered user with more privileges. Uses Java Script or Applet Versions for PC, MacIntosh, and Unix programs.
Earthquake "Top 10" Lists & Maps [More info]
Lists of largest earthquakes in the world and in the United States, earthquake facts and statistics, deaths from earthquakes, earthquakes by magnitude, and significant earthquakes.
Earthquake Geology and Paleoseismology [More info]
Geological effects of earthquakes on the crust and landscape, with studies of prehistoric earthquake activity using geological evidence.
Earthquake Hazards 101 [More info]
Provides links to explanatory materials for the layperson, including information on concepts behind earthquake maps, the use of probability, what the maps mean, how they are made, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Earthquake Hazards Program [More info]
Information on earthquake activity, earthquake science, and earthquake hazard reduction with links to news reports, products and services, educational resources for teachers, glossary, and current U.S. earthquake activity map.
Earthquake Hazards Program - Central and Eastern U.S. [More info]
Information on earthquakes in central and eastern United States with links to earthquake monitoring, published products, recent earthquake information, discussion group, and current projects.
Earthquake Hazards Program external research support [More info]
Abstracts, program announcements and descriptions of projects funded by the external research program.
Earthquake Products & Publications [More info]
Long list of online fact sheets, publications, and maps relevant to earthquake studies.
Earthquake and fault data for Google Earth [More info]
Downloadable data for earthquakes and faults for use with the Google Earth software
Earthquake glossary [More info]
Dictionary of terms associated with earthquakes with simple definitions and photographs especially suited for students.
PDF Earthquake hazard in the New Madrid seismic zone remains a concern [More info]
GPS measurements made since 1996 seem to show this earthquake-prone area slowing down. Is it time to relax? Scientists who studied these data in detail say no, and this fact sheet explains why.
Earthquake hazard maps [More info]
National seismic hazards maps, global seismic hazards map, predictive intensity maps, shaking hazards maps and probabilities for California, and a variety of fact sheets on earthquakes.
Earthquake hazards software for download [More info]
Numerous downloadable software packages for carrying out analyses, modeling, and ancillary calculations in earthquake research and monitoring.
Earthquake information by topic [More info]
Information on earthquakes by topic including faults, tsunami, seismic waves, and plate tectonics.
Earthquake notification services [More info]
Sign up for USGS real-time earthquake notification services.
Earthquake preparedness information [More info]
Links to web sites, publications, and fact sheets on earthquake preparedness.
Earthquake science explained--a series of ten short articles for students, teachers, and families [More info]
Collects a series of short articles on earthquake science and related topics for students, teachers, and parents originally published as weekly features in The San Francisco Chronicle.
Earthquake search [More info]
Search interface allowing searches of earthquake databases by various parameters including date, depth, intensity, area, and magnitude and download data in a variety of formats.
Earthquake: Did you feel it? Report it here. [More info]
Place to provide information about ground shaking associated with significant earthquakes. A questionnaire to let us know what you felt following an earthquake in the United States or in other countries.
Earthquakes [More info]
Online booklet on earthquake history, earthquake occurrences, measuring earthquakes, causes, relationship of volcanoes and earthquakes and earthquake prediction.
Earthquakes for kids [More info]
Links to various earthquake projects, facts, science fair ideas, earthquake science, becoming an earthquake scientist, image glossary, earthquake facts, and puzzles and games for children.
PDF Earthquakes in Hawaii -- an underappreciated but serious hazard [More info]
Shows where earthquakes occur here, the type of damage that has occurred, and the information that USGS provides to help people anticipate and understand this hazard.
Earthquakes in the central United States, 1699-2010 [More info]
Poster includes GIS data for earthquake locations in this seismically active area.
PDF Earthquakes pose a serious hazard in Afghanistan [More info]
Structural features in eastern Afghanistan accompany seismicity data showing this area is subject to considerable risk of earthquakes.
Earthquakes: Frequently Asked Questions [More info]
Answers to a wide variety of questions (FAQs) about earthquakes, such as dictionary of terms, earthquake activity and probabilities, common myths, faults, plate tectonics, and earthquake measurement techniques.
Earthshots, satellite images of environmental change [More info]
Satellite images of geographic areas of interest, cities, deserts, glaciers, geologic features, disaster areas, water bodies, and wildlife linked with articles, maps, and other images such as AVHRR, photographs, and special project images.
Eastern Earth Surface Processes Team [More info]
The Eastern Earth Surface Processes Team provides geologic mapping regional geologic studies to determine stratigraphy and geologic structure, topical studies to understand geologic and surficial processes, and syntheses of earth science data.
PDF Field reconnaissance report of landslides triggered by the January 12, 2010, Haiti earthquake [More info]
Preliminary aerial helicopter reconnaissance of areas affected by landslides and ground inspections at some accessible landslide sites.
PDF Forecasting California's earthquakes - What can we expect in the next 30 years? [More info]
Shows how we know severe earthquakes will occur and where.
General Earthquake Observation System (GEOS) [More info]
Earthquake and aftershock data collected by the USGS General Earthquake Observation System project in Menlo Park, California.
Geochronology (Western Earth Surface Processes Team) [More info]
Description of the methods of geochronology, the science of dating, used by USGS scientists in geological research.
Glacier effects of the M7.9 Denali fault earthquake of November 3, 2002 [More info]
Description and photos documenting offsets and 260 km rupture in the Denali glacier in central Alaska after the November 3, 2002 earthquake, the 9th largest earthquake in the United States in the last 200 years.
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) earthquakes: HVO seismic network [More info]
Description of the seismic monitoring of the active Hawaiian volcanoes with information on the network, instrumentation, and recording stations with links to related information.
PDF Helping safeguard Veterans Affairs' hospital buildings by advanced earthquake monitoring [More info]
We put seismic monitoring instruments into 20 VA hospital buildings, connected with computers that analyze their data to determine rapidly the structural health of the buildings in the event of earthquakes.
Historical earthquakes: lists and statistics [More info]
Lists and maps of historic earthquakes by geographic area, magnitude, destructiveness, and other characteristics.
Interior of the Earth [More info]
General Interest Publication on the structure of the planet Earth including the crust, the mantle, and the core with drawings to scale on the cover and a table listing the thickness of the parts.
International Program at the Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center - environmental monitoring and information systems [More info]
Overview of the environmental monitoring component of the international program at the EROS Data Center using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, with links to data, partners, publications, and workshops.
Latest earthquakes in the USA - Past 7 days [More info]
Real-time earthquake maps of the conterminous U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico displaying magnitude and location of earthquake activity in the past hour, past day, and past week.
Maps of recent earthquake activity in California-Nevada [More info]
Near-real-time maps of location, ground motion, and shaking intensity of earthquakes in California and Nevada for the past hour, past day, and past week and links to other earthquake information.
Mauna Loa, Earth's largest volcano [More info]
Current activity, hazards, and history of eruptions of Mauna Loa.
PDF Monitoring the Earth's dynamic magnetic field [More info]
Describes the reasons why USGS monitors Earth's magnetic field and the history of that monitoring effort.
National Earthquake Information Center [More info]
Information on world earthquake activity with links to facts and lists on large earthquakes, earthquake e-mail notification, hazards and preparedness, educational links, news and highlights and other seismic information.
Natural Hazards - Earthquakes [More info]
News and related information focusing on the importance of earthquake hazards in the United States.
PDF PAGER--Rapid assessment of an earthquake's impact [More info]
An automated system for rapidly estimating the shaking distribution, number of people and settlements exposed to severe shaking, and range of possible fatalities and economic losses. A color-coded alert suggests levels of appropriate response.
PDF Precambrian Time - The Story of the Early Earth [More info]
Explains what we know about the early history of the earth and how we study the deposits formed during that time to understand the formation of the earth and life.
Radon in earth, air, and water [More info]
Links to USGS publications, bibliographies, and maps on radon in the U.S., plus links to non-USGS sites with information on radon.
PDF Rare earth elements--End use and recyclability [More info]
Rare earth element use is changing with technology. This report explains how we use them and the prospects for recycling these important commodities.
Recent earthquakes in Hawaii [More info]
Interactive maps of earthquakes of last 2 hours, last 2 days, and last 2 weeks in Hawaii.
Severity of an earthquake [More info]
Description of intensity and magnitude as indicators of the size of an earthquake and the levels of severity measured on the Richter Magnitude Scale and the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale.
PDF St. Louis Area Earthquake Hazards Mapping Project [More info]
Overview of USGS research focused on earthquake hazards of this specific area.
The Earth's crust [More info]
Information on the Earth's crust with a contour map of the thickness plus links to a global crustal database, a global crustal model - CRUST 5.1, and regional crustal models.
PDF The Hayward fault - Is it due for a repeat of the powerful 1868 earthquake? [More info]
Preparing for earthquakes along this important fault requires studying the history of its movement and its geology, as well as understanding how society has built the area around it.
The Parkfield Experiment - capturing what happens in an earthquake [More info]
Fact sheet describing plans for a San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) by drilling into the fault to install instruments for long-term monitoring near the location of the magnitude 6 Parkfield earthquakes.
PDF The future of rare earth elements--will these high-tech industry elements continue in short supply? [More info]
Presentation describing uses of rare earth elements, why they are important, where they occur and are produced, and aspects of the economics of production and consumption with emphasis on sites that might be developed for production.
The great 1906 earthquake, 100 years later [More info]
Annotated list of resources about the great earthquake of 1906, which caused significant devastation in and around San Francisco, California, compiled for the 100th anniversary of the disaster.
PDF The principal rare earth elements deposits of the United States-A summary of domestic deposits and a global perspective [More info]
Explains the geologic setting in which these deposits are found, with information about production and the processes used to extract these valuable mineral resources.
PDF The story of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory -- A remarkable first 100 years of tracking eruptions and earthquakes [More info]
History of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO), established in 1912, including an overview of Hawaiian volcanic processes and USGS monitoring techniques.
This dynamic Earth: the story of plate tectonics [More info]
Online booklet giving an introduction to the concept of plate tectonics and complements the information on the map This Dynamic Planet published in 1994 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Smithsonian Institution.
PDF This dynamic planet: World map of volcanoes, earthquakes, impact craters, and plate tectonics [More info]
Online world map with booklet (PDF format) giving an account of plate tectonics, volcanology, earthquake activity, and impact craters.
Topics in coastal and marine sciences: Coastal erosion [More info]
Topics in Coastal and Marine Sciences provides background science materials, definitions, and links to give a common context for users from a variety of backgrounds. Coastal erosion was chosen as the first topic.
PDF Understanding earthquake hazards in urban areas - Evansville Area Earthquake Hazards Mapping Project [More info]
Evansville, Indiana, is near the Wabash Valley and New Madrid seismic zones and has experienced minor damage from earthquakes in the past 200 years. This fact sheet describes three types of USGS earthquake hazard maps for Evansville and surrounding areas.
United States National Strong-Motion Project (earthquakes) [More info]
National Strong-Motion Program home page with links to program news, recent events, and datasets of digitized accelerograms downloadable as PC (*.zip) and Unix (*.tar.z) files, data processing, stations, research, publications, and personnel.
Water science for schools: Earth's water [More info]
Educational site for elementary school students that tells the story of where, how much, and in what forms water exists on Earth.
Water science for schools: Earth's water - runoff [More info]
Site for elementary school students on runoff with links to information on rivers and watersheds, plus random link and glossary.
Water science for schools: Earth's water - surface water [More info]
Educational site for elementary school students with information on surface water (rivers, streams, lakes, floods).
Water science for schools: the Earth's water - ground water [More info]
Educational site for elementary schools students on ground water sources, ground water flow, and aquifers.
Water science for schools: where is Earth's water located? [More info]
Educational site for elementary school students on the distribution of water, water supply and water use.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Black Earth Creek Basin, Wisconsin [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
What on Earth is plate tectonics? [More info]
Discussion and diagrams on plate tectonics and the structure of the Earth for beginners with link to a detailed version: This Dynamic Earth for more information.
PDF 100-Year flood - It's all about chance [More info]
Explains the concept, probabilistic nature, and inherent uncertainties of the 100-year flood to those who are unfamiliar with this concept.
1999 resource assessment of selected Tertiary coal beds and zones in the northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains region. [More info]
Coal resources, stratigraphy, geochemistry, coal quality and geology of Tertiary coal beds and zones in the northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains regions. Text in PDF format and available on CD-ROM.
PDF 2010 updated assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA) [More info]
We estimate mean volumes of 896 million barrels of oil and about 53 trillion cubic feet of nonassociated natural gas in conventional, undiscovered accumulations within this area, a reduction of our 2002 estimate due to new geologic information.
30 cool facts about Mount St. Helens [More info]
Poster commemorating the 30th anniversary of the 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens, a volcano in southwestern Washington state. Facts provided in plain text as well.
PDF A Climate Trend Analysis of Burkina Faso [More info]
Summer rains have remained steady over the past 20 years, but are less than historic highs. Temperature has increased, and while the farmland per person is decreasing, population growth has been offset with improved yields.
PDF A Climate Trend Analysis of Niger [More info]
While summer rains have increased during the past 20 years, temperatures have increased as well, amplifying the effects of droughts. Crop yields are low but the population is growing, pointing to rising food insecurity.
A Method for Qualitative Mapping of Thick Oil Spills Using Imaging Spectroscopy [More info]
A method to create qualitative images of thick oil in oil spills on water using near-infrared imaging spectroscopy data. It relies on the organic absorption features of chemical bonds in aliphatic hydrocarbons. The data cannot give oil volume estimates.
PDF A New Method for Mapping Population Distribution [More info]
With the addition of elevation and land use and land cover data, we can show population density on a map much more effectively than if we simply color census areas. The resulting maps should allow better planning, especially in highly developed areas.
A Whole-System Approach to Understanding Agricultural Chemicals in the Environment [More info]
Explains the effects of the interaction of hydrologic and biological processes on agricultural chemicals in various environments.
PDF A climate trend analysis of Chad [More info]
Long-term reduction in rainfall and increasing temperature threaten Chad's future food production prospects; combined with rapid population growth and zones of substantial conflict, increasing numbers of people will be at risk.
PDF A climate trend analysis of Ethiopia [More info]
Recent trends in March-June, June-September, and March-September rainfall and temperature, identifying significant reductions in rainfall and increases in temperature over time in this area.
PDF A climate trend analysis of Mali [More info]
Summer rains have remained steady for the past 20 years, but are below the long-term average. Current population and agricultural trends indicate increasing yields have offset population expansion, keeping per capita cereal production steady.
PDF A climate trend analysis of Sudan [More info]
The data shown here depict drying trends in one of the world's most food insecure regions. Decreasing rainfall since 1980 accompanied increases in air temperature greater than global warming.
PDF A climate trend analysis of Uganda [More info]
Long-term reduction in rainfall and increasing temperature threaten Uganda's future food production prospects; combined with rapid population growth these factors could increase the number of people who are at risk during the next 20 years.
PDF A dryland river transformed--the Little Colorado, 1936-2010 [More info]
We mapped substantial migration of the river channel between the City of Winslow and the Navajo Nation community of Leupp; in a human lifetime the river has moved more than a mile across its valley floor.
PDF A new tool to assess groundwater resources in the Mississippi embayment [More info]
Mathematical model of the groundwater system in this area includes 13 types of data and spans multiple aquifers over more than a century. This enables us to assess the quantity of groundwater, where and how it is being used, and how pumping affects it.
A promising tool for subsurface permafrost mapping-An application of airborne geophysics from the Yukon River Basin, Alaska [More info]
Airborne electromagnetic surveying is used to estimate the character of the permafrost by measuring and monitoring the electrical resistivity, which is affected by lithology, temperature, water, and ice.
A rapid method for creating qualitative images indicative of thick oil emulsion on the ocean's surface from imaging spectrometer data [More info]
Technical details explaining how remotely sensed visible and infrared data can help recognize the extent of oil spills.
PDF A science strategy to support management decisions related to hypoxia in the northern Gulf Of Mexico and excess nutrients in the Mississippi River Basin [More info]
The report describes a strategy for monitoring, modeling, and research activities to support management decisions to improve water-quality conditions in the Mississippi River Basin, reduce hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and improve conditions for
PDF A volcano rekindled; the renewed eruption of Mount St. Helens, 2004-2006 [More info]
PDF A westward extension of the tropical Pacific warm pool leads to March through June drying in Kenya and Ethiopia [More info]
Analysis of sea-surface temperature in the Indian Ocean shows that warming correlates with east African rainfall; the effect on atmospheric convection and precipitation over the Indian Ocean is greater than that associated with El Niño (ENSO).
ANALOG: a program for estimating paleoclimate parameters using the method of modern analogs [More info]
Scientific software used with faunal or floral census data to find the modern locations most similar to any given fossil assemblage. Source code is included.
ANSS - Advanced National Seismic System [More info]
Nationa network of seismic monitoring stations coordinated with a variety of regional organizations and academic institutions.
Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) [More info]
Homepage of the Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) initiative programs supporting actions to remedy contaminations associated with hard rock mining. Includes data from the Upper Animas River and Boulder River, bibliography of reports, and pictures.
Access USGS - San Francisco Bay and Delta [More info]
Main page for accessing links for information and data on the San Francisco Bay estuary and its watershed with links to highlights, water, biology, wetlands, hazards, digital maps, geologic mapping, winds, bathymetry and overview of the Bay.
PDF Acid Rain in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia [More info]
Explains acidity and acid rain and how it affects aquatic organisms. Describes the effect of acid rain on this national park, identifying areas that are at greater or lesser risk from acid rain.
PDF Acid rain effects on Adirondack streams - results from the 2003-05 western Adirondack stream survey (the WASS Project) [More info]
Acidified soils caused toxic aluminum in 66 percent of 565 assessed streams. Diatoms and aquatic macroinvertebrates were moderately to severely affected. These effects have not improved in areas surveyed in the early 1980s
Acute toxicity database [More info]
The following database summarizes the results from aquatic acute toxicity tests conducted by the USGS CERC located in Columbia, Missouri.
Additional oil and natural gas research [More info]
Brief descriptions, contacts, and links to other information and products for research programs of the USGS Central Energy Team on gas hydrates, petroleum expulsion, unconventional natural gas, petroleum systems, and reserve growth.
Advanced National Seismic System (seismic network) [More info]
A program of studies with instruments to provide accurate and timely data and information on seismic events, including their effects on buildings and structures, employing modern monitoring methods and technologies.
Advanced National Seismic System: Products and services [More info]
Maps, data, and services provided to help people understand earthquakes that have occurred.
PDF Advanced Remote Sensing Research [More info]
New and experimental methods of analyzing geospatial imagery, including detailed spectral analysis of land surface materials, historical image analysis, and long wave infrared image analysis.
PDF Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Overview [More info]
General characteristics and spatial resolution of imagery products available from this type of sensor.
Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) [More info]
Coverage, characteristics, and availability of AVHRR data from a broad-band scanner sensing in the visible, near-infrared, and thermal infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sensor characteristics [More info]
Description of datasets of AVHRR data available from the EROS Data Center in Sioux Falls, SD in three formats: High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT), Local Area Coverage (LAC), and Global Area Coverage (GAC).
Agricultural chemicals [More info]
Overview of the Toxic Substances Hydrology Program role in investigating the occurrence and fate of agricultural chemicals with links to investigations, headlines, on-line fact sheets, new publications, bibliographies and photo gallery.
PDF Airborne Volcanic Ash - A Global Threat to Aviation [More info]
Explains the problem, describes procedures used to cope with it, ways of monitoring and detecting hazardous conditions, and warning systems currently available to help mitigate the dangers.
Aircraft scanners [More info]
Technical information on the Aircraft Scanners data set at the USGS EROS Data Center containing digital imagery acquired from several multispectral scanners collected over conterminous United States, Alaska, and NASA aircraft.
PDF Alabama Water Use, 2005 [More info]
Detailed information about how water is used in Alabama by type of use and geographic area.
Alaska Geospatial Data Clearinghouse [More info]
Clearinghouse for the description and availability of multiple geospatial datasets relating to Alaska from many federal, state and local cooperating agencies under the coordination of the Alaska Geographic Data Committee.
Alaska Resource Data Files [More info]
Downloadable descriptions of mines, prospects, and mineral occurrences for individual U.S. Geological Survey 1:250,000-scale quadrangles in Alaska.
Alaska Volcano Observatory [More info]
Homepage for Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) with offices in Anchorage and Fairbanks monitors and studies Alaska's hazardous volcanoes. Links to featured news, updates, publications and products, and a volcano atlas for Alaska.
Alaska mineral resources [More info]
Reports, data, and current research on mineral resources in Alaska
Alaska petroleum resources [More info]
Information on Alaskan energy resources in oil, petroleum, and natural gas with links to publications and other research.
Albuquerque Seismological Lab [More info]
The USGS Seismological Laboratory in Albuquerque installs and maintains a world network of seismograph stations, collects the seismic data, and evaluates seismic instruments. Site includes links to ASL publications, earthquake maps and seismic data.
Amargosa Desert research site [More info]
Online reports, site description and photographs of the Amargosa Desert research site monitoring low level radioactive waste.
America's volcanic past - volcanic highlights and features [More info]
Links to volcanism, volcanic history, volcanic rocks, and general geology by state, by region, national parks and national monuments and a brief introduction to volcanism around the U.S. entitled: Windows into the past.
An Overview of Historical Channel Adjustment and Selected Hydraulic Values in the Lower Sabine and Lower Brazos River Basins, Texas and Louisiana [More info]
How has the channel shape and path changed in response to reservoirs and other human disturbances affecting the streamflow?
PDF An Overview of the GIS Weasel [More info]
Software system designed to aid users in preparing spatial information as input to lumped and distributed parameter environmental simulation models.
PDF An estimate of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of the world, 2012 [More info]
Using a geology-based assessment methodology, we estimated means of 565 billion barrels of conventional oil and 5,606 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered conventional natural gas in 171 priority geologic provinces of the world, exclusive of the U.S.
An evaluation of the science needs to inform decisions on Outer Continental Shelf energy development in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, Alaska [More info]
We need refined regional understanding of climate change, effective oil-spill risk assessment, preparedness, and response, an analysis of cumulative effects (natural and human), better geospatial data for the area, in an integrated approach.
An image map of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata [More info]
Graphical representation of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata Version 2 - 1998 (FGDC-STD-001 June 1998) to permit easier location of relevant information while writing metadata.
An interpretation of the 1977 Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) survey, Fort Huachuca vicinity, Cochise County, Arizona [More info]
Complex report on the interpretation of aeromagnetic data to study hydrogeology of the San Pedro basin, Cochise County, Arizona determining geologic structure, basin fill and depth to water. Online version of a CD-ROM publication.
An overview of coastal land loss with emphasis on the southeastern United States [More info]
Comprehensive background information on coastal land loss, discussing the influence of waves and storms, the intrinsic characteristics of the shoreline materials, and the role of human activities.
PDF Analyzing land use change in urban environments [More info]
Describes the USGS Urban Dynamics Research Program that studies landscape changes resulting from the growth of metropolitan regions over time.
Annual hydrologic data report of Pennsylvania [More info]
Online annual reports (since 1999) documenting hydrologic data for Pennsylvania gathered from USGS surface water and ground water data-collection networks and information on ordering paper copies of previous years.
PDF Application of the SPARROW watershed model to describe nutrient sources and transport in the Missouri River Basin [More info]
Maps and diagrams showing how the mathematical model predicts the distribution of various pollutants within a large watershed.
Aquifer basics [More info]
Links to general information on water supply by aquifers based on rock types and to principal national aquifers by name.
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1002 Area, petroleum assessment, 1998, including economic analysis [More info]
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) 1002 area's petroleum resource assessment. Text available in PDF and HTML formats.
Asbestos: geology, mineralogy, mining, and uses [More info]
Report on asbestos, six types of mineral fibers belonging to two mineral groups, serpentines and amphiboles,with fiber morphology, crystal structure, analytical methods, properties, mining, milling, uses, and safety factors.(PDF file,28 pp.,4.5 MB)
Ask-A-Geologist [More info]
Site to submit a question to Ask-A-Geologist where scientists research the answers to the questions, then reply directly by email.
Assessing Groundwater Availability in the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming [More info]
Explains concepts and methods used to determine the likely future supply of usable water in this major aquifer.
PDF Assessing groundwater availability in the North Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system [More info]
Nature, history, and distinctive characteristics of this aquifer system help us to understand the likely distribution of available groundwater.
PDF Assessing the Vulnerability of Public-Supply Wells to Contamination: Central Valley Aquifer System near Modesto, California [More info]
Using ground-water geochemical analyses, and mathematical models, the factors affecting the quality of public water supply were identified as pumping schedule, screened interval, past land use within the recharge area, and natural geochemical conditions.
PDF Assessing the Vulnerability of Public-Supply Wells to Contamination: Floridan Aquifer System Near Tampa, Florida [More info]
Using ground-water geochemical analyses and mathematical models, the factors affecting the quality of public water supply were identified as mixing of very recent recharge with older water, karst features, natural geochemical processes, and pumping.
Assessing the Vulnerability of Public-Supply Wells to Contamination: Glacial Aquifer System in Woodbury, Connecticut [More info]
Sources and effects of contamination surrounding a single well in western Connecticut
Assessing the impact of urban sprawl on soil resources in the United States using nighttime "city lights" satellite images and digital soils maps [More info]
Paper from Land Use History of North America giving results of a study to estimate the extent of developed land in the United States and the impact of development on soil resources.
Assessing the impacts of climate variability and change on the Nation's resources [More info]
Site for a USGS project under the U.S. Global Change Research Program for a national assessment of the impacts of climate variability and change on resources with links to impacts in Alaska, western U.S., public lands, and water resources.
Assessing the vulnerability of public-supply wells to contamination--Edwards aquifer near San Antonio, Texas [More info]
Well vulnerability results from the young age of groundwater. Karst features permit contaminants to move into the aquifer easily, leading to a well mixed aquifer; geochemical processes do not degrade contaminants quickly.
PDF Assessment of Gas Hydrate Resources on the North Slope, Alaska, 2008 [More info]
We estimate that there are about 85 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of undiscovered, technically recoverable gas resources within gas hydrates in northern Alaska.
PDF Assessment of In-Place Oil Shale Resources of the Green River Formation, Piceance Basin, Western Colorado [More info]
We estimated a total of 1.525 trillion barrels of oil are in place in seventeen oil shale zones in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
Assessment of In-Place Oil Shale Resources of the Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado [More info]
Using a geology-based assessment methodology, we estimated a total of 1.32 trillion barrels of oil in place in eighteen oil shale zones in this Eocene geologic unit.
PDF Assessment of Moderate- and High-Temperature Geothermal Resources of the United States [More info]
The electric power generation potential from identified geothermal systems is 9,057 Megawattselectric (MWe), distributed over 13 states. Undiscovered resources are estimated to provide an additional 30,033 MWe.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Biogenic Gas Resources, North-Central Montana Province [More info]
We estimated 6,192 billion cubic feet of shallow biogenic (continuous) undiscovered gas in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Hydrocarbon Resources of the Western Oregon and Washington Province [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of 2.2 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of undiscovered natural gas and 15 million barrels of oil (MMBO) in the using a geology-based assessment methodology.
Assessment of Undiscovered Natural Gas Resources of the Arkoma Basin Province and Geologically Related Areas [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of 38 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of undiscovered natural gas, 159 million barrels of natural gas liquid (MMBNGL), and no oil in accumulations of 0.5 million barrels (MMBO) or larger in this area.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Natural Gas Resources of the Sacramento Basin Province of California, 2006 [More info]
We estimated undiscovered, technically recoverable resources are 534 billion cubic feet of natural gas and 323 thousand barrels of natural gas liquids in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Oil Resources in the Devonian-Mississippian Bakken Formation, Williston Basin Province, Montana and North Dakota, 2008 [More info]
We estimated mean undiscovered volumes of 3.65 billion barrels of oil, 1.85 trillion cubic feet of associated dissolved natural gas, and 148 million barrels of natural gas liquids in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in Cretaceous-Tertiary Coal Beds of the Gulf Coast Region, 2007 [More info]
We estimated a mean of 4.06 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered, technically recoverable natural gas in these coal beds of the onshore lands and State waters of the Gulf Coast.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in Tertiary Strata of the Gulf Coast, 2007 [More info]
We estimated mean undiscovered resources of 113.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, a mean of 690 million barrels of oil, and a mean of 3.7 billion barrels of natural gas liquids in onshore lands and state waters in this area.
Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of Four West Africa Geologic Provinces [More info]
Estimates of undiscovered petroleum resources in coastal west Africa, including offshore areas.
Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of Southeast Asia, 2010 [More info]
Using a geology-based assessment methodology, we estimated means of 21.6 billion barrels of oil and 299 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas in 22 provinces of southeast Asia.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Bighorn Basin Province, Wyoming and Montana, 2008 [More info]
We estimated a mean of 989 billion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas, a mean of 72 million barrels of undiscovered oil, and a mean of 13 million barrels of undiscovered natural gas liquids in this area.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the East Greenland Rift Basins Province [More info]
Using a geology-based assessment methodology, we estimated the mean undiscovered conventional petroleum resources to be 31,400 million barrels of oil equivalent, present in oil, gas, and natural gas liquids.
Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Levant Basin Province, Eastern Mediterranean [More info]
We estimated a mean of 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil and a mean of 122 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas in this province using a geology based assessment methodology.
Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Nile Delta Basin Province, Eastern Mediterranean [More info]
We estimated means of 1.8 billion barrels of recoverable oil, 223 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas, and 6 billion barrels of natural gas liquids in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Permian Basin Province of West Texas and Southeast New Mexico, 2007 [More info]
We estimated a mean of 41 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas and a mean of 1.3 billion barrels of undiscovered oil in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Red Sea Basin Province [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of 5 billion barrels of undiscovered technically recoverable oil and 112 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Timan-Pechora Basin Province, Russia, 2008 [More info]
We estimated means of 1.6 billion barrels of undiscovered oil and 9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas north of the Arctic Circle in this area.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the West Greenland-East Canada Province, 2008 [More info]
We estimated a mean of 7.3 billion barrels of oil and a mean of 52 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the West Siberian Basin Province, Russia, 2008 [More info]
We estimated means of 3.7 billion barrels of undiscovered oil and 651 trillion cubic feet of natural gas north of the Arctic Circle in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Williston Basin Province of North Dakota, Montana, and South Dakota, 2008 [More info]
We estimated mean undiscovered volumes of 3.8 billion barrels of undiscovered oil, 3.7 trillion cubic feet of associated/dissolved natural gas, and 0.2 billion barrels of undiscovered natural gas liquids using a geology-based assesment methodology.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Petroleum Resources of Southern and Western Afghanistan, 2009 [More info]
We estimated mean undiscovered resource volumes of 21.55 million barrels of oil, 44.76 billion cubic feet of non-associated natural gas, and 0.91 million barrels of natural gas liquids in the western Afghanistan Tirpul Assessment Unit.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Petroleum Resources of the Barents Sea Shelf [More info]
We estimated mean undiscovered, conventional, technically recoverable petroleum resources in the Barents Sea Shelf to be more than 76 billion barrels of oil equivalent using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of Undiscovered Petroleum Resources of the North and East Margins of the Siberian Craton, Russian Federation [More info]
We estimated the mean undiscovered, conventional petroleum resources at 28 billion barrels of oil equivalent, including approximately 8 billion barrels of crude oil, 106 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 3 billion barrels of natural gas liquids.
PDF Assessment of in-place oil shale resources of the Green River Formation, Greater Green River Basin in Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah [More info]
Using the Fischer assay measure of oil yield, we estimated a total of 1.44 trillion barrels of oil in three assessed units. There is currently no economic method to recover oil from this geologic unit.
PDF Assessment of potential additions to conventional oil and gas resources in discovered fields of the United States from reserve growth, 2012 [More info]
Estimates of additional energy resources present within known oil and gas fields using statistical analysis that includes geology and engineering practices in addition to growth trends in production data.
PDF Assessment of potential additions to conventional oil and gas resources of the world (outside the United States) from reserve growth, 2012 [More info]
We used mathematical models to estimate the likely increases in the estimates of the amount of oil and gas technically recoverable from existing known large fields outside the US.
Assessment of potential coastal impacts: Hurricane Rita [More info]
Areas susceptible to inundation during landfall of Hurricane Rita are assessed by comparing lidar-derived dune elevations to simulated storm surge values. Results shown on pictorial maps.
PDF Assessment of potential oil and gas resources in source rocks of the Alaska North Slope, 2012 [More info]
We estimated potential, technically recoverable oil and gas resources for source rocks of the Alaska North Slope. Estimates range from zero to 2 billion barrels of oil and from zero to nearly 80 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
PDF Assessment of potential shale gas and shale oil resources of the Norte Basin, Uruguay, 2011 [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of 13.4 trillion cubic feet of potential technically recoverable shale gas and 0.5 billion barrels of technically recoverable shale oil resources in this area using a performance-based geologic assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of potential shale gas resources of the Bombay, Cauvery, and Krishna-Godavari Provinces, India, 2011 [More info]
Using a performance-based geologic assessment methodology, we estimated a technically recoverable mean volume of 6.1 trillion cubic feet of potential shale gas in these areas.
PDF Assessment of potential unconventional Carboniferous-Permian gas resources of the Liaohe Basin eastern uplift, Liaoning Province, China, 2011 [More info]
We estimated a mean of 448 billion cubic feet of potential technically recoverable unconventional natural gas in this area.
PDF Assessment of remaining recoverable oil in selected major oil fields of the Permian Basin, Texas and New Mexico [More info]
The mean total volume of potential additional oil resources that might be added using improved oil-recovery technologies was estimated to be about 2.7 billion barrels of oil.
PDF Assessment of remaining recoverable oil in selected major oil fields of the San Joaquin Basin, California [More info]
The mean total volume of potential oil reserves that might be added in the nine fields using improved oil-recovery technologies was estimated to be about 6.5 billion barrels of oil.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of Bonaparte Basin, Browse Basin, Northwest Shelf, and Gippsland Basin Provinces, Australia, 2011 [More info]
We estimated means of 4.7 billion barrels of undiscovered oil and 227 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas in three major offshore petroleum basins using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources of South America and the Caribbean, 2012 [More info]
We estimated means of 126 billion barrels of oil and 679 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas in 31 geologic provinces of South America and the Caribbean using a geology based assessment methodology.
Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in Jurassic and Cretaceous strata of the Gulf Coast, 2010 [More info]
We estimated means of 147.4 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas, 2.4 billion barrels of undiscovered oil, and 2.96 billion barrels of undiscovered natural gas liquids in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in conventional and continuous petroleum systems in the Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Group, U.S. Gulf Coast region, 2011 [More info]
We estimated the volume of oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids in three closely related geologic units in this area using a geology based assessment methodology.
Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in the Paradox Basin Province, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, 2011 [More info]
We estimated means of 560 million barrels of undiscovered oil, 12,701 billion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas, and 490 million barrels of undiscovered natural gas liquids in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of Libya and Tunisia, 2010 [More info]
We estimated means of 3.97 billion barrels of undiscovered oil, 38.5 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas, and 1.47 billion barrels of undiscovered natural gas liquids in these areas.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of Papua-New Guinea, eastern Indonesia, and East Timor, 2011 [More info]
We estimated means of 5.8 billion barrels of oil and 115 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of four East Africa Geologic Provinces [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of 27.6 billion barrels of oil, 441.1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 13.77 billion barrels of natural gas liquids in these areas using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Amu Darya Basin and Afghan-Tajik Basin Provinces, Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, 2011 [More info]
We estimated volumes of undiscovered, technically recoverable, conventional petroleum resources at 962 million barrels of oil, 52 trillion cubic feet of gas, and 582 million barrels of natural gas liquids in this area using a geology-based methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Anadarko Basin Province of Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, and Colorado, 2010 [More info]
We estimated mean technically-recoverable undiscovered continuous and conventional resources that total 495 million barrels of oil, 27.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 410 million barrels of natural gas liquids in this area.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Assam, Bombay, Cauvery, and Krishna-Godavari Provinces, South Asia, 2011 [More info]
Combining these areas, we estimated 3,534 million barrels of crude oil, 79,352 billion cubic feet of natural gass, and 1,679 million barrels of natural gas liquids using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Azov-Kuban Basin Province, Ukraine and Russia, 2010 [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of technically recoverable, conventional, undiscovered petroleum resources at 218 million barrels of crude oil, 4.1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 94 million barrels of natural gas liquids in this area.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Central Burma Basin and the Irrawaddy-Andaman and Indo-Burman Geologic Provinces, Myanmar [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of 2.3 billion barrels of oil, 79.6 trillion cubic feet of gas, and 2.1 billion barrels of natrual gas liquids in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Chad Basin Province, North-Central Africa [More info]
Using a geology-based assessment methodology, we estimated mean volumes of 2.32 billion barrels of oil, 14.65 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 391 million barrels of natural gas liquids.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Devonian Marcellus Shale of the Appalachian Basin Province [More info]
We estimated a mean undiscovered natural gas resource of 84,198 billion cubic feet and a mean undiscovered natural gas liquids resource of 3,379 million barrels using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Dnieper-Donets Basin Province and Pripyat Basin Province, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, 2010 [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of technically recoverable, conventional, undiscovered petroleum resources at 123 million barrels of crude oil, 4.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 131 million barrels of natural gas liquids in these two areas.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Illinois Basin, 2007 [More info]
We estimated a mean of 214 million barrels of oil, 4.65 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 24 million barrels of natural gas liquids in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the North Caspian Basin, Middle Caspian Basin, North Ustyurt Basin, and South Caspian Basin Provinces, Caspian Sea Area, 2010 [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of technically recoverable, conventional, undiscovered petroleum resources at 19.6 billion barrels of crude oil, 243 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 9.3 billion barrels of natural gas liquids.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the North Sakhalin Basin Province, Russia, 2011 [More info]
We estimated 5.3 billion barrels of crude oil, 43.8 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 0.8 billion barrels of natural gas liquids as undiscovered, technically recoverable resources in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the South Africa Coastal Province, Africa [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of 2.13 billion barrels of oil, 35.96 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 1,115 million barrels of natural gas liquids in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Sud Province, north-central Africa [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of 7.31 billion barrels of oil, 13.42 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 353 million barrels of natural gas liquids in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Volga-Ural Region Province, Russia and Kazakhstan, 2010 [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of technically recoverable, conventional, undiscovered petroleum resources at 1.4 billion barrels of crude oil, 2.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 85 million barrels of natural gas liquids.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the West African Costal Province, West Africa [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of 3.2 billion barrels of oil, 23.63 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 721 million barrels of natural gas liquids in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the West Siberian Basin Province, Russia, 2010 [More info]
We estimated mean volumes of technically recoverable, conventional, undiscovered petroleum resources at 8 billion barrels of crude oil, 670 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 21 billion barrels of natural gas liquids in this area.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the southern Siberian craton (Baykit High, Nepa--Botuoba High, Angara--Lena Terrace, and Cis--Patom Foredeep Provinces), Russia, 2011 [More info]
We estimated t 3.0 billion barrels of crude oil, 63.3 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 1.2 billion barrels of natural gas liquids in this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
PDF Assessment of undiscovered, conventional oil and gas resources of Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, 2012 [More info]
We estimated means of 19 billion barrels of oil and 83 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas resources in 10 geologic provinces of this area using a geology-based assessment methodology.
Atchafalaya & Mississippi River Deltas study: a tale of two deltas [More info]
Project of the Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science program that evaluates the transport and sedimentation of contaminates through the Mississippi River and Atchafalaya River delta to the near-shore Gulf of Mexico. Includes aerial photographs.
Atlantic margin offshore sediments: cooperative database and GIS development website [More info]
This site is designed to provide information on federal interagency and cooperative developments related to coastal sand and gravel resources and management issues along the Atlantic continental margin.
PDF Availability of Groundwater Data for California, Water Year 2008 [More info]
Summary showing number of wells in each county for which water level measurements are available, with description of methodology and well numbering system.
Availability of USGS geospatial data and aerial photography products [More info]
Website to search and locate United States digital cartographic data (U.S. GeoData and Digital Raster Graphics) and aerial photography of the National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP). Files can be downloaded in HTML or PDF format.
Availability of groundwater data for California, water year 2010 [More info]
Map of California showing the number of wells (by county) with available water-level or water-quality data for Water Year 2010, with descriptions of the data and instructions for obtaining them.
BRASS: Bedrock Regional Aquifer Systematics Study [More info]
Description of the project to publish new bedrock geologic maps in the United States to advance the understanding of the region's bedrock aquifers. Includes list of projects.
Bedform sedimentology [More info]
Bedform sedimentology home page with links to information on sedimentary structures including, explanatory text, computer-generated images and movies, photographs, and bedform simulation software.
Bedrock and soil geochemistry from Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota [More info]
Maps and text (Word or PDF format) and database (Excel or HTML format) for bedrock, forest floor, and mineral soil sampling in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota to establish the background and baseline geochemistry and terrestrial mercury sources.
Bedrock geologic map of Vermont [More info]
At a scale of 1:100,000, this map shows an uncommon level of detail for State geologic maps. Mapped rock units are primarily based on lithology, or rock type, to facilitate derivative studies in multiple disciplines.
Bedrock geology of the Yosemite Valley area Yosemite National Park, California [More info]
Site explains the general bedrock geology of the Yosemite Valley area.
Benchmark glaciers [More info]
Summary of the USGS benchmark glacier program to intensively monitor climate, glacier motion, glacier mass balance, glacier geometry, and stream runoff at three glacier basins, Gulkana and Wolverine in Alaska and South Cascade in Washington.
Bering and Chukchi Sea databases bathymetry coverages [More info]
Downloadable files of digital bathymetry of U.S. waters, the Bering and Chukchi Seas, Bering Strait, and Gulf of Anadyr in polygon ARC/INFO. Coverage generated from both digital and paper bathymetry sources developed to support marine research.
PDF Beryllium--important for national defense [More info]
How this element is used, where we get it, and prospects for worldwide supply and demand.
PDF Beyond the Golden Gate--oceanography, geology, biology, and environmental issues in the Gulf of the Farallones [More info]
A geologic and oceanographic study of the waters and Continental Shelf of Gulf of the Farallones adjacent to the San Francisco Bay region. The results of the study provide a scientific basis to evaluate and monitor human impact on the marine environment.
Bibliography of reports by U.S. Geological Survey authors about the water resources of Wyoming [More info]
Bibliography arranged by major areas and by reports series. Current as of 2007. Also available in PDF format.
PDF Biochar for soil fertility and natural carbon sequestration [More info]
Explains what biochar is and how it is formed, its potential use in both fertilizer and carbon sequestration, and some of the research questions remaining to be addressed before we can utilize it fully in practical ways.
Biogeochemical and geohydrologic processes in a landfill-impacted alluvial aquifer, Norman, Oklahoma [More info]
Discussion and links to research for the multi-disciplinary investigation on the Norman Landfill located on alluvium associated with the Canadian River in central Oklahoma.
Biological soil crusts [More info]
Explains biological soil crusts, organism-produced soil formations commonly found in semiarid and arid environments, with special reference to their biological composition, physical characteristics, and ecological significance.
PDF Biological soil crusts: webs of life in the desert [More info]
Fact sheet on the need to protect biological soil crusts in the desert. These crusts are most of the soil surface in deserts not covered by green plants and are inhabited by cyanobacterium (blue-green algae) and other organisms useful to the ecosystem.
PDF Boiling water at Hot Creek - The dangerous and dynamic thermal springs in California's Long Valley Caldera [More info]
Explains how these hot surface waters form, why their temperature changes often, and provides safety guidance for visiting this area.
Borehole geophysics as applied to geohydrology [More info]
Project summary, photos of logging truck, and bibliographies on log interpretation techniques and instrumentation to record geophysical data in wells and test holes for studying ground water hydraulics and evaluate waste disposal sites.
Boston Harbor Studies: the fate of sediments and contaminants in Massachusetts Bay [More info]
Boston Harbor/Massachusetts Bay Studies research project conducted as part of Boston Harbor cleanup to predict the fate of contaminants and sediments introduced to Massachusetts' coastal waters from sources that include Boston sewage outfall.
PDF Breccia-pipe uranium mining in northern Arizona; estimate of resources and assessment of historical effects [More info]
Estimates of uranium resources affected by land withdrawal, effects of previous breccia-pipe mining, water-chemistry data for streams and springs, and potential biological pathways of exposure to uranium and associated contaminants.
PDF Calculating weighted estimates of peak streamflow statistics [More info]
A method of improving our estimates of statistics used to describe flood frequency, taking into account information obtained from the stream whose flood frequency is being investigated.
California Water-Quality Assessment [More info]
Results of activities in California conducted under the National Water-Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA): maps, publications and data.
California's BAY-DELTA: USGS Science Supports Decision Making [More info]
What causes changes in the hydrology, the ecology and the water quality of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and the San Francisco Bay estuary? These studies help state and local agencies manage resources well.
PDF California's Central Valley Groundwater Study: A Powerful New Tool to Assess Water Resources in California's Central Valley [More info]
Modeling effort that integrates a wide variety of geographic, hydrologic, agricultural, climatic, and biological information to help local land managers address resource use issues.
Canoeing North Dakota rivers [More info]
Links to streamflow, stage, pictures, maps, river descriptions, and general information for canoeing on North Dakota's rivers. Files are in PDF format.
PDF Carbon Sequestration to Mitigate Climate Change [More info]
Explains the process of carbon sequestration through oceanic, terrestrial, and geologic (underground) mechanisms, with some background information on why this is important.
Carbon dioxide and helium discharge from Mammoth Mountain, Long Valley caldera, California [More info]
An explanation of toxic carbon dioxide emissions at Mammoth Mountain in Long Valley caldera, and a description of magmatic helium discharge at the Mammoth Mountain fumarole with photos, maps, and links to other studies.
Carolina slate belt gold deposits in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia [More info]
Report of research on the Carolina slate belt and gold deposits in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia with geologic mapping, mineralogic, geochemical, and fluid evolution studies, radiogenic dating, and stable isotope studies.
Cascades Volcano Observatory [More info]
Portal to information provided by the Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, WA with links to reports and activity in the Cascade Range and other volcanoes and multiple links to general information on volcanology, reports, research, and maps.
Cascades Volcano Observatory - Learn about volcanoes [More info]
Educational volcano site providing answers to frequently asked volcano questions with links to other general information on volcanoes and to information on specific volcanoes including the Cascade Range volcanoes.
Cascades Volcano Observatory - Mount St. Helens real-time hydrologic monitoring [More info]
Real-time and historic data from gaging stations for water and mudflow detection in the Mount St. Helens, WA vicinity with data tables and plots, interactive location map and station descriptions.
Cascadia subduction zone: two contrasting models of lithospheric structure [More info]
Summary of an investigation of the Cascadia subduction zone with detailed density-modeling experiments of the crust and mantle along two transects across Vancouver Island and the Canadian margin and the other on the margin of central Oregon.
PDF Central Colorado Assessment Project - application of integrated geologic, geochemical, biologic, and mineral resource studies [More info]
Diverse geoscientific and biological data collected in anticipation of ecological, land-management, and mineral resource-related problems.
Central Energy Team [More info]
Research group providing assessments of energy resources (coal, oil, and natural gas). Site links to world and national assessments, publications and products.
Central Energy Team publications [More info]
Catalog of USGS publications on energy resources of the U.S. including online publications, paper publications, and geospatial products (interactive maps and GIS data)
Central Region [More info]
Entry to USGS Central Region programs with links to Biological Resources, Geology, National Mapping, Water Resources, Office of Central Region Services, emergency information, and records of a Rockies field trip, and clickable map to state programs.
Central Region Mineral Resources Team [More info]
Site for programs of the Central Region Mineral Resources Team with links to products, personnel, projects and programs of land stewardship, regional geochemistry, analytical chemistry, geology and resources assessment and remote sensing.
PDF Changes in Water Levels and Storage in the High Plains Aquifer, Predevelopment to 2007 [More info]
Summarizes changes in water levels and drainable water in storage in the High Plains aquifer from predevelopment (before about 1950) to 2007.
PDF Changes in water levels and storage in the High Plains Aquifer, predevelopment to 2009 [More info]
Summarizes graphically the areas where water levels have dropped, and by how much, in this extensive underground water reservoir that covers several states in the mid-continent.
PDF Characterization of Fish Creek, Teton County, Wyoming, 2004-08 [More info]
Preliminary results of hydrologic and biological sampling confirm anecdotal reports that this stream shows unusually high algal growth due to elevated nutrients, probably from groundwater.
PDF Characterizing contaminant concentrations with depth by using the USGS well profiler in Oklahoma, 2003-9 [More info]
Use of specialized sampling equipment to study public water supply wells, with examples showing Arsenic in two aquifers.
PDF Chloride control and monitoring program in the Wichita River Basin, Texas, 1996-2009 [More info]
Chloride concentrations in this river have historically been high due to natural saltwater springs and seeps from geologic formations. We monitor the water to help assess the progress of human efforts designed to mitigate this problematic salinity.
PDF Chromium makes stainless steel stainless [More info]
Explains how we use chromium, the types of mineral deposits in which we find it, and the economic factors affecting supply and demand of this commodity.
PDF Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal: Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas North of the Arctic Circle [More info]
90 billion barrels of oil, 1,669 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and 44 billion barrels of natural gas liquids may remain to be found in the Arctic, of which approximately 84 percent is expected to occur in offshore areas.
Classification of natural ponds and lakes in the glaciated prairie region [More info]
Presents a wetland classification system that reflects seasonal, regional, and local variations in the environment.
Climate and droughts [More info]
Article from Water Supply Paper 2375 summarizing the correlation of precipitation, temperature, and atmospheric moisture with the frequency and intensity of a drought.
Climate change in mountain ecosystems [More info]
Overview of interdisciplinary research studies in Glacier National Park to understand how this mountain wilderness responds to present climatic variability and other external stressors, such as air pollution, and links to detailed reports.
Climate of North Dakota: blizzards [More info]
Reviews the causes and frequency of blizzards in North Dakota.
Climate of North Dakota: severe storms [More info]
Reviews frequency and distribution of tornadoes, windstorms, and hailstorms in North Dakota.
Coal Resource Classification System of the U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey [More info]
A report published jointly by the U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey giving definitions of coal resource classification terms.
Coal Resource Classification System of the U.S. Geological Survey [More info]
The classification system by which coal is classified into resource/reserve base/reserve categories on the basis of the geologic assurance of the existence of those categories and on the economic feasibility of their recovery.
Coal database for Cook Inlet and North Slope, Alaska [More info]
Published and nonconfidential unpublished coal data from wells in Alaska. Includes well locations, depth and thickness of coal in well, formation type and name, and business administrative information such as permit numbers.
Coal on federal lands [More info]
Information on coal on federally owned public lands with links to database and maps for federal coal ownership of the United States, Rocky Mountains and Great Plains, and Colorado Plateau.
Coal-bed gas resources of the Rocky Mountain region [More info]
Summary of the technically recoverable coal-bed gas resources of the Rocky Mountain region.
Coal-bed methane: potential and concerns [More info]
Fact sheet in PDF format on occurrence and recoverability of coalbed methane in the U.S. and related environmental concerns.
Coalbed methane studies [More info]
Methane (natural gas), while frequently developed with petroleum, also occurs in association with coal and accounts for about 7.5 percent of U.S. natural gas production. Links to digital publications on coalbed methane.
Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG) InfoBank [More info]
Access to InfoBank, an online data catalog, to browse or retrieve coastal and marine geology program information, images, and data on gravity, bathymetry, seismic activity, magnetics, samples, facilities, cruises and equipment.
Coastal and Marine Geology Program [More info]
Home page for Coastal and Marine Geology with links to topics of interest (sea level change, erosion, corals, pollution, sonar mapping, and others), Sound Waves monthly newsletter, field centers, regions of interest, and subject search system.
Coastal and Marine Geology Program interactive map server [More info]
Interactive map server to view and create maps using available coastal and marine geology data sets of offshore and coastal U.S. and the Gulf of Mexico. Links to available data and metadata that can be downloaded.
Coastal change hazards digital library [More info]
Online catalog of reports and data on coastal change hazards, indexed by author, agency, project, location, feature type, and topic
Coastal storms and tsunamis [More info]
USGS responses to and studies of the hazards and impact of major hurricanes, tsunamis, and El Nino storms. Includes links to oblique aerial photography and LIDAR surveys recording coastal changes and other effects of storms and waves.
Columbia Environmental Research Center [More info]
Website for the Columbia Environmental Research Center with links to staff, publications, databases, field stations, and projects including those on the Rio Grande, burrowing owls, sea turtles, and geospatial technology.
Community model for coastal sediment transport [More info]
Description of the National Community Sediment-Transport Model (NCSTM), an open source numerical model for sediment transport in coastal regions.
Compilation of various geologic time scales [More info]
Preliminary report comparing various geologic time scales. Text is HTML or plain text format, and colored compilation chart in Excel format.
PDF Condition of streams in Independence, Missouri: What is being done to protect stream health and how citizens can help [More info]
Stream water quality is affected by amount of impermeable surface in the basin; construction; reservoirs; sanitary sewer systems; land use and population density; road salt; animal waste; lawn and agricultural fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.
Connecticut water resources publications [More info]
Links to Connecticut water publications available as HTML and PDF formats.
Contamination in Fractured Rock Aquifers [More info]
Overview of fractured rock research aimed at understanding the movement of water through fracture networks, and characterize field conditions influencing contaminant migration. Includes programs and publications.
Content metadata standards for marine science: a case study [More info]
Describes the content metadata standard used by the Marine Realms Information Bank, a distributed geolibrary that catalogues and provides access to information about marine, coastal, and lake environments.
Continental shelf GIS for the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary [More info]
Interactive maps of the continental shelf of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary with GIS layers for sediment data, bathymetry, geology, bathymetry, sonar imagery, and tectonics.
Cooperative Water Program [More info]
Program that monitors, assesses, and communicates the results of the quantity and quality of water in rivers and aquifers.
Cooperative Water Program -- a partnership in the Nation's Water-Resources Program [More info]
Fact sheet (also available in PDF format) on the ongoing partnership in water resources between the USGS and non-Federal agencies primarily state, tribal, county and municipal agencies with water-resources responsibilities.
PDF Copper - A Metal for the Ages [More info]
Sources, uses, and patterns of consumption of copper worldwide
PDF Corals as climate recorders [More info]
Shows how coral reef specimens are collected, the type of information gained from them, and the methods by which they are measured and studied to understand recent (past few centuries) changes in climate.
Core Research Center [More info]
Overview of the Core Research Center (CRC) in Denver for preserving valuable rock cores for permanent storage and making the cores available for examination and testing. Includes links to services, well reports, and resources.
Core science systems [More info]
Major compilations of earth and life science data providing broad frameworks for decision making and research.
Costly landslide events in the United States: map layer description file [More info]
GIS data set from the USGS National Landslides Hazards Program showing major landslide events in the United States and Puerto Rico with metadata. Map layer can be downloaded in shapefile format or SDTS format.
County boundaries 2001: map layer description file [More info]
One of many map layers of the National Atlas giving county boundaries with metadata. The county boundaries map layer can be downloaded in shapefile or SDTS formats.
Crater Lake Data Clearinghouse [More info]
The Crater Lake Data Clearinghouse website is a gateway to information and data on Crater Lake with links to data downloads of bathymetry, maps and imagery, a fly-by movie, photos, and information on geology, maps, history, and biota.
Cross-bedding, bedforms,and paleocurrents [More info]
The on-line version of Cross-Bedding, Bedforms, and Paleocurrents, with computer images, photographic images, and text.
Cruise report by Coastal Surveyor Cruise C-1-99-SC: multibeam mapping of the Long Beach, California, continental shelf [More info]
Description of the work and results of a cruise by the Pacific Sea Floor Mapping project to map the Long Beach, California continental shelf based on data from high-resolution multibeam technology.
Crustal Imaging and Characterization Team [More info]
Crustal imaging and characterization home with links to projects on earth science technologies including geophysical, geochemical, and isotope studies, online publications and data, and newsletter Minerals News.
Cryptobiotic soils: holding the place in place [More info]
Describes biological soil crusts, with special reference to their role in resisting soil erosion, improving soil fertility, and increasing water infiltration in the deserts of the Colorado Plateau region.
Data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission [More info]
Topographic observations from the SRTM, both original and reprocessed to correct missing and spurious data points.
Database of recent tsunami deposits [More info]
Sedimentary characteristics of 228 tsunami deposits, drawn from published accounts, for interpreting prehistorical, historical, and modern tsunami deposits, and for the development of criteria to identify tsunami deposits in the geologic record.
Databases and simplified geology for mineralized areas, claims, mines, and prospects in Wyoming. [More info]
This data release contains mineral resource and geology data for metallic and nonmetallic mineral sites in Wyoming. Data is provided in both spreadsheet format (Microsoft Excel) and in GIS ArcView and MapInfo. Text available in PDF format.
PDF Datum shifts and digital map coordinate displays [More info]
Online GIS training course for users in GIS environments in resolving the differences in distances and coordinate readouts due to shifts in the 1927 and 1983 North American Datums when using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grids.
PDF Debris-Flow Hazards within the Appalachian Mountains of the Eastern United States [More info]
Storms bring rains strong enough to cause rock-falls and landslides that are hazardous to people. Includes examples in the eastern US with information about the weather events that precipitated the debris flows.
PDF Decadal-scale changes in dissolved-solids concentrations in groundwater used for public supply [More info]
Recent increases in dissolved-solids concentrations in this aquifer have been documented in some areas used for public supply, raising concerns as to the sources and causes of the higher concentrations and the long-term effects on groundwater quality.
PDF Declassified Intelligence Satellite Photographs [More info]
Over 990,000 photos taken from 1959 through 1980 are available for use in studying land surface change. Especially useful because these were taken before Landsat was launched.
PDF Demonstrating usefulness of real-time monitoring at streambank wells coupled with active streamgages - Pilot studies in Wyoming, Montana, and Mississippi [More info]
To better understand the exchange of groundwater and surface water, we coupled groundwater monitoring at the stream bank with nearby gages in the stream. Describes the procedure and results from several areas.
Deserts, geology and resources [More info]
Online edition of booklet describing desert geology and mineral resources.
PDF Detailed seafloor habitat mapping to enhance marine-resource management [More info]
We conduct systematic imaging of reef habitats in order to provide regulatory agencies with information they need to decide whether those reefs should be designated as protected areas.
Detection and measurement of land subsidence using Global Positioning System surveying and interferometric synthetic aperture radar, Coachella Valley, California, 1996-2005 [More info]
Detailed measurements of elevation help to understand the extent and severity of subsidence. Study asks if subsidence indicates the aquifer system is compacting temporarily or permanently, and are the changes human-induced or tectonic.
PDF Development of an assessment methodology for hydrocarbon recovery potential using carbon dioxide and associated carbon sequestration-Workshop findings [More info]
Geologic CO2 sequestration with enhanced oil recovery in existing hydrocarbon reservoirs can increase the U.S. hydrocarbon recoverable resource volume and prevent CO2 release to the atmosphere.
PDF Development of computational fluid dynamics--habitat suitability (CFD-HSI) models to identify potential passage--Challenge zones for migratory fishes in the Penobscot River [More info]
Proposed removal of dams will change the characteristics of stream flow and will affect fish that swim upstream to spawn. A mathematical model of the river flow tells us where the likely problems will be located and how the flow will change.
PDF Development of industrial minerals in Colorado [More info]
Explains how industrial minerals are produced and overseen through governmental regulation, and describes the industrial mineral resources of central Colorado.
PDF Devils Hole, Nevada--A Primer [More info]
Explains the important paleoclimatic information we have obtained from this subaqueous cavern. The time-series data show important contrasts with what would be predicted from orbital theory, provoking extensive scientific discussion.
Devils Lake, North Dakota [More info]
Includes hydrographic information from 2000 to last seven days, water-quality data, elevation, area, and capacity data and publications on Devils Lake, North Dakota in the Red River of the North basin.
Devils Postpile National Park geologic story [More info]
Site has links to Devils Postpile's geologic history, rocks and minerals, geologic time, geologic maps.
Diatoms: applications [More info]
Use of diatoms in biostratigraphy, coastal and estuarine studies, paleoceanology, paleoliminology, earthquake studies, environmental quality and forensic studies. Includes listing of USGS diatom projects and links to other diatom websites.
Digital Line Graphs (DLGs) [More info]
Description of Digital Line Graphs (DLG) with explanations of layers and feature types, scales, available products, media, prices, and links to search and order webpages.
Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (DOQs) [More info]
Description of what Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles are and how to obtain them plus information on the DOQ program, points of contact, DOQ status graphic, examples of DOQs, and free data viewer software.
Digital library: USGS Monterey Bay science [More info]
Online catalog of scientific reports and data around and about Monterey Bay, California, indexed by author, agency, project, location, feature type, and topic
Digital shorelines for Boston Harbor [More info]
Modified version of paper by F.T. Manheim and A.G. McIntire, Civil Engineering Practice, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 35-48 (1998). A new shoreline file has been created for Boston Harbor by digitizing and combining the most recent charts.
Dinosaurs, fact and fiction [More info]
Online booklet with answers to frequently asked questions about dinosaurs.
PDF Discontinuous nature of kriging digital terrain models [More info]
Research exploring the mathematical properties of kriging, a widely-used surface interpolation method. The continuity properties of kriging digital terrain models over a wide range of terrain types helps hydrologists assess the usefulness of kriging for D
Distribution of high-temperature (>150 °C) geothermal resources in California [More info]
Description and map of geothermal resources in California.
PDF Divisions of Geologic Time - Major Chronostratigraphic and Geochronologic Units [More info]
A summary of the divisions of geologic time intended to provide a consistent time scale to be used in communicating ages of geologic units in the United States.
Divisions of geologic time-major chronostratigraphic and geochronologic units [More info]
Revised geologic time scale indicating the ages of the lower bounds of chronostratigraphic and geochronologic units as they are currently known. Modifications to those ages made since the previous time scale was released (2007) are clearly marked.
PDF Drilling a deep geologic test well at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina [More info]
With the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, USGS is drilling a deep geologic test well to learn about the regional Floridan aquifer, which provides groundwater to the Hilton Head area.
PDF Drought Monitoring with VegDRI [More info]
The Vegetation Drought Response Index is a drought monitoring and mapping tool integrating satellite observations of vegetation and climate with land cover, soil characteristics, and other environmental factors.
Drought watch - USGS state information on drought [More info]
Map display that highlights states where the streamflow index at USGS streamgages, averaged statewide, were below normal for the past seven days with links to comparison of recent streamflow values with historic values.
Drought watch Pacific Northwest states: Washington, Oregon, Idaho [More info]
Drought water homepage with links to maps showing streamflow conditions, drought definitions, resources, publications, and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Duration and current conditions graphs for selected Pennsylvania sites [More info]
Plots of streamflow averages and ground water depths for selected hydrologic sites in Pennsylvania.
Early Paleozoic biochronology of the Great Basin, western United States [More info]
Publication (PDF format) in three parts on the biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy of the Ibexian Series in the North American Ordovician, with sections on the southern Egan Range, Nevada and the biostratigraphy of the eastern Great Basin.
PDF Early results from the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Change and Hazard Susceptibility Project [More info]
A coordinated set of studies shows development of coastal features, aspects of marine water quality, and impacts of hurricanes along this section of important coastline.
Eastern Energy Resources Team (EERT) [More info]
Links to overview, major programs, products and publications on coal, oil & gas, environment & human health, and resource economics, and special applications
Eastern Geographic Science Center [More info]
Programs, projects, laboratories, and publications related to geographic information science in the eastern United States
Eastern Mineral Resources [More info]
Home page for Eastern Mineral Resources Team conducting research on the occurrence, quality, quantity, and availability of mineral resources. Links to products, descriptions of research projects, and staff.
Eastern Mineral Resources meteorite research [More info]
Description of chemical research on meteorites to understand the formation processes of chondrite meteorites and chondrules. Site has link to issues of Meteoritical Bulletin and signup for e-mail notification of new meteorites.
Ecological National Synthesis Project [More info]
National-scale perspective and assessments on aquatic ecology, and the chemical and physical factors that affect aquatic conditions and health.
Economics of undiscovered oil in the federal lands of the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska [More info]
Online report summarizing the economic analysis of the U.S. Geological Survey's 2002 petroleum assessment of the Federal lands in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska (NPRA) study area.
Education resources for paleontology [More info]
Contacts and other sources of information for teachers, students, and others interested in paleontology with links to related USGS websites and on-line publications.
Educational materials (Geography Program) [More info]
Description of education materials on mapping and other earth science topics with links to publications in HTML and PDF for downloading and information on obtaining paper and CD-ROM products.
PDF Educational materials from the U.S. Geological Survey product list [More info]
Access to major webpages of USGS educational publications in various formats and on USGS research in the earth and life sciences.
Edwards Aquifer online resources [More info]
Recharge and discharge summaries and other data, aeromagnetic survey map, and publications on Edwards Aquifer, Texas.
PDF Effects of Ocean Acidification and Sea-Level Rise on Coral Reefs [More info]
By measuring the current and historical growth rates of coral skeletons, and using field experiments, we intend to find out whether rising atmospheric CO2 and rising sea levels will cause coral reefs to erode and cease to function.
PDF Effects of brush management on the hydrologic budget and water quality in and adjacent to Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas, 2001--10 [More info]
Comparison of water in two adjacent watersheds before and after implementing a brush management strategy in one of the watersheds helps us see what water resource characteristics are sensitive to brush management and how.
PDF Effects of climate change and land use on water resources in the Upper Colorado River Basin [More info]
Information from climate model forecasts, projections of future flows, paleoclimatic indicators, timing of snowmelt, airborne dust, and the effects on vegetation of troublesome pest species indicate the nature and severity of problems looming.
Effects of land use on water quality in Michigan [More info]
Links to projects that provide information on the relation of land use to water quality, sources of pollutants, or trends in water quality.
PDF Effects of urban stormwater-management strategies on stream-water quantity and quality [More info]
Changes in the way communities address potential problems with stormwater runoff may affect surface waters. This study combines geographic with hydrologic analyses to better understand the effects of the management strategies.
PDF Emissions from Coal Fires and Their Impact on the Environment [More info]
Reviews how coal fires occur, how they can be detected by airborne and remote surveys, and, most importantly, the impact coal-fire emissions may have on the environment and human health, especially mercury, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane.
End-of-month hydrologic condition reports for New York State [More info]
Site to locate most recent or archive reports for end-of-the-month hydrologic conditions with descriptions, data, charts, and maps giving an overview of water conditions during the month for the state of New York.
Energy Resources Program [More info]
Research program conducting basic and applied research on geologic energy resources and on the environmental, economic, and human health impacts of their production and use.
Energy Resources Program - Western Region [More info]
Home page for the Western Region Energy Resources Program with links to Alaska petroleum studies project, coal, oil and gas, other energy sources, environment and human health, and publications.
Energy and minerals, and environmental health [More info]
Research and assessments on mineral and energy resources, the economic and environmental effects of resource extraction and use; and on human activities that introduce chemical and pathogenic contaminants into the environment.
PDF Enhancement of USGS scientific investigations in Texas by using geophysical techniques, 2005-10 [More info]
Annotated bibliography describing the use of electromagnetic surveying to understand the characteristics of aquifers and how they work.
PDF Environmental effects of historical mining in the Animas River watershed, southwestern Colorado [More info]
History and summary maps showing metal concentrations downstream of the mining area.
PDF Environmental investigations using diatom microfossils [More info]
Explains use of diatom assemblages in understanding the history of coastal wetlands.
Environmental processes that affect mineral deposits in the Eastern United States [More info]
Studies in Eastern United States on massive sulfide deposits in Maine, Vermont, Great Smoky Mountains, and Virginia to assess potential environmental impacts.
Environmental studies of the World Trade Center area after the September 11, 2001 attack [More info]
Report describing the results of an interdisciplinary environmental study of the World Trade Center (WTC) area after the attack on September 11, 2001. The investigations included imaging spectroscopy mapping and laboratory analysis.
PDF Epic Flooding in Georgia, 2009 [More info]
In September of 2009, flooding in parts of Georgia reached levels expected every 500 years. Specific measurements we made and other facts about these disasters described here should help people prepare for floods here and elsewhere.
Erosion in the Rio Puerco: geography and processes [More info]
Paper on the accelerated erosion of the Rio Puerco, a tributary of the Rio Grande in New Mexico, which has deepened and widened its channel, or arroyo, since the settlement of the region.
Eruption warning and real-time notifications [More info]
Describes strategy of volcano warnings and the real-time detection of a sudden eruption or lahar and immediate notification of the activity to the public and local, state, and federal emergency-management officials.
Eruptions from the Inyo chain about 600 years ago: sequence of events and effects in the Long Valley Area [More info]
Describes the volcanic activity that occurred along the southern part of the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain in California about 600 years ago.
PDF Eruptions of Hawaiian volcanoes - past, present, and future [More info]
Originally published in 1987, this general-interest booklet has been revised in anticipation of the Centennial of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) in January 2012.
Eruptions of Lassen Peak, California, 1914 to 1917 [More info]
Summary of the most recent eruption of Lassen Peak, Cascades (1914-1917)
Eruptions of Mount St. Helens: past, present, future [More info]
Online booklet on the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, past history, and future hazards.
Estimated freshwater withdrawals in Oklahoma [More info]
Freshwater withdrawal estimates for Oklahoma by source and category. Withdrawal data from ground water and surface water for domestic, commercial and agricultural use.
PDF Evaluating the variability of sediment and nutrient loading from riverine systems into Texas estuaries and bays [More info]
Some results from a study of the variability of sediment and nutrient loads in the lower reaches of the Trinity River during a variety of hydrologic conditions.
PDF Evaluation of Structural Best Management Practices for Highway Runoff in Beaufort and Colleton Counties, South Carolina, 2005-2006 [More info]
Summarizes the ability of four devices to remove suspended sediment, metals, nutrients, and organics compounds in stormwater runoff.
PDF Evaluation of fecal contamination by human and ruminant sources in upper Fountain Creek, Colorado, 2007-2008, by using multiple lines of evidence: [More info]
Microbial source tracking analysis of water sampled supports the argument that birds are the primary source of fecal contamination during the warm season.
Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) for support of biological and ecological assessments [More info]
Integrated network of real-time water-level monitoring, ground-elevation modeling, and water-surface modeling that provides scientists and managers with current on-line water-depth information for the entire freshwater portion of the Greater Everglades.
PDF Evidence of multidecadal climate variability in the Gulf of Mexico [More info]
Direct measurement of an important indicator of interannual variability is extended, using geological proxy measures, farther back in time to well before modern measurements were made. This tells us about the history of climate variability.
Executive summary, workshop: seismic and tsunami hazard in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands [More info]
Summary of workshop with links to reports that are recommendations for future projects.
Extent of Pleistocene lakes in the western Great Basin [More info]
Map of Pleistocene pluvial lakes in the western Great Basin (Nevada, eastern California, southern Oregon). Includes metadata, online PDF map view, and downloadable ArcInfo export files, ArcView shapefiles, and TIFF files.
PDF Extreme drought to extreme floods: summary of hydrologic conditions in Georgia, 2009 [More info]
Discusses the nature and extent of extreme hydrologic events, with supporting observations of the water conditions and their effects on human activities.
FAQs - National Seismic Hazard Maps [More info]
Provides detailed technical information on earthquake hazards in the form of frequently asked questions. Designed for the technical audience, including building and safety planners.
PDF Famous building stones of our Nation's capital [More info]
Describes the types and sources of materials used to build some of the most famous landmarks in Washington D.C.
Fault and fold database of the United States [More info]
Online database of faults and associated folds in the United States that are believed to be sources of significant earthquakes during the last 1.6 million years.
Field Conference on Impacts of Coalbed Methane Development in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. [More info]
Field trip to Powder River Basin coalbed methane (CBM) development areas showing impacts related to drilling, facilities, pipeline networks, access roads, withdrawal, and disposal of co-produced water from CBM wells.
PDF Field techniques for estimating water fluxes between surface water and ground water [More info]
A guide to measuring the flow of water across the ground water surface water interface, with an overview of available methods and details of specific methods to use.
Fifty-Year Record of Glacier Change Reveals Shifting Climate in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, USA [More info]
Accelerating loss of mass, weakening correlation with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and increasing mass turnover likely are the result of changes to warmer and drier climate conditions that are affecting three well-studied glaciers.
Flagstaff Field Center [More info]
Homepage for the Flagstaff Field center with links to space science, water and ice studies, earth sciences, biological resources, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, outreach & education, data and software, and images.
Flood of April and May 2008 in Northern Maine [More info]
Characteristics and effects of a flood in this area.
PDF Floods of May 2006 and April 2007 in Southern Maine [More info]
Characteristics and consequences of some extreme storm events
Fluvial geomorphology studies in Kansas [More info]
Report of completed studies that have investigated the response of river and stream channels in Kansas to a variety of human-caused and natural disturbances.
Forecast Mekong [More info]
Data and reports about the overall environment in the Mekong river watershed. Includes downloadable remote-sensing data and interactive maps.
PDF Forecast Mekong [More info]
USGS works with the Department of State to share data and support local research efforts and elevate knowledge about this river and delta in maintaining food security and livelihoods in the region.
PDF Forecasting the effects of land-use and climate change on wildlife communities and habitats in the lower Mississippi Valley [More info]
Describes the analytical process by which spatial scientific information contributes to forecasts and models in support of regional and local decision-making.
Fossil groups: Vertebrates [More info]
Information on vertebrate fossils and their use in paleontologic research in biostratigraphy, paleoclimatology, paleobiology, paleoecology, and earth history.
Fossil locations and data for the Taylor Mountains, and parts of the Bethel, Goodnews, and Dillingham quadrangles, southwestern Alaska [More info]
Location, taxa present, and geological context for 290 fossil samples collected in this area.
Fossils, rocks, and time [More info]
Booklet describes how paleontologists use the identification of fossils to recognize rocks of the same or different ages.
Fragile environments: San Francisco Bay wetlands [More info]
Overview with links to studies on the effects of human activity on the San Francisco estuary with loss of historic fresh and saltwater tidal marshes reducing habitats, introducing contaminants in waste, and creating dredging problems.
Framework for Assessing the Sustainability of Monitored Natural Attenuation [More info]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--When can natural processes to reduce, or even destroy, contaminants at toxic waste sites be relied on?
PDF Framework for a U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Climate-Response Program in Maine [More info]
Discussion of the scientific measurements needed to understand the effects of climate change on the seasonal water cycle, with emphasis on Maine.
PDF From ridge to reef--linking erosion and changing watersheds to impacts on the coral reef ecosystems of Hawai‘i and the Pacific Ocean [More info]
Explains how land processes on hills near the shoreline affect the health of coral reefs.
Fundamentals of stable isotope geochemistry [More info]
Brief review of some of the fundamentals of stable isotope geochemistry including definitions, basic principles, standards, and guidelines on reporting data.
GISDATA Map Studio [More info]
Access to public web map services and interfaces developed at the EROS Data Center searchable by keywords and categories with interactive maps, viewer templates, information sheets and latest news items and updates on geospatial products.
GLORIA Mapping Program [More info]
GLORIA is a digital sidescan sonar capable of producing digital image maps of the sea floor from reflected sound waves. Site includes description of digital processing, mosaicking, and links to samples of image maps.
Gap Analysis Program [More info]
Program to keep common species common by identifying those species and plant communities that are not adequately represented in existing conservation lands. Links to projects, applications, status maps, and a searchable database.
Gas hydrate studies: a part of the Geophysics Group [More info]
Brief overview of gas hydrates and current research. Site also contains links to related USGS research and publications and web sites of other groups participating in gas hydrate research.
Generalized geologic map of the Yosemite National Park area [More info]
Surficial geologic map of the Yosemite National Park area with links to the legend and text.
Generalized surficial geologic map of the Pueblo 1 degree x 2 degree quadrangle, Colorado. [More info]
Surficial geologic map of the Pueblo quadrangle in Colorado with text and references in PDF format, metadata, and GIS files to download.
Geochemical reference materials and certificates [More info]
Site to obtain currently available geochemical reference materials, certificates for reference materials no longer available, reference materials in production, and order and processing information. Some documents in PDF format.
Geochemical sediment analysis procedures [More info]
Manual of chemical sediment analysis using Coulometer and CHN Analyzers to measure carbon content, spectrometric analysis for biogenic silica, and radiochemistry to measure isotopes. Includes techniques,sample preparation, and safety procedures.
Geochemistry and tracer studies [More info]
Overview of chemical analyses, tracer studies, gas geochemistry, stable isotopes analyses, organic chemistry, and thermometry capabilities at major USGS laboratories with links to technique, equipment, and contacts for each procedure.
PDF Geochemistry of the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer [More info]
Describes the geographic extent, quality, origin, and dynamic character of this aquifer located in south central Oklahoma.
Geochronology [More info]
Description of the methods of geochronology used to estimate the dating of rocks and sediments with links to technique, equipment and contacts for a variety of methods.
Geographic Analysis and Monitoring Program [More info]
Geographic Analysis and Monitoring Program (GAM) conducts studies about land surface change, environmental and human health, fire and urban ecology, and natural hazards to help decision-makers in land-use planning and land management.
Geographic Analysis and Monitoring Program current studies [More info]
Links to current Geographic Analysis and Monitoring (GAM)studies.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Missouri [More info]
Website with links to USGS hydrologic, geohydrologic, soil, and geologic projects in Missouri using geographic information systems (GIS) technology with digital datasets of images, models, and maps produced by the projects to view.
Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) [More info]
The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) contains information about almost 2 million physical and cultural geographic features in the United States.
Geographic data download [More info]
Site to download various geographic datasets with links to FTP file access, status maps, public domain software, and Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) information. These datasets are not directly viewable.
Geographic information systems [More info]
Comprehensive information providing an introduction to GIS technology, data gathering, modeling, information retrieval, and applications with colored maps, graphs, diagrams, and photos.
Geographic science of Alaska [More info]
Descriptions, results, and data on research projects using geographic analysis and monitoring and remote sensing to study ecosystems and land processes in the Arctic region.
Geologic framework and process of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin [More info]
Field methods, topics of investigation, shoreline changes, publications, and satellite imagery related to geologic and hydrologic processes affecting Lake Pontchartrain and adjacent lakes which form a large estuary in the Gulf Coast region.
Geologic glossary for National Parks [More info]
Geologic glossary containing simplified definitions for technical terms used within the USGS/National Park Service website on national parks.
PDF Geologic hazards at volcanoes [More info]
Poster diagram showing the various hazards that accompany volcanic activity as they relate to the structure of the volcano.
Geologic hazards team [More info]
An organizational unit within USGS that studies earthquakes, landslides, and geomagnetism. Contact information and descriptions of current research projects.
Geologic hazards: landslide images [More info]
Photographs of examples of landslides viewable online as 100-200kb or 800 x 600kb images.
Geologic history of Cape Cod, Massachusetts [More info]
Describes the history, geologic changes (including the glacial formation and sea level changes), and geologic mapping of Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Geologic history of Long Valley Caldera and the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain, California [More info]
Summarizes the geologic and volcanic activity of the Long Valley Caldera and Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain in east central California.
Geologic map of the Eagle quadrangle, Eagle County, Colorado [More info]
The Eagle quadrangle covers an area that straddles the Eagle River and Interstate 70 (I-70) and it includes the town of Eagle, Colo., which is located in the southwestern part of the quadrangle, just south of I-70 and the Eagle River, about 37 km west of
Geologic mapping in National Parks: National Park Service Support Project [More info]
Summaries of geologic projects in cooperation with the National Park Service including Grand Canyon National Park, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Joshua Tree National Park, Yosemite National Park, and others.
Geologic studies of mercury [More info]
Collection of six short papers related to the mercury geochemical society, the study of mercury in coal, concentrations in sediment, soil, water, and fish collected near mercury and gold mines, and volanic emissions of mercury.
Geologic time online edition [More info]
Booklet giving general explanations of geologic time, major divisions of geologic time, relative and radiometric time scales, index fossils, and the age of the earth.
Geologic time scale chart [More info]
Chart of the geologic time scale with references.
Geological Survey TRIGA Reactor (GSTR) Services [More info]
Services available at the Geological Survey TRIGA Reactor (GSTR) site in Denver with information on irradiation, neutron activation analysis, fission track radiography, and geochronology and tours of the facility.
Geology and hydrogeology of the Florida Keys [More info]
Article on geology and hydrogeology of the Florida Keys with sections on Holocene and Pleistocene geology, water resources, and introduction with a brief history and overview of early studies.
Geology of Death Valley National Park [More info]
Site has links to Death Valley's geologic history, rocks and minerals, geologic time, geologic maps.
Geology of Lake Meade National Recreation Area [More info]
Site has links to Lake Mead National Recreation Area: geologic field trips, geologic history, plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, geologic time, geologic maps, and glossary.
Geology of Mojave National Preserve [More info]
Site has links to Mohave National Preserve: geologic field trips, geologic history, plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, geologic time, geologic maps, and glossary.
PDF Geology of National Parks [More info]
Two sheets of 3D images showing geologic features of many National Parks. Red-and-cyan viewing glasses are need to see the three-dimensional effect.
Geology of Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument [More info]
Site has links to Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument geologic field trips, geologic history, plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, geologic time, geologic maps, and glossary.
Geology of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park and Potomac River Corridor, District of Columbia, Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia [More info]
Rocks representing a variety of tectonic and depositional environments outcrop along the canal and towpath and reveal the geologic history of the central Appalachian region from the Mesoproterozoic to Jurassic Period.
Geology of the onshore part of San Mateo County, California: a digital database [More info]
This digital map database represents the general distribution of the geology (bedrock and surficial deposits) in San Mateo County. Accompanying text file (*.txt or *.ps) provides current information on the geologic structure and stratigraphy.
Geology research and information [More info]
Alternative web access to geological, geochemical, and geophysical research programs that are divided among the new USGS mission areas.
Geology, geochemistry and geophysics of sedimentary rock-hosted gold deposits in China [More info]
Second report of a joint project with the Tianjin Geological Academy to study sedimentary rock-hosted Au deposits in China.
Geomagnetic FAQs [More info]
Frequently-asked questions, with answers, about the Earth's magnetic field.
Geomagnetic charts [More info]
Links to charts of the Earth's magnetic field in different projections showing declination, inclination, and total, horizontal and vertical intensities plus references and note on limitations.
Geomagnetic models [More info]
Description of magnetic models with link to on-line calculation, freeware calculator (DOS and Windows), descriptions of model types, and references.
Geomagnetic observatories [More info]
Map showing geomagnetic observatories, with detailed information about each one
Geomorphology and sediment transport -- river mechanics [More info]
Current river mechanics research on particle friction angles of fluvial gravels (data files compressed in BenHex, Winzip and Unix) and Grand Canyon Beach evolution (animation requiring Java 1.0) plus digital elevation files (*.hgx and *.zip files).
Geophysical products [More info]
Links to products of magnetic, gravity, magnetotelluric, and multi-discipline reports and surveys of regions in the U.S. and Antarctica plus geophysical software tools. Some products are in PDF format.
Geopubs: on-line geologic publications of the western United States [More info]
Access to USGS on-line geologic publications of the western United States categorized by state, region USGS series, geologic maps, and software with links to state geologic survey publications.
Geoscience Data Catalog [More info]
A catalog of earth science data produced by the U.S. Geological Survey with documentation and links to the data files. Catalog is searchable by geographic location and publication series number. Includes links to information on metadata and its use.
PDF Geospatial Information Response Team [More info]
Interdisciplinary coordinating group within USGS to facilitate the effective collection, storage, and dissemination of geospatial data information and products during an emergency.
Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination (GeoMAC) wildland fire perimeters, 2008 [More info]
Where the fires were, as GIS data in shapefile format, geographic coordinates, NAD83.
Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination (GeoMAC) wildland fire support [More info]
Description of the Geospatial Multi-Agency Coordination (GeoMAC) project, online maps of current wildland fire locations using Netscape Communicator or Microsoft Internet Explorer, and user guide on how to use mapping application.
Geothermal and hydrothermal activity [More info]
Glossary of geothermal and hydrothermal activity terms.
Geothermal industry temperature profiles from the Great Basin [More info]
Subsurface temperature, well temperature, and well data of geothermal resources in the Great Basin.
Geysers, fumaroles, and hot springs [More info]
Description of volcanic geysers, fumaroles, and hot springs.
Glaciers and glaciations - ice sheets, glacial lakes, tuyas - jökulhlaups and glacial hazards [More info]
Links to background information on glaciers, glacier hazards, ice sheets and glaciations, glacial lakes, specific glaciers, terminology, bibliographies, and related useful links.
Global Change Hydrology Program (hydroclimatology) [More info]
Review of the Global Change Hydrology Program components relating to hydroclimatology and studies of the biogeochemistry of greenhouse gases with links to research activities, datasets, fact sheets, and other publications and websites.
Global Fiducials Library [More info]
Remote-sensing imagery, typically aerial or satellite photography, of specific areas chosen as reference sites for study of land surface change.
Global Geographic Information Systems (GIS) [More info]
Access to downloadable GIS databases including the Global Digital Elevation Model (DEM), remotely sensed products, data on world energy and mineral deposits, biodiversity, and geologic hazards for use with ArcView or free software.
Global Seismographic Network [More info]
Worldwide network of seismic monitoring stations coordinated by a variety of national and international organizations.
Global inventory of natural gas hydrate occurrence [More info]
This updated global inventory reports on natural gas hydrate recovered or inferred from geophysical, geochemical, or geological evidence. Includes links to world location maps, inventories, references and posters. Also in PDF format files.
Global sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration: data display software [More info]
Downloadable data with software showing composite average ocean characteristics (sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration). Includes documentation, source code, data, and executable programs for Linux and Microsoft Windows.
Glossary of glacier terminology: a glossary providing the vocabulary necessary to understand the modern glacier environment. [More info]
An illustrated glossary of terms relating to modern glaciers and glacial landforms based mainly on Alaskan examples.
Glossary of selected glacier and related terminology [More info]
Dictionary of terms associated with glaciology with brief definitions.
Glossary of terms in paleontology [More info]
Dictionary of terms associated with paleontology with brief definitions.
Glossary of water-use terminology [More info]
Dictionary of terms associated with water use from the publication: Estimated Use of water in the United States in 1990.
Grain size analyzer technique [More info]
Description of the technique used in particle-size analysis
Great Lakes Science Center [More info]
Site for Great Lakes Science Center, Ann Arbor, which provides information about biological resources in the Great Lakes Basin. Links to personnel, publications, data, library, facilities, research vessels, Great Lakes issues, and research.
Great Lakes Science Center research vessels [More info]
Description of ships used for Great Lakes research by scientists at the Great Lakes Science Center.
Great Lakes assessment of water availability and use [More info]
Information about basin storage, historical changes, and consumptive water use for manages and planners to use to develop policies for efficient and sustainable water use.
Great Lakes issues [More info]
Water resources problems of the Great Lakes including water use, bacterial contamination on beaches, status of water resources, and ground water flow.
Ground water atlas of the United States [More info]
The U.S. ground water atlas consists of information on ground water resources of 13 regions covering the 50 States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Text and maps can be viewed online and downloaded as ASCII, GIF, and *.eps files.
Ground water climate response network [More info]
Map showing a network of selected ground water wells in the U.S. The water levels in these wells are used to monitor the effects of droughts and other climate variability.
Ground water information pages [More info]
Lead page to connect to ground water information on the Nation's ground water resources and ground water activities of the USGS. Includes links to ground-water data, news reports, publications, field techniques, models, programs, and issues.
PDF Ground-water availability in the United States [More info]
Report examines what is known about the Nation's ground-water availability, and outlines a program of study to improve our understanding of ground-water availability in major aquifers across the Nation. With regional examples.
Ground-water data for the Nation [More info]
National Water Information System (NWIS) real-time data on selected ground water sites, ground water level data, site inventory of wells, test holes, drains, springs and excavations and ground water-quality data for the United States.
Ground-water flow and other computer simulations for Utah [More info]
Identifies computer models in USGS publications developed to study ground water for many areas of Utah.
Ground-water monitoring for pesticides in Wyoming [More info]
Sampling program to determine if pesticides are present in ground water, in accordance with Wyoming's Generic State Management Plan for Pesticides in Ground Water (SMP).
Ground-water recharge in the arid and semiarid southwestern United States [More info]
A systematic presentation of climatic and hydrogeologic framework of the area, regional analysis of ground-water recharge, and an overview of 8 site-specific case studies.
Ground-water resources of Louisiana [More info]
Links to Louisiana statewide aquifer and well information by locating parish on a map or selecting parish, aquifer, region, or type of ground-water data (real-time water levels or geophysical data) from lists.
Ground-water resources program [More info]
This program encompasses regional studies of ground water systems, multidisciplinary studies of critical ground water issues, access to ground-water data, and research and methods development.
Groundwater Quality in the Central Eastside San Joaquin Valley, California [More info]
Summary of a detailed study in this agricultural area.
Groundwater Quality in the Kern County Subbasin, California [More info]
Arsenic was the trace element most frequently present at high concentrations here. High concentrations of arsenic result from the interaction of groundwater with naturally occurring minerals.
Groundwater Quality in the Southeast San Joaquin Valley, California [More info]
Arsenic and nitrate are the constituents found most commonly at high concentrations in the primary aquifers. Arsenic comes from natural sources and is affected by pH and dissolved oxygen.
PDF Groundwater Resources of Ribeira Faja Basin, Island of Sao Nicolau, Cape Verde, West Africa [More info]
Lower precipitation and recharge, with deeper groundwater levels, suggest this basin will be less susceptible to contamination than others nearby, but may be susceptible to saltwater intrusion brought on by well pumping.
Groundwater Resources of Ribeira Paul Basin, Island of Santo Antao, Cape Verde, West Africa [More info]
PDF Groundwater availability study for Guam; goals, approach, products, and schedule of activities [More info]
Process and plan to be used to provide reliable evaluations of the potential effects of groundwater production and help guide sustainable management of the resource.
Groundwater geophysical technology transfer [More info]
Site to provide USGS scientists with web-based resoures to transfer new geophysical knowledge and experience; includes methods, tools, publications and training.
Groundwater quality in the Central Sierra Nevada, California [More info]
Recent study indicates that inorganic trace elements and radioactive constituents are more likely to be subjects of concern in this less-developed area than anthropogenic organic compounds.
Groundwater quality in the Middle Sacramento Valley, California [More info]
Results of a survey of contaminants in untreated groundwater in this area. Arsenic and boron were the two trace elements detected most frequently at concentrations greater than the benchmarks.
Groundwater quality in the Monterey Bay and Salinas Valley groundwater basins, California [More info]
This study of untreated groundwater indicates the number of samples in which inorganic or organic constituents occur in high or moderate in concentration. The study does not indicate significant problems in groundwater quality here.
Groundwater quality in the Northern Sacramento Valley, California [More info]
Results of a survey of contaminants in untreated groundwater in this area, separating inorganic from organic constituents.
Groundwater quality in the San Diego Drainages Hydrogeologic Province, California [More info]
Vanadium and boron were detected at high and moderate concentrations in this area. High concentrations for these constituents were detected almost exclusively in samples collected in the Temecula Valley study area.
Groundwater quality in the San Fernando--San Gabriel groundwater basins, California [More info]
Organic solvents are the chief concern in this area, which has given rise to a systematic program of monitoring and water treatment. This study shows relatively recent results.
Groundwater quality in the Santa Clara River Valley, California [More info]
This study of untreated groundwater indicates the number of samples in which inorganic or organic constituents occur in high or moderate in concentration. The study does not indicate significant problems in groundwater quality here.
Groundwater quality in the Southern Sacramento Valley, California [More info]
Results of a survey of contaminants in untreated groundwater in this area. Arsenic and boron were the trace elements occurring most frequently at high concentrations.
Groundwater quality in the Southern Sierra Nevada, California [More info]
Recent study indicating inorganic constituents as the primary items of concern in this area. Chemical and mineralogical compositions of the aquifer rocks probably explain variation among localities here.
Groundwater quality in the Tahoe and Martis Basins, California [More info]
Recent study encountered occasional high values of radioactive trace elements, but the water quality in this area as monitored compares favorably to more urban areas studied by the same group.
Groundwater quality in the Upper Santa Ana Watershed study unit, California [More info]
Recent study indicating nitrate and perchlorate are the primary inorganic constituents of interest here, coming from human activities such as agriculture.
Groundwater quality in the north San Francisco Bay groundwater basins, California [More info]
Summary of chemical constituents of ground water that are of concern to human activity in this area. Arsenic is the constituent that occurs most frequently in high concentrations.
PDF Groundwater quality of southeastern Wyoming [More info]
Explains how we assess groundwater quality here, what characteristics are important, and how they hurt or, in some cases, help use use the water.
PDF Groundwater resources of Mosteiros basin, island of Fogo, Cape Verde, west Africa [More info]
Shallow groundwater has good quality, but salinity measured in wells suggests the thin lens of freshwater under the coastal plain will be vulnerable to saltwater intrusion as a consequence of pumping.
Gulf Coast Framework Studies Home Page [More info]
Provides geologic, geophysical, and geochemical framework studies that will aid in a reassessment of energy commodities (coal, gas, and oil) in the Gulf Coast Region.
Gulf of Maine internet map [More info]
Gulf of Maine regional overview interactive map depicting research activities of the U.S. Geological Survey showing surficial sample sites, bathymetry, continental margin and coastal areas.
Gulf of Mexico Climate-History Calibration Study [More info]
Proxy methods allow us to estimate ancient ocean temperatures but only if the method is calibrated using modern samples for which we measure the temperature. This is a proxy method using a sediment trap to collect planktonic foraminifera.
Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science [More info]
Website of the Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science program to understand the framework and processes of the Gulf of Mexico using Tampa Bay as a pilot study. Links to publications, digital library, water chemistry maps, epiphytes, and field trips.
Gulf of the Farallones disposal issues: disposal and waste disposal [More info]
Study of the effects on the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary resulting from the disposal of San Francisco dredged material and barrels of low-level radioactive waste with links to publications and atlas with digital images.
PDF Hawaii StreamStats; a web application for defining drainage-basin characteristics and estimating peak-streamflow statistics [More info]
Interactive maps providing selected analyses on areas you choose
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory [More info]
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory's latest news with links to information on Kilauea, Mauna Loa, and other volcanoes, earthquakes, volcanic hazards, photo archive, and general information about the center.
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory spotlight images archive [More info]
Images of Hawaiian volcanoes and the islands they've built in the past few million years, images of recent eruptions, and Hawaiian landscapes.
Hazards, disasters, and the National Map [More info]
Fact sheet describing the value of The National Map designed as a network of digital databases that will provide a consistent national geographic data framework in responding to natural hazards and human-induced disasters.
Health effects of mineral dusts [More info]
Overview of project to develop and apply a variety of earth science methods to interpret the geologic links between mineral dusts such as silica and asbestos and human health problems with links to contacts, tasks, and products.
High Plains aquifer resources and information [More info]
Links to reports, bibliographies, and other information on the High Plains aquifer.
PDF Historic Flooding in South Georgia, March 27-April 3, 2009 [More info]
Explains the meteorological and hydrologic conditions that led to widespread flooding in this area.
PDF Historic flooding in northern Georgia, September 16-22, 2009 [More info]
Explains the meteorological and hydrologic conditions that led to widespread flooding in this area.
PDF Historical changes in annual peak flows in Maine and implications for flood-frequency analyses [More info]
Annual peak flows have increased at most rivers in Maine during the last century. What effect does this have on computed peak flows, such as the 100-year flows, that are used for designing bridges and other structures?
Historical interrelationships between population settlement and farmland in the conterminous United States, 1790 to 1992 [More info]
Chapter from Land Use History of the North America on the results of a study to understand the interactions of population growth, urbanization, and agricultural activity over time.
Historical mapping [More info]
Information on researching and locating historical maps with reference to basic references and collections of the National Archives, Library of Congress, and the U.S. Geological Survey. Includes instructions for ordering copies of historic USGS maps.
Historical streamflows of Double Mountain Fork of Brazos River and water-surface elevations of Lake Alan Henry, Garza County, Texas, water years 1962-2010 [More info]
Shows graphs illustrating available data from two surface-water monitoring stations near this reservoir supplying water for the city of Lubbock.
PDF Holocene evolution of Apalachicola Bay, Florida [More info]
Geophysical surveying, combined with analysis of sediment cores and radiometric dating were used to describe the likely history of formation of this area.
Household Chemicals and Drugs Found in Biosolids from Wastewater Treatment Plants [More info]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--biosolids have high concentrations of household contaminants compared to treated liquid wastewater effluent.
Housing arrangement and location determine the likelihood of housing loss due to wildfire [More info]
Using a geographic dataset of structures, with more than 5500 structures that were destroyed or damaged by wildfire since 2001, we identified the main contributors to property loss in two extensive, fire-prone regions in southern California.
How do geologists date rocks? Radiometric dating! [More info]
Explanation of how geologists date rocks (to determine the ages of the Earth, fossils, mineral deposits, and other geologic events) and processes using radiometric dating techniques based on radioactive isotopes of carbon and potassium/argon.
PDF How does a U.S. Geological Survey streamgage work? [More info]
Explains how streamflow is measured, how it relates to water level, how stream discharge is measured, and how to find data on streamflow.
Hudson River salt front data [More info]
Tide stage, specific conductance, water temperature, and freshwater inflow at selected Hudson River (New York) gages updated every 4-hours to measure the effects of freshwater withdrawals and upstream movement of the salt front.
Hurricane and extreme storm impact studies [More info]
Homepage for programs of the Center for Coastal Geology on hurricanes and extreme storms with links to technology, related aerial photography, hurricanes, El Nino, northeasters, and specific storms.
Hurricane and extreme storm impact studies: coastal and nearshore mapping with oblique aerial video and still photography [More info]
Information on video and still photography used to supplement laser altimetry measurements of the coast. The photography is used for recognizing geomorphic and cultural features impacted by storms. Links to photo collections of hurricanes and El Nino.
Hurricane and extreme storm impact studies: coastal and nearshore mapping with scanning airborne laser (LIDAR) [More info]
Airborne scanning laser surveys (LIDAR) are used to obtaining data to investigate the magnitude and causes of coastal changes that occur during severe storms. Links to examples of coastal mapping during specific hurricanes.
Hurricane and extreme storm impact studies: hurricanes, El-Niño, & northeasters [More info]
Description of three types of severe coastal storm impacts: hurricane impacts on the southeast U.S., extra-tropical storm impacts on the U.S. west coast during El-Nino winters, and 'northeaster' impacts on the U.S. east coast.
PDF Hurricane impact and recovery shoreline change analysis of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, USA: 1855 to 2005 [More info]
Results from historical (1855-2005) shoreline change analysis demonstrate that tropical cyclone frequency dominates the long-term evolution of this barrier-island arc.
Hydrates cruise in the Gulf of Mexico [More info]
Investigation of the upper- and middle continental slope of the Mississippi Canyon, including the Gulf of Mexico, for the distribution of gas-hydrate deposits with links to a DEM image map, bathymetry data, and research technology.
Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN): streamflow data set, 1874 - 1988 [More info]
The Hydro-Climatic Data Network, or HCDN, consists of streamflow records for 1,659 sites throughout United States and its Territories. Records span the period 1874 through 1988, and represent a total of 73,231 water years of information.
Hydroacoustic current meters for the measurement of discharge in shallow streams and rivers [More info]
Description and illustrations of hydroacoustic current meters for measuring the discharge in streams and rivers with links to wading discharge measurements, project progress and plans and references.
Hydroacoustic methods [More info]
Technical information on acoustic methods of measuring water currents and applications of hydroacoustic techniques to problems in surface water hydrology.
Hydrogeologic framework of Antelope Valley and Bedell Flat, Washoe County, west-central Nevada [More info]
Description of the hydrogeologic framework of Antelope Valley and Bedell Flat in west-central Nevada north of Reno-Sparks area. Gravimetric and seismic-refraction methods were used in the study. Report available in PDF format or HTML format.
Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility [More info]
Provides hydrologic instruments, equipment, and supplies for USGS, other Federal agencies, and cooperators. Also tests, evaluates, repairs, calibrates, and develops hydrologic equipment and instruments.
Hydrologic conditions for Illinois: Drought perceptions, effects, and assessment [More info]
Map of stream conditions and links to precipitation data, drought statistics, and information on floods and droughts in Illinois.
Hydrologic conditions for North Dakota [More info]
Links by map location or station number to real-time stage and streamflow, real-time water quality, ground-water data, long-term hydrographs, and annual water-data reports to view and download for past and current water conditions in North Dakota.
PDF Hydrologic conditions in Georgia, 2010 [More info]
Georgia has recently seen a lot of extreme weather events triggering widespread flooding. This summary of streamflow and discharge from selected locations shows graphically the conditions during 2010.
Hydrologic research and development program [More info]
Program supporting investigations that are generally long-term and multi-disciplinary, and that integrate hydrological, geological, chemical, climatic, and biological information related to water resources issues.
Hydrologic studies in Long Valley caldera [More info]
Hydrologic monitoring data for Long Valley caldera, California, on springs, streams, wells, fumaroles, and precipitation to study the natural hydrologic variations and the response of the hydrologic system to volcanic and tectonic processes.
Hydrologic studies in Oregon [More info]
Links to water data studies for river and lake basins in Oregon including ground water and water quality studies.
Hydrologic studies in the Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon [More info]
Overview of Klamath ecological research and links to USGS Klamath studies on ground water, nutrients, sediment oxygen demand, and fish response to water quality, sucker ecology, publications, bibliographies, and data.
Hydrologic unit maps [More info]
Overview of hydrologic unit maps adapted from USGS Water-Supply Paper 2294 giving description of hydrologic units, link to list of hydrologic units, paper maps and digital spatial data sets.
Hydrology of Johnson Creek Basin, a Mixed-Use Drainage Basin in the Portland, Oregon, Metropolitan Area [More info]
Study of a small stream that has had a history of persistent flooding and water-quality problems.
Hydrology primer [More info]
General information on the science of hydrology with information on ground water, surface water, water use, the work of hydrologists, and hydrology as a career.
PDF Identification of tsunami deposits in the geologic record; developing criteria using recent tsunami deposits [More info]
Characteristics of recent tsunami deposits, with the knowledge we have about the events that caused them, give us ways to recognize ancient deposits of this type and infer characteristics of those ancient tsunamis as well.
PDF Impacts and predictions of coastal change during hurricanes [More info]
Shows how observations and modeling can help anticipate practical problems in coastal areas when hurricanes arrive. Focuses primarily on areas where people have built houses and roads that may be destroyed during storms.
Improving access to metadata using keywords from controlled vocabularies [More info]
Description of the use of Place Keyword Assistant, a software tool, for tagging metadata with geographic names from standardized lists or controlled vocabularies. Includes instructions on use and downloading software files.
In-Place Oil Shale Resources Underlying Federal Lands in the Piceance Basin, Western Colorado [More info]
We estimated an in-place oil shale resource of 1.07 trillion barrels under Federal mineral rights, or 70 percent of the total oil shale in place, in this area.
Instantaneous Data Archive - IDA [More info]
The USGS collects continuous stage, discharge, and other instantaneous time-series data on the nations rivers. This Archive provides streamflow data and historical data, often several years worth.
PDF Integrated Science: Florida Manatees and Everglades Hydrology [More info]
Description of research and monitoring work proposed for 2008 to combine hydrologic models with manatee distribution and movement models near and within Everglades National Park.
PDF Integrated geologic, geochemical, and geophysical studies of Big Bend National Park, Texas [More info]
Coordinated studies of the effect of historical mining for mercury, origin and composition of metals in groundwaters and surface waters, history of volcanic and intrusive activity, and the complex geological history of this area.
PDF Integrated monitoring of ecological conditions in wetland-upland landscapes [More info]
Landscapes of interwoven wetlands and uplands offer a rich set of ecosystem goods and services. Changes in climate and land use can affect the value of those services. We study these areas to understand how they may be changing.
Interagency Hydrology Committee for Alaska [More info]
Information on the Interagency Hydrology Committee for Alaska, an organization of technical specialists at the federal, state, and local levels who are coordinating the collection and implementation of water resources related data in Alaska.
International Polar Year 2007-2008 [More info]
Scientific studies on the polar regions will receive greater attention during 2007-2008 as a result of USGS participation in the International Polar Year, coordinated in the US by the National Research Council, NSF, and NASA.
Introduction to geologic mapping [More info]
A brief summary of the principles and practices of geologic mapping.
PDF Introduction to geospatial semantics and technology workshop handbook [More info]
Tutorial on geospatial semantics with hands-on exercises using standard Web browsers, divided into two sections, general semantics on the Web and specific examples of geospatial semantics using data from The Open Ontology Repository.
PDF Introduction to potential fields: Gravity [More info]
Explanation of the Earth's gravitational field, emphasizing how USGS scientists measure gravity and portray these measurements on maps. Explains terminology of gravity anomaly maps and their relationship to the rock types and other geologic features.
PDF Introduction to potential fields: Magnetics [More info]
Explanation of the Earth's magnetic field and how USGS measures it. Defines magnetic anomaly, induced and remanent magnetism in rocks, and describes magnetic anomaly maps.
PDF Inventory and protection of salt marshes from risks of sea-level rise at Acadia National Park, Maine [More info]
Will salt marshes survive if sea level rises quickly? The answer depends on whether the areas surrounding them can allow salt marsh fauna and flora to migrate there. Local topography, both natural and manmade, is the main factor limiting this migration.
PDF Investigating atmospheric mercury with the U.S. Geological Survey mobile mercury laboratory [More info]
Explains sources of mercury in the air, ways in which mercury is concentrated in animals, and describes how we measure deposition of atmospheric mercury, with summaries of observations.
Investigating the Chesapeake Bay impact crater [More info]
Links to information on the formation and structure of Chesapeake Bay including online reports, recent field work, field work archives, cooperating agencies, bibliography, and links to articles about other terrestrial impact craters.
Isostasy [More info]
Explanation of the concept of isostasy as part of the Geophysical studies of the San Francisco Bay area.
PDF Isotope and Chemical Methods in Support of the U.S. Geological Survey Science Strategy, 2003-2008 [More info]
Types of geochemical and isotopic analyses used in conducting a variety of research studies in USGS, primarily focused on mineral deposit formation.
Johnson Creek basin hydrologic monitoring [More info]
Hydrologic data and analyses of surface-water, water quality, and ground water in the Johnson Creek basin in Oregon.
PDF Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation (JACIE) [More info]
Interagency coordination group to understand quality and usefulness of remote sensing data
Joshua Tree National Park geology: on shaky ground [More info]
Description of earthquake that was felt in Joshua Tree region (1999) and links to earthquake summary, shaded relief map, aerial photos of the rupture zone, shaking intensity maps, damage reports, and seismograph network map.
Kansas drought watch [More info]
Drought map of Kansas link to real-time data for stream gaging stations and links to historic droughts of Kansas, ground water, drought definitions, and references.
Kansas flood watch [More info]
Flood map of Kansas link to real-time data for stream gaging stations and links to flood press releases, historic floods of Kansas, flood frequency data, photos, information on hydrology of floods, and flood hazard maps.
Karst Interest Group Proceedings (February 2001) [More info]
Scientific presentations and papers about geologic, geophysical, and hydrologic studies of karst areas in the U.S.
Kentucky District - program highlights [More info]
Brief descriptions of research programs in water resources in Kentucky with a few links to program websites. Programs include data collection projects, acid mine drainage, hydrodynamics, geology, waste site cleanup and hydrogeology.
Kilauea - eruption update and image archive [More info]
Current Kilauea eruption activity, updated daily with recent photos, maps, and deformation information and links to video for broadband users, photo glossary, and image archive.
Kilauea - perhaps the world's most active volcano [More info]
Current activity, hazards, and history of eruptions of Kilauea Volcano.
PDF Kilauea--an Explosive Volcano in Hawaii [More info]
Explains how explosive eruptions occur here, shows the history of its eruptions, and describes the effects and hazards that accompany them.
Laboratory manual for x-ray powder diffraction [More info]
Report presents an abridged guide for laboratory technicians and students using X-ray powder diffraction methodology to study crystalline structure and to determine the mineralogy of finer grained sediments, especially clays.
Lake Pontchartrain basin: bottom sediments and related environmental resources [More info]
This publication focuses on the geological framework and sedimentary processes of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin and provides links to interactive tools, regional research, and sediment data in GIS formats for display and analysis.
Lake Roosevelt-Upper Columbia River environmental studies [More info]
Description of research studies of the Lake Roosavelt-Upper Columbia area on contaminants and effects on environmental health with links to publications and products, partners, related links, project summaries, and contacts.
Lake Tahoe Data Clearinghouse [More info]
This website is a gateway to information and data on Lake Tahoe with links to Lake Tahoe Initiative, geography, history, lake facts, GIS Data, DEM, DOQ, DLG imagery, bathymetry, satellite imagery, land cover, census, soils, pictures, and general maps.
PDF Lake monitoring field manual [More info]
Handbook on monitoring methods for lake management, including program design, sampling methods and protocol, biota and chemical sampling methods, laboratory methods, preservation of data and samples, glossary, and bibliography. (PDF file, 92 pp.)
Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) [More info]
Homepage of the Land Processes DAAC, which processes, archives, and distributes land-related data collected by Earth Observing System (EOS) sensors. Links to data products including ETM+ Landsat data, ASTER data, and MODIS land products.
Land Remote Sensing Program [More info]
Land Remote Sensing Program (LRS) provides a primary source of remotely sensed data and applications of land remote sensing, nationally and internationally.
Land Subsidence in the United States [More info]
Describes and provides several detiled examples of impacts of human-induced land subsidence resulting from the extraction of subsurface water, including aquifer-system compaction, drainage of organic soils, dissolution and collapse of susceptible rocks.
Land Subsidence in the United States [More info]
Describes and provides examples of impacts of human-induced land subsidence resulting from the extraction of subsurface water, including aquifer-system compaction, drainage of organic soils, dissolution and collapse of susceptible rocks.
Land subsidence and aquifer-system compaction in the Tucson Active Management Area, south-central Arizona, 1987-2005 [More info]
Results of ground-surface monitoring and borehole water table measurements document subsidence of the land surface correlative with changes in the ground water.
Land subsidence from ground-water pumping [More info]
Online report for an interactive workshop Impact of Climate Change and Land Use in the Southwestern United States. Discusses land subsidence due to increased ground water pumping in the Southwest and the damage caused by subsidence.
PDF Land use and land cover classification system for use with remote sensor data [More info]
Framework of a national land use and land cover classification system for use with remote sensor data.
Land use history of North America (LUHNA) [More info]
Report prepared with NASA on the importance of a historical context for understanding ongoing changes in land cover and land use in North America and the effect on the environment. Site contains primarily contents of a book edited by T.D. Sisk.
PDF Land-use and land-cover scenarios and spatial modeling at the regional scale [More info]
Complex geographic information can be analyzed with mathematical models to show us the spatial patterns of human building, vegetation growth, and other landscape characteristics that may result from environmental changes we may expect in the future.
PDF Land-use planning for nearshore ecosystem services--the Puget Sound Ecosystem Portfolio Model [More info]
Describes the types of concerns and observations used to help area resource managers analyze actual or potential changes in this highly developed ecosystem.
Landsat Data Continuity Mission [More info]
Main site for Landsat missions, which provide information about land surface features of the earth. Includes imagery, links to general and technical information, ordering of data, and partners.
PDF Landsat Data Continuity Mission [More info]
A partnership between NASA and USGS to assure continuous satellite imaging of the earth's surface that was begun 40 years ago.
PDF Landsat-A Global Land-Imaging Mission [More info]
Characteristics and history of this satellite-based earth imaging system, including plans and prospects for future instruments.
PDF Landsat: A Global Land Imaging Program [More info]
Overview of the history of this satellite imaging system, with details about the way in which it collects information about the earth's surface.
Landscape changes in the southwestern United States: techniques, long-term data sets, and trends [More info]
This study illustrates some approaches for reconstructing landscape change.
Landslide Hazards Program [More info]
Research program designed to improve understanding of the causes of ground failure so that the hazards associated with landslides can be mitigated or avoided.
PDF Landslide Hazards in the Seattle, Washington, Area [More info]
Explains how and why landslides occur in this area, and what can be done to forecast and mitigate them.
Landslide events [More info]
Current, regularly updated reports of landslides nationwide
Landslide types and processes [More info]
An introductory primer giving basic scientific facts about landslides--the types of landslides, how they are initiated, and how they can begin to be managed as a hazard.
Landslides learning & education [More info]
A wide variety of explanatory and educational resources about landslides and their relationship with earthquakes and storms, and preparedness. Includes glossary and photos.
Landslides research [More info]
Description of research projects in progress to make accurate landslide hazard maps and forecasts of landslide occurrences.
Large floods in the United States: where they happen and why [More info]
Discussion of large floods and occurrence in relationship to regional climatology, topography, and basin size.
PDF Lead-Soft and easy to cast [More info]
Explains how we use lead, where it comes from, and how we might ensure that we have adequate supplies of this mineral commodity in the future.
Lewis and Clark and the U.S. Geological Survey in North Dakota [More info]
Homepage linking the historic journey of Lewis and Clark and the research of the USGS in the same region with links to mapping history, remarkable points on the Missouri River, educational activities, photo gallery, and publications.
PDF Lidar postcards [More info]
Four postcards available for downloading and printing, illustrating the use of lidar (light detection and ranging) to construct high-resolution topographic and habitat maps.
PDF Limestone - A crucial and versatile industrial mineral commodity [More info]
Uses and availability of limestone and related commodities such as lime and portland cement. Hazards of limestone terranes due to erosion and sinkhole formation.
Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) [More info]
Description of technique and equipment for high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) used to identify organic compounds in chemical analysis.
List of spatial data sets for water [More info]
Links and brief summaries of available geospatial datasets for producing map layers on a variety of topics related to water including data on locations of aquifers, stations, land use and others.
Locations and attributes of wind turbines in Colorado, 2009 [More info]
Data as of 2009, includes facility name, facility power capacity, number of turbines associated with each facility to date, facility developer, facility ownership, year the facility went online, and development status of wind facility.
Locations and attributes of wind turbines in New Mexico, 2009 [More info]
Data as of 2009, includes facility name, facility power capacity, number of turbines associated with each facility to date, facility developer, facility ownership, year the facility went online, and development status of wind facility.
Long Island Sound [More info]
Long Island Sound interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
Long Island Sound sidescan sonar mosaics [More info]
Sidescan sonar image, surficial geologic interpretation, and bathymetry of the Long Island Sound sea floor.
Louisiana HydroWatch [More info]
Homepage for the statewide real-time hydrologic monitoring network featuring the latest hydrologic information in Louisiana.
Louisiana continental slope [More info]
Louisiana continental slope interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
Louisiana online water resources publications [More info]
Links to electronic publications on Louisiana water resources, some in PDF format, and link to bibliographies of electronic and paper publications.
Lower Columbia River dissolved gas monitoring network [More info]
Links to real-time data for total dissolved gas, temperature, and barometric pressure in lower Columbia River in Oregon and Washington and to project reports.
Luminescence dating - introduction and overview of the technique [More info]
Brief overview of luminescence dating is presented, including a description of the method, its uses, and proper sample collection techniques. Links to other U.S. laboratories for luminescence dating are also provided.
Maine Cooperative Snow Survey [More info]
The Maine Cooperative Snow Survey collects, interprets, and distributes information on the depth and water content of Maine's snowpack in the late winter and early spring, when the danger of flooding in Maine's rivers and streams is greatest.
Maine drought information: drought watch [More info]
Daily streamflow data and drought conditions for Maine.
Maine river ice monitoring system [More info]
The USGS in Augusta, Maine monitors river and ice conditions in areas of ice accumulation on the Kennebec River near Augusta providing real-time river stage data and real-time pictures of ice conditions at this location.
Major aquifers in New Jersey [More info]
Geologic description of the principal coastal and non-coastal aquifers in New Jersey and relationship to water quality and water supply.
Major drainage basins in Massachusetts and Rhode Island [More info]
Location and geology of drainage basins in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Major fossil groups [More info]
Discusses how fossils can be grouped and studied by size, habitat type, and phylogenetic groups. Shows how fossil classification groups are used to solve geologic problems at the USGS.
Major occupations and qualifications [More info]
Information for students on major professions within the USGS with general descriptions of work and qualifications needed for biologists, cartographers, computer professionals, geologists and geophysicists, ecologists, and hydrologists.
Major quake likely to strike San Francisco Bay Region between 2003 and 2032 [More info]
Study of the probability of a major earthquake in San Francisco Bay region with colored map and links to relevant publications. Text also available in PDF format and graphic available in Illustrator or Photoshop format.
Map accuracy standards [More info]
Information on national map accuracy standards and how the USGS maintains accuracy.
Map and database of Quaternary faults and folds in Colombia and its offshore regions [More info]
PDF file of map of Quaternary faults and folds in Columbia prepared as part of the World Map of Major Active Faults with locations, ages, and activity rates of major earthquake-related features accompanied by database of description and activity.
Map showing geology, oil and gas fields and geologic provinces of Africa, ver. 2.0 [More info]
Digitally compiled interactive maps with links to metadata, descriptions of map units, and data files.
Mapping Partnership Office of Texas [More info]
Guide to the cooperative mapping programs in the state of Texas administered by the USGS Texas Mapping Partnership Office. Provides description of ongoing projects with links to USGS and cooperator datasets for the state of Texas.
PDF Mapping perennial vegetation cover in the Mojave Desert [More info]
Field data and satellite images allow us to make a calibrated model of percent vegetation cover, which we can use to inform scientific investigations and land management efforts.
Maps On Demand: limited printing of digitally supported U.S. Geological Survey maps and reports [More info]
The USGS provides map-on-demand (MOD) printing for selected infrequently requested geologic and other theme map products providing high-quality paper-copy maps as needed. Site links to available map products with thumbnail views and how to order.
Maps of the distribution and occurrence of ground water quality constituents and early 1970's land use in New Jersey [More info]
Links to maps of New Jersey showing nitrate levels, pesticides, Total Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and radium in wells and land use of the 1970s.
Marine Realms Information Bank: topic search, geographic search [More info]
Searching by geography and topics to locate scientific information about oceans, lakes, marine environments and coastal environments.
Marine aggregate resources and processes [More info]
Regional studies mapping the seafloor sedimentary character and assessing marine sand and gravel resources around the United States, to inform beach nourishment and coastal restoration, benthic habitat and sediment transport studies
Marine research publications [More info]
Bibliography of publications relating to the research of the United States Geological Survey, Woods Hole, MA dating from 1962 to the present with links to publications that are online. Listed by series and with a free text search option.
Marine reserves and biological habitats: Monterey Bay, California [More info]
Brief description of the research program to inventory the natural resources of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary with links to cruises, and publications and products, including an internet map server, imagery, and geologic descriptions.
Mars Global Digital Dune Database; MC-1 [More info]
Distribution and morphological character of moderate to large size dune fields on Mars from 65 degrees North to the north pole.
Mass Wasting Following the 2002 Missionary Ridge Fire near Durango, Colorado, a Field Trip Guidebook [More info]
Guidebook with photos, maps, and diagrams explaining how forest fires have affected the likelihood of mass wasting, with discussions of steps taken to minimize future impacts.
Mass wasting presentation [More info]
Presentation explaining the various types of mass wasting, how they work, and how they differ from one another, with diagrams and photos.
Massachusetts and Rhode Island District home page [More info]
Home page for the Massachusetts and Rhode Island District office for water resources with links to drainage basins, water, stream statistics, projects, publications, news reports, and location.
Massachusetts and Rhode Island District projects [More info]
List of all Massachusetts and Rhode Island District water projects with links to those with homepages.
Massachusetts and Rhode Island District water data [More info]
Links to streamflow, surface and ground water, water quality, flood, drought, and precipitation data in real-time and for historic time periods for Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Mauna Loa current activity [More info]
Current activity of Mauna Loa Volcano with news, GPS data, electronic tiltmeter data, and current seismicity plus links to long term monitoring.
Measuring human-induced land subsidence from space [More info]
Examples of the use of Satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar to measure and map changes on the Earth's surface as an aid to understanding how ground-water pumping, hydrocarbon production, or other human activities cause land subsidence.
Measuring land subsidence from space [More info]
Describes the use of satellite-borne Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) to precisely measure, monitor, and assess small changes in land surface elevation resulting from human-induced or naturally occuring land subsidence.
Megafossils: vertebrates - technique of paleontological analyses [More info]
Brief description of vertebrates and use of their fossil bones and footprints to aid in dating strata in biostratigraphy and to decipher past climates and recreate ancient ecosystems in paleoecology, paleoclimatology and paleobiogeography.
Menlo Park Rock Magnetics Laboratory [More info]
Description of the work on paleomagnetism at the USGS Rock Magnetics Laboratory in Menlo Park, California with an overview of geomagnetic polar reversals, paleosecular variation, intensity, magnetic susceptibility, and rock magnetism analysis.
Mercury Concentrations in Streams Found to Go Through Daily Cycles [More info]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--highly variable conditions cause the production of toxic methyl mercury in the environment which accumulates in fish.
Mercury Studies Team [More info]
Home page on hydrology studies on mercury, the most common contaminant of aquatic ecosystems, with links to general information, research team projects and data.
PDF Methods for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods in rural basins in the southeastern United States: South Carolina [More info]
Flood estimates are needed for the efficient design of bridges, highway embankments, levees, to protect lives and property in flood-prone areas, and to determine flood-insurance rates.
PDF Methods for processing and imaging marsh foraminifera [More info]
Special handling must be used because these one-celled organisms break down easily if dried, and the scientific analysis is enhanced by identifying smaller specimens. Shows how they are sampled, prepared, and studied using optical and electon microscopy.
Methods of installing United States National Seismographic Network (USNSN) stations: a construction manual [More info]
Instructions on how to build a protective outdoor seismic vault used as stations for broadband seismic sensors that respond to seismic energy, temperature, and atmospheric pressure for the United States National Seismic Network in PDF format.
Methow River Basin [More info]
Description of studies conducted to evaluate the surface water, ground water, water interactions, and water quality of Methow River Basin in Washington. With links to related science topics, datasets, maps, project summaries, and news.
Michigan District - USGS Federal-State Cooperator Program [More info]
Links to websites of state, county and regional, township, municipal and tribal cooperators assisting with the funding and studies of the Michigan District research projects and data collection related to Michigan's water resources.
Michigan hydrologic summary [More info]
Links to websites providing data and information related to Michigan hydrology including droughts, floods, current water conditions, Great Lakes water levels, climatology, and weather.
PDF Microbial ecology of deep-water mid-Atlantic canyons [More info]
Plan for an upcoming study, at the microbiological scale, of the benthic communities (including corals) that reside in and around mid-Atlantic canyons, which are located at the edge of the continental shelf.
Mid-Continent Mapping Center [More info]
Overview of the Mid-Continent Mapping Center, Rolla, Missouri: a production, research, and data management facility for maps and digital cartographic data products, with links to directions, programs, mapping products, and visitors center.
Middleton (Wisconsin) Data Center [More info]
Technical information about several water resource database projects with local, regional, and national scope including the National Environmental Methods Index, the National Water Quality Assessment Data Warehouse, and the USGS Publications Warehouse.
Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS) [More info]
MRDS is a worldwide database of metallic and industrial mineral sites. Links to portions of the database that are available online.
Mineral Resources Program [More info]
Homepage of the Mineral Resources Program that provides current, impartial information on the occurrence, quality, quantity, and availability of mineral resources with links to projects, publications, spatial data, teams, issues, and news.
Mineral commodity statistics and information [More info]
Database of mineral and material commodities with descriptions, contacts, and historical and current statistics of worldwide supply, demand, production and trade in Mineral Commodity Studies, Minerals Yearbooks, and special publications.
Mineral deposit models [More info]
Publications by the USGS on mineral deposit models converted to digital files that can be downloaded. Some are *.pdf files requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and download text
Mineral resources online spatial data [More info]
Website for geospatial data on mineral resources of the U.S. or the world that users can locate by geographic area, view, and download.
Mineral resources spatial data [More info]
Geochemical, geological, geophysical, mineral, and general reference spatial datasets that users can locate and download.
Minerals information [More info]
Statistics and information on worldwide supply, demand, and flow of minerals and materials essential to the U.S. economy, national security, and protection of the environment. Links to publications, recycling, and historical statistics.
Minerals publications and data products [More info]
Site for publications on minerals resources with links to those online. Includes reports in series, CD-ROMS, spatial data, statistics and commodity information, and mineral resources publications of regional Mineral Resources Teams.
Minnesota water-resources projects [More info]
Links to descriptions of research projects on water resources in Minnesota listed by project number.
Missouri District Surface-Water Data & Analysis Section [More info]
Overview of the Surface-Water Data & Analysis Section of the Missouri District with links to real-time and historic water data, staff members, and projects on bridge scour and gaging station network.
Missouri District Water-Quality Data & Analysis Section [More info]
Homepage for the Missouri District Water-Quality Data & Analysis Section with links to data networks, projects, data availability, mobile laboratories, sampling boat, quality assurance practices, and real-time water-quality data.
Missouri River InfoLink: a clearinghouse of Missouri River information [More info]
Portal for Missouri River Infolinks, a clearinghouse to multiple links giving Missouri information, photo gallery, river weather forecast, projects and features, maps, meetings, history, and science research.
Missouri River streamflow-gaging station, Bismarck, North Dakota [More info]
Description of the North Dakota stream-gaging program using a Missouri River streamflow-gaging station in Bismarck, North Dakota as an example explaining how and why the USGS collects stream data with photos and directions for visiting the station.
Moderate-resolution sea surface temperature data and seasonal pattern analysis for the Arctic Ocean ecoregions [More info]
GIS data as grids, images, and shapefiles for monthly averages at 4km resolution from 1981 through 2009.
Moderate-resolution sea surface temperature data for the nearshore North Pacific [More info]
Downloadable monthly average SST data along the north Pacific coast in 4km grid cells for 29 years as shapefile, CSV, GIS grids, and Microsoft Access databases.
Mollusks [More info]
Information on mollusks and uses of the identification of fossil mollusks in the fields of biostratigraphy, geochronology, paleocoeanography, paleoecology and ecosystems history. Links to experts and related USGS projects.
PDF Monitoring and analysis of sand dune movement and growth on the Navajo Nation, southwestern United States [More info]
We combine long-term records from aerial photographs, detailed mapping using survey-grade GPS, and ground-based lidar with meteorological monitoring. Sand dune migration rates are currently about 35 meters per year.
Monitoring data of the Long Valley caldera and Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain, California [More info]
Describes the monitoring effort and provides real-time data of the current restless activity of the caldera, including earthquakes, ground deformation, and release of volcanic gas and plus link to volcano monitoring techniques.
PDF Monitoring floods and fires during the summer of 2011--The value of the Landsat satellite 40-year archives [More info]
Examples showing the use of historical satellite imagery for assessing the extent and severity of landscape hazards such as fires and floods.
PDF Monitoring for Pesticides in Groundwater and Surface Water in Nevada, 2008 [More info]
Study of pesticides in shallow groundwater and surface water to help decision makers evaluate and manage pesticide application practices to protect drinking water resources, especially deeper, potable groundwater as well as aquatic species.
Monitoring program for mercury in precipitation in Indiana [More info]
Precipitation-monitoring network for mercury in Indiana.
More than broken jars and roof tiles: the environmental legacy of a Roman mineral industry at Plasenzuela, Extremadura, Spain [More info]
Adaptation of a poster presented at Metals in Antiquity Symposium, Harvard, September 10-13, 1997.
Most recent updates for U.S. volcanoes [More info]
Short descriptions of recent volcanic activity in the US.
PDF Mount Rainier - Living Safely With a Volcano in Your Backyard [More info]
One of our Nation's most dangerous volcanoes, Mount Rainier has been the source of countless eruptions and volcanic mudflows, and many people live in the areas that will be affected by it.
Multibeam data and socio-economic issues in west-central San Francisco Bay [More info]
Webpage based on USGS Open File Report 98-139 links to information on the San Francisco Bay estuary to study dredge disposal effects, fish habitats, sediment transport, rock pinnacles and navigation, and consequences of a large oil spill.
Multibeam mapping of selected areas of the outer continental shelf, northwestern Gulf of Mexico: data, images, and GIS [More info]
Report provides the multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data, images, FGDC-compliant metadata, and GIS data from the 2002 surveys and 1997 USGS surveys of the Gulf.
Multibeam mapping of the Pinnacles region, Gulf of Mexico [More info]
Report on multibeam sonar imaging to produce bathymetric mapping of the reef tract known as The Pinnacles, northern Gulf of Mexico with links to images (ASCII or ArcInfo formats), data, metadata, ArcExplorer 2.0 project, and cruise report.
Multibeam mapping of the West Florida Shelf, Gulf of Mexico [More info]
Georeferenced high-resolution mapping of bathymetry of the West Florida Shelf, Gulf of Mexico of areas suspected to be critical benthic habitats for fisheries. Includes links to images, data, metadata, and TIFF image files.
Multielement geochemical dataset of surficial materials for the northern Great Basin [More info]
This report presents geochemical data generated during mineral and environmental assessments for the Bureau of Land Management in northern Nevada, northeastern California, southeastern Oregon, and southwestern Idaho, along with metadata and maps.
PDF Nahcolite Resources in the Green River Formation, Piceance Basin, Northwestern Colorado [More info]
Resource assessment of nahcolite, a mineral with a variety of industrial uses, which occurs with oil shale and is affected by the processes used to recover hydrocarbons from the rock.
National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP)- Ordering Aerial Photography [More info]
Enables locating and ordering aerial photography produced under the National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP)from the EROS data center with links to product description, prices, search & order, custom enlargements and certification.
National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards [More info]
The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards is a multi-year undertaking to identify and quantify the vulnerability of U.S. shorelines to coastal change hazards such as the effects of severe storms, sea-level rise, and shoreline erosion and retreat.
National Assessment of Shoreline Change Project [More info]
The Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is conducting an analysis of historical shoreline changes along open-ocean sandy shores of the conterminous United States and parts of Alaska and Hawaii.
National Atlas Map Maker - Map layers [More info]
Links to hundreds of map layers of geospatial information listed by subjects for use with the National Atlas Map Maker to assemble, view, and print customized maps using one or more of the layers.
National Coal Assessment [More info]
The USGS National Coal Assessment provides a quantitative study of the nation's coal endowment. Links to digital publications with maps for the Illinois Basin, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico, and Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota.
National Coal Resource Assessment: Geologic assessment of coal in the Colorado Plateau: Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah [More info]
Coal resources, stratigraphy, geochemistry, coal quality and geology of coal in the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Text in PDF format and available on CD-ROM.
National Coal Resources Data System - US Coal Quality Database [More info]
Searchable database, the COALQUAL database, presented here and in the USGS Open-file Report 97-134, is a subset of samples contained in the NCRDS (National Coal Resources Data System) database, and contains coal quality data on each sample.
National Coal Resources Data System - US Coal Resource Database (USGCOAL) [More info]
Searchable database for locating information on coal resources by area, coalfield, coalbed, rank, quadrangle, source, years, or characteristics of thickness, overburden, and reliability.
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program [More info]
Geological mapping carried out by USGS in close cooperation with state, university, and federal partners. Includes general information about geological maps and mapping standards.
PDF National Enhanced Elevation Assessment at a glance [More info]
We asked what enhanced elevation data people need, what would be the costs and benefits, and what would be the best ways to obtain these data.
National Geologic Map Database Catalog [More info]
Search tool for locating print and online U.S. geologic maps by area, title, author, etc.
National Geologic Map Database Geologic Names Lexicon GEOLEX [More info]
Search tool for locating lithologic and geochronologic unit names for geologic studies.
National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program [More info]
Operational program designed to facilitate the inventory and preservation of geological and geophysical data in US Federal agencies, state agencies, and universities.
National Geomagnetism Program [More info]
Overview of USGS programs related to geomagnetism including observatories, data, program services, links to models, charts, and movies, program contacts, Intermagnet, Geomag, publications, and bibliographies.
National Geospatial Program [More info]
Provides leadership for USGS geospatial coordination, production and service activities.
National Geospatial Technical Operations Center [More info]
Organizational unit within USGS supporting acquisition and management of trusted geospatial data, products, and services needed for The National Map, the National Atlas, and related efforts.
National Handbook of Recommended Methods for Water Data Acquisition -- Chapter 11 - Water Use [More info]
Provides standards and guidance for measuring, estimating, collecting, and analyzing water-use data. Includes brief descriptions of water-use activities, commonly used water-use terminology, and approaches and methods used in estimating water use.
National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) [More info]
Main page for National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), a comprehensive set of digital spatial data about surface water features, with links to references, data, software tools, applications, tutorials, technical support, and data maintenance.
National Ice Core Laboratory [More info]
The U.S. National Ice Core Laboratory (NICL) is a facility in the Denver Federal Center, Colorado, for long-term storage, curating, and studying ice cores recovered from the polar regions of the world with information on public tours.
National Landslide Information Center [More info]
National Landslide Information Center links to general information, teacher/student information, recent landslide events, state and local information, current projects, fire-related landslides, and images and publications on landslides.
National Mapping Program standards [More info]
Links to standards prepared under the National Mapping Program to produce and maintain top quality mapping and geospatial data products. Documents may be viewed and downloaded in PDF and HTML formats with links to related information.
National Oil and Gas Assessment [More info]
Links to oil and gas assessment maps of major basins in the United States and to related publications, and products.
National Petroleum Reserve Alaska Legacy Data Archive [More info]
Access is provided to seismic data, image files of seismic data, well logs, and cores of petroleum reserves in Alaska from the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, and (NPRA) Legacy Data Archive.
National Research Program (NRP) for water resources [More info]
The USGS National Research Program for water resources supports hydrologic research in support of the mission of the U.S. Geological Survey. Site provides links to search for current projects and for postdoctoral opportunities.
National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive [More info]
USGS Archive for preservation and access for satellite remote sensing data and imagery (Landsat and AVHRR). Links to locating and ordering imagery, international collaborators, advisory committee, and Earthshots (satellite photos.).
National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN) [More info]
Homepage for description of the National Stream Quality Network (NASQAN), a long-term program monitoring the concentrations and flux of sediment and chemicals in the Nation's largest rivers (Mississippi, Columbia, Colorado, Rio Grande, and Yukon).
National Streamflow Information Program [More info]
National Streamflow Information Program home page describing the operation and maintenance of 7000 streamgages, overview of the program, system for collection of streamflow data, maintaining of historic streamflow data, and available reports.
PDF National Streamflow Information Program: Implementation Status Report [More info]
Describes and explains why and how USGS and its cooperators operate about 7,500 stream gages nationwide, the types of information we obtain from them, and the problems that can be addressed as a result.
National Water Information System (NWISWeb) data for Illinois [More info]
National Information Water System (NWIS) water data for Illinois including real-time current conditions, streamflow data, site information, ground-water data, and water-quality data.
National Water Information System (NWISWeb) data for the Nation [More info]
NWISWeb homepage for the National Water Information System providing access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
National Water Quality Assessment urban studies portal [More info]
Multiple studies addressing urban water-quality issues, to describe biological, chemical, and physical characteristics of urban water resources over time, and relate those characteristics to natural processes and human activities
National Water Quality Laboratory [More info]
The National Water Quality Laboratory (NWQL) is a full-service laboratory that specializes in environmental analytical chemistry and has a primary role to develop new analytical methods. Links to directory, publications, and standards.
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program [More info]
Primary homepage for the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program studying water quality in river, aquifer and coastal water basins throughout the nation. Links to reports, data, models, maps and national synthesis studies.
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program - Great and Little Miami River Basins [More info]
The Great and Little Miami River Basins form a National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program study unit for studying the status, trends, and changes affecting the nation's water quality. Site links to data, publications, maps, and results.
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program - Water quality in the Puget Sound Basin [More info]
The Puget Sound Basin is a National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program study unit for studying the status, trends, and changes affecting the nation's water quality. Site links to data, publications, and results.
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program: reconstructed trends national synthesis study. [More info]
Program to compile data from the National Water-Quality Assessment Program study units to study national trends with links to sediment coring sites, video on Salt Lake City, study units identification, and publications.
National Water-Quality Assessment data warehouse [More info]
Data warehouse for national water quality program with links to chemical, biological, and physical data for water, sediment and animal tissues, nutrient, pesticide, and VOC levels, streamflow, and ground water levels from national study units.
National assessment of coastal vulnerability to sea-level rise: preliminary results for the U.S. Pacific Coast [More info]
Report on the potential of coastal change due to future sea level rise using the coastal vulnerability index (C.V.I.) with two regional examples in San Francisco and Monterey Bay and Tillamook Head, Oregon, to Ocean Shores, WA.
National assessment of coastal vulnerability to sea-level rise: preliminary results of the U.S. Atlantic coast [More info]
Brief report on map showing the relative vulnerability of the Atlantic coast to changes due to future rise in sea level. Includes links to similar maps in Open-file report 2000-178 on the Pacific Coast and 2000-179 on the Gulf of Mexico Coast.
National assessment of volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) in water resources of the United States [More info]
Links to online data retrieval, information on MTBE and gasoline oxygenates, VOCs analysis, VOC publications, news features, and featured online publications.
National field manual for the collection of water-quality data [More info]
Field manual (also available in PDF and paper formats) with instructions on techniques to collect and process water samples and to perform measurements of temperature, oxygen content, conductance, pH, turbidity, and fecal contaminants.
National geologic studies of benthic habitats, northeastern United States : Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region off Boston, Massachusetts [More info]
Geological research of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary sea floor are presented in the form of maps, posters, fact sheets, sonar images, and bottom photographs.
National highway runoff water quality data and methodology synthesis [More info]
Cooperative national project with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to evaluate FHWA's guidelines for highway-runoff quality. Links to searchable online bibliography of related publications by the USGS, EPA, FHWA, and state agencies.
PDF National hydrography dataset--linear referencing [More info]
Explains how the NHD specifies point locations within streams by using a code to indicate the reach (including the hydrologic unit) and a measure, which indicates how far the point is from the downstream end of the reach.
National research program (water resources), western United States [More info]
Home page for links to state district activities in water resources data collection, research, and analysis in the Western Region.
National water conditions [More info]
Historical maps and animations of maps for monthly and annual streamflow conditions by water year showing generalized contour patterns of streamflow conditions. Maps are for the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. - National Atlas of the United States [More info]
Portal to general information on the National Atlas of the United States with access for producing specialized maps and links to thematic maps including interactive maps, multimedia maps, map layers data warehouse, wall maps, and printable maps.
Natural Hazards - Floods [More info]
News and related information focusing on the hazards associated with floods in the United States.
Natural Hazards - Landslides [More info]
News and related information focusing on the importance of landslide hazards in the United States.
Natural Hazards - Tsunamis [More info]
News and related information focusing on the importance of tsunami hazards in the United States.
Natural Hazards - Volcanoes [More info]
News and related information focusing on the hazards associated with volcanoes in the United States.
Natural Hazards Support System [More info]
Shows where current natural hazard events are occurring within the US or worldwide, with information about the geographic extent of the hazard, the US agency engaged to work on it, and how long the hazard is expected be active.
Natural gas hydrates: vast resources, uncertain future [More info]
Fact sheet (PDF format) on gas hydrates occurrence, recovery, and use as an energy source.
Natural gemstones [More info]
Online booklet on natural gemstones, terminology, geologic environment, birthstones, U.S. production, chemical formulas, and references.
Natural hazards: Hurricanes [More info]
News and related information focusing on the hazards associated with hurricanes in the United States.
Nearshore Benthic Habitat Project [More info]
Homepage for the Nearshore Benthic Habitats Project for mapping geophysical characterization of the coastal sea floor to identify benthic fish and shellfish habitat with links to research cruises and preliminary results.
Nevada Water Science Center Projects [More info]
Links to detailed descriptions of USGS water-related research projects in Nevada with project information, location maps, and bibliographies including online reports.
New England states aeromagnetic and gravity maps and data [More info]
Aeromagnetic surveys of New England, merged to form seamless grids across the state. Gravity anomaly data are provided as well. Data provided in a variety of formats.
New Jersey District - ground water information [More info]
Links to New Jersey ground-water data including hydrogeology with a geologic map and description of major aquifers, water levels including real-time data and drought levels, and water-quality information.
New Jersey District - surface water information [More info]
Links to water data for New Jersey including streamflow, sampling stations, and water-quality data with links to reports on stream gages, hydrology, networks, and floods.
New Jersey National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) homepage [More info]
Brief discussion of two water quality studies in the state of New Jersey with links to the Long-Island-New York Coastal Drainages study unit and the Delaware River Basin study unit.
New Jersey Tide Telemetry System [More info]
A network of tide gages and weather stations is deployed in coastal areas across the state to help forecast floods and support timely evacuation of people from affected areas.
New Jersey drought watch [More info]
Update on daily streamflow conditions and drought situation in New Jersey.
New Jersey ground-water level observation wells [More info]
Site for ground water level data and additional information for New Jersey wells in the most important aquifers in New Jersey. Links to well stations are grouped by county and township giving access to hydrographs and data.
New Mexico District - cooperating agencies [More info]
Collecting water-resources data and conducting interpretive hydrologic investigations are accomplished in cooperation with local, tribal, State, and Federal agencies. Links are to agencies cooperating with the New Mexico District.
New York State pesticide monitoring homepage [More info]
Data on presence and distribution of pesticides in surface and ground water of New York State.
New York state current studies and research [More info]
Links to summaries of USGS studies and research on water resources in the state of New York arranged by project number.
PDF Nickel - Makes stainless steel strong [More info]
Uses, sources, and history of Nickel as a mineral commodity.
PDF Nitrate concentrations and potential sources in the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards aquifer and its contributing zone, Central Texas [More info]
The area contributing recharge to this aquifer is undergoing rapid growth, generating more wastewater. We found that nitrate, a major component of wastewater and a nutrient that can degrade water quality, has increased in the creeks in this area.
Nitrate in ground water near La Pine, Oregon [More info]
Description of project studying hydrologic and chemical processes that affect the movement and fate of nitrogen within the shallow aquifers of the La Pine region of central Oregon.
North Cascades National Park geology, a mountain mosaic [More info]
Homepage for information on geology of the North Cascades National Park in the state of Washington. Includes links to geologic story, geologic field trips, geologic maps, plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, geologic time, and glossary.
North Dakota River Basin map for current streamflow conditions [More info]
Links by geographic area in North Dakota or by gaging station number to hydrographs, downloadable data, and site description of streamflow stations.
Northern Gulf of Mexico ecosystem change and hazard susceptibility [More info]
Map interfaces and data in the area offshore Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama which was affected most by hurricane Katrina and, more recently, the oil spill.
Nutrient dynamics and biochemical cycling [More info]
Briefly describes research efforts to better understand nutrient dynamics and biogeochemical cycling in ecosystems and how these properties are altered by large-scale human activities.
Nutrients National Synthesis Project: nutrients in rivers, streams, and aquifers in the United States [More info]
This Nutrients National Synthesis Project site on the U.S. study of nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, as contaminants in high concentrations links to an overview, study team, featured reports, publications, and national datasets.
Nutrients in the Nation's streams and groundwater: National findings and implications [More info]
Despite public sector efforts to reduce nonpoint-source nutrients in streams and rivers, concentrations have remained the same or increased, continuing to pose risks to aquatic life and human health.
PDF Occurrence of Emerging Contaminants in Water and Bed Material in the Missouri River, North Dakota, 2007 [More info]
Water monitoring results, focused on wastewater compounds, human-health pharmaceutical compounds, hormones, and antibiotics in water, and waste indicators, hormones, and antibiotics in solids.
PDF Occurrence of Escherichia coli in the Cuyahoga River in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio [More info]
Explains how this important indicator bacteria is used to detect problems in the water supply that may affect human health, focusing on a specific recreational area.
Occurrence of selected radionuclides in ground water used for drinking water in the United States [More info]
Results (*.pdf) of a 1998 targeted reconnaissance survey on the sources of radium, polonium, and lead radionuclides, data collection and laboratory methods, existing occurrences in drinking water, risk assessments, and compliance monitoring.
PDF Occurrence, distribution, and concentrations of selected contaminants in streambed- and suspended-sediment samples collected in Bexar County, Texas, 2007-09 [More info]
Study showing which chemicals found in sediments were most common, with methods used and likely consequences of their high concentrations.
Oceanographic time series data [More info]
Oceanographic time-series data obtained from moored instruments, generally provided in NetCDF format.
Office of Water Quality, Branch of Quality Systems [More info]
Branch of Quality Systems monitors the consistent collection and reporting of water-quality data with documentation of field and laboratory methods and proficiency testing. Links to standard reference samples and quality assurance standards.
Office of the Delaware River Master (ODRM) [More info]
This web site is intended to provide the user with general information on the Office of the Delaware River Master and with timely access to the data and information collected and disseminated by the Office.
Ohio District - list of cooperators [More info]
Links to web pages of state, local, and federal agencies supporting water-resources investigations in cooperation with the USGS in Ohio.
Ohio District's Microbiology Program [More info]
Overview of microbiology projects related to water quality investigating bacteria, viral and protozoan pathogens and indicators in the environment with links to publications, analytical and field methods, laboratory, and current projects.
Ohio Gap Analysis Project [More info]
Information on the Gap Analysis Program in Ohio, a geographic approach to planning for biological diversity by mapping native aquatic and terrestrial animal species and natural communities on present-day conservation lands.
Oklahoma District - list of cooperators [More info]
List of cooperating agencies and institutions that partner with the USGS in studies related to water resources and hydrology in Oklahoma.
Oklahoma Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data [More info]
Access to GIS geospatial datasets for Oklahoma and the United States for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications.
On-line data and reports on acid rain, atmospheric deposition, and precipitation chemistry [More info]
Access to map of data collection sites of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) with links to other maps and reports on wet atmospheric deposition (chemicals deposited via rain, sleet and snow).
Online assessment of hydrologic conditions in Texas [More info]
Brief summaries of USGS projects in Texas including water quality monitoring, digital mapping, energy resources, U.S.-Mexico border mapping, fish and wildlife health, Kemp's Ridley sea turtle, and conditions affecting water quality.
Online guide to the continental Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Raton basin, Colorado and New Mexico [More info]
Field guide describing the geology and paleontology of the continental Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Raton basin, Colorado and New Mexico.
PDF Operational guidelines for geological fieldwork in areas endemic for Coccidioidomycosis (Valley Fever) [More info]
Report giving operational guidelines that will lower the risk of coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever) for individuals who work outdoors in areas where the disease is endemic.
Optical Science Laboratory [More info]
Site for the Optical Science Laboratory specializing in expert calibration of aerial mapping cameras with links to fees, scheduling cameras for calibration, historical camera database files, USGS aerial camera specifications, and how to visit.
PDF Organic Compounds in Clackamas River Water Used for Public Supply near Portland, Oregon, 2003-05 [More info]
In all, 56 compounds were detected in samples collected approximately monthly during 2003-05 at the intake for the Clackamas River Water plant. On the basis of this screening-level assessment, adverse effects to human health are assumed to be negligible.
Organic Geochemistry Laboratory in Denver [More info]
Description of the Denver Organic Geochemistry Laboratory where chemical and geological data is used to research the physical and chemical processes of hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation, with links to programs, personnel, and products.
Organic Geochemistry Research Group in Kansas [More info]
The Organic Geochemistry Research Group of the Kansas District focuses on the fate and transport of organic contaminants in the environment with links to objectives, analytical methods, laboratory methods, publications, events, photos, and personnel.
PDF Organic compounds assessed in Neuse River water used for public supply near Smithfield, North Carolina, 2002-2005 [More info]
Reports concentration of organic compounds here, to serve as a baseline against which future measurements can be compared and to provide a general assessment of the quality of local water treatment efforts.
PDF Organic compounds in Elm Fork Trinity river water used for public supply near Carrollton, Texas, 2002-05 [More info]
We identified six compounds at concentrations less than human-health benchmarks, but within a factor of 10 of those limits. Those compounds might warrant further study to understand their transport and fate within the watershed.
PDF Organic compounds in Running Gutter Brook water used for public supply near Hatfield, Massachusetts, 2003-05 [More info]
The 258 organic compounds in this assessment are man-made: pesticides, solvents, gasoline hydrocarbons, personal-care and domestic-use products, pavement and combustion-derived compounds. None were found in concentrations deemed dangerous at this time.
Organic compounds in Truckee River water used for public supply near Reno, Nevada, 2002-05 [More info]
A preliminary indication of the potential importance of compounds detected in source water to the quality of finished water prior to distribution.
PDF Organic compounds in White River water used for public supply near Indianapolis, Indiana, 2002-05 [More info]
Measured concentrations of many compounds in water people use. Some compounds are regulated as health hazards; a few of these were over the benchmark limits. Others may become issues of concern, so studies such as this give us helpful background levels.
Organic metamorphism in the California petroleum basins: Chapter A - ROCK-EVAL and vitrinite reflectance [More info]
Part A of a complex report on the results of ROCK-EVAL and vitrinite reflectance analysis of a large sample base from more than 70 wells located in three oil-rich California petroleum basins in order to study the formation of oil deposits.
Organic metamorphism in the California petroleum basins: Chapter B - Insights from extractable bitumen and saturated hydrocarbons [More info]
Part B of a complex report on the results of geochemical analysis of 75 shale samples from the Los Angeles, Ventura, and San Joaquin Basins to gather observations relevant to exploration regarding the formation of oil deposits in these basins.
Our dynamic desert landscape [More info]
Overview of studies of fragile and active landscape of the American Southwest deserts, including projects on geologic mapping, surface processes, remote sensing research, ecological processes, and earthquake hazard applications.
PDF Outdoor water use and water conservation opportunities in Virginia Beach, Virginia [More info]
How much water do you use to water your lawn, wash your car, or fill your swimming pool? Your answers to these questions have important implications for water supplies. A survey in this area showed the types of users and the ways in which water is used.
Overview of the greenness of the conterminous U.S. [More info]
Site to learn about, view, and order digital image vegetation condition (greenness) maps of the conterminous U.S. based on the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with imagery from Advanced High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR).
Ozone in our air - friend or foe? - depends on where [More info]
Article on ozone layer and ozone as a pollutant from the weekly newsletter Volcano Watch (Hawaiian Volcano Observatory) for August 20, 2001.
P-wave data from the Indian subcontinent [More info]
Compilation of P-wave data from the Indian subcontinent Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profiles that used refraction and reflection techniques to provide an estimate of crustal thickness across the subcontinent.
Pacific Northwest geologic mapping and urban hazards [More info]
Description of research underway in the Pacific Northwest including geologic mapping and urban hazards studies with links to geologic maps, publications, and data.
Pacific Northwest geologic mapping and urban hazards [More info]
Overview of the Pacific Northwest Urban Corridor Geologic Mapping Program concerned with geology and urban hazards with links to online geologic maps, current research, publications, and contacts.
Pacific Seafloor Mapping Project [More info]
Homepage for the Pacific Sea floor Mapping Project with links to images, downloadable data, applications, fly-by movies, products, publications, and contacts for studies of San Francisco Bay, Puget Sound, Lake Tahoe, and other Pacific areas.
Paleomagnetism analyses [More info]
Links to laboratory capabilities within the USGS for paleomagnetism and paleomagnetic and rock magnetic procedures for dating and determination of magnetic direction and polarity in samples with links to techniques, equipment, and contacts.
Paleontological analyses [More info]
Links to USGS capabilities in paleontological analyses of fossils such as mollusks, diatoms, palynomorphs, ostracodes, calcareous nannofossils, etc. Includes descriptive information, technique, equipment, and contacts for each fossil group.
Paleontology at the U.S. Geological Survey [More info]
USGS Paleontology home page documenting the wide diversity in paleontologic studies and applications within the USGS.
Paleontology selected online resources [More info]
Selection of links to web sites dealing with paleontology and related disciplines including links to museums, academia, societies, surveys, and groups of fossils.
Parking-lot sealcoat: A major source of PAHs in urban and suburban environments [More info]
Explanation of chemical contaminants released into aquatic environments by popular sealcoating compounds used in parking lots, with frequently-asked questions, links, and contact information.
Pathways of metal transfer from mineralized sources to bioreceptors [More info]
A synthesis of the Mineral Resources Program's past and future research directions in the western U.S. on metal contamination due to mineral deposits and mining and the environmental effects on living organisms. Chapters 1, 4, and 6 as PDF files.
Pennsylvania downloadable spatial data (GIS data files) [More info]
Pennsylvania digital data for watershed boundaries, county geology, and flood mapping in Arc/Info format compressed with gzip utility for downloading plus links to other sources of data.
Pennsylvania fractured rock hydrology research [More info]
Links to reports for Pennsylvania on borehole geophysical studies, aquifer tests and properties, modeling, and hydrologic effects of an earthquake with links to MOC3D solute transport software package, program mission, and bibliography.
Periodic table page [More info]
An "image map" periodic table and short notes about many isotopes and their applications to illustrate the uses of assorted isotopes in hydrology, geology, and biology.
Pesticide National Synthesis Project: national assessment of pesticides in streams, rivers, and ground water of the United States [More info]
An assessment of pesticides in national water resources, with links to national reports, national statistics, national data, pesticide use, analytical strategy, and standards for the U.S.
PDF Pesticides in Ground Water of Wyoming, 1995-2006 [More info]
Summarizes ground-water pesticide monitoring results, shows vulnerability of aquifers to contamination.
PDF Pesticides in Wyoming's rivers, 2006-10 [More info]
Sampling for pesticide contamination in four major rivers in in the Bighorn and North Platte River Basins, begun in 2006 and resampled in 2009 and 2010 revealed concentration at levels below the standards for drinking water.
Pharmaceuticals, Hormones, and Other Organic Wastewater Contaminants in U.S. Streams [More info]
Describes and illustrates that a broad range of chemicals found in residential, industrial, and agricultural wastewaters commonly occur in mixtures at low concentrations downstream from areas of intense urbanization and animal production.
Phosphorus and groundwater: Establishing links between agricultural use and transport to streams [More info]
Explains why phosphorus is important, how it moves through the terrestrial water system, how we measure it, and what this means for people who need to manage or monitor human activities that produce it.
Photo gallery of the Long Valley area, California [More info]
Selection of photographic images of the Long Valley area that illustrate the consequences of the past geologic history of the Sierra Nevada, Long Valley Caldera, the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain, glaciation, and faulting.
Photo glossary of volcano terms [More info]
Illustrates and describes commonly used volcano-related terms.
Photographs of the Picher Mining District (Ottawa County, Oklahoma) [More info]
Description and photos related to the Picher Mining District in Oklahoma, once a primary U.S. source of lead and zinc and now the largest superfund site in the U.S. with millions of cubic yards of mine tailings (locally known as "chat") remaining.
PDF Pikes Peak, Colorado [More info]
Printable poster commemorating the 200th anniversary of Zebulon M. Pike's first sighting of the iconic peak bearing his name.
Planetary GIS web server - PIGWAD (Planetary Interactive G.I.S.-on-the-Web Analyzable Database) [More info]
Planetary Interactive G.I.S.-on-the-Web Analyzable Database (PIGWALD), an interface to support and integrate Geographic Information Systems (GIS) graphical, statistical, and spatial relational tools for analyses of planetary datasets.
Plus side of volcanoes: geothermal energy [More info]
Examples of the use of volcanic energy in geothermal power plants.
Popular myths about flooding in Western Washington [More info]
The so-called "100-year" flood is really more like the 4 ½ year flood. This can help emergency managers enhance public awareness of how often flooding truly occurs in a region. It also could help convince those people in harm's way that preparedness is m
PDF Possible effects of groundwater pumping on surface water in the Verde Valley, Arizona [More info]
We applied a groundwater model to simulate effects of groundwater pumping and artificial recharge on surface water in this area. Results show effects of pumping or recharge on streamflow.
Potential environmental impacts of quarrying stones in karst - a literature review [More info]
This report is the result of an extensive literature search to determine the state-of-the-knowledge regarding environmental impacts from quarrying carbonate rocks in karst formations to better use of karst resources in sustainable ways.
PDF Potential for technically recoverable unconventional gas and oil resources in the Polish-Ukrainian Foredeep, Poland [More info]
Using a performance-based geological assessment methodology, we estimated mean volumes of 1,345 billion cubic feet of potentially technically recoverable gas and 168 million barrels of technically recoverable oil and natural gas liquids here.
Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in the Long Valley -- Mono Lake Area, California [More info]
An introduction to the volcano hazards in the Long Valley area based on the past geologic history of the Long Valley Caldera and the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain.
PDF Preliminary Assessment of Non-Fuel Mineral Resources of Afghanistan, 2007 [More info]
Estimates of known and undiscovered copper resources total nearly 60 million metric tons of copper. Iron resources in known deposits total 2200 million metric tons of ore. Twenty mineralized areas meriting further study were identified.
Preliminary geologic map of the Santa Barbara coastal plain area, Santa Barbara County, California [More info]
A geologic map of the Santa Barbara coastal plain region in PDF format with data in GIS format (ArcInfo export, shapefile, and TIFF)
Preparing for volcanic emergencies [More info]
Describes activities of USGS scientists to increase public awareness of volcano hazards with links to publication and videos for public information on understanding and preparing for volcanic hazards.
Primer on water quality [More info]
Fact sheet on what "water quality" means, how it is determined, and the natural processes and human activities that affect it.
Produced waters database [More info]
Database provides information on petroleum reservoirs, type and abundance of constituents dissolved in produced water, geochemical reactions between the water and rock, hydrology and geologic, spatial distribution of petroleum production areas.
Publications of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island District [More info]
Lists of publications of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island District on water resources with links to online publications.
Publications on Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations [More info]
List of publications in the series Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations on the procedures for the planning and conducting of specialized research in water resources.
Quadrangle indexes [More info]
GIS data files containing approximate boundaries of the various USGS quadrangles, with names and indexing codes associated with each quadrangle.
PDF Quantifying effects of climate change on the snowmelt-dominated groundwater resources of northern New England [More info]
Planned analysis of the sensitivity of groundwater levels to changes in air temperature and precipitation. Changes in groundwater recharge and discharge also will be correlated with other hydrologic indicators.
Real-time flood alert system for Puerto Rico [More info]
Web-based analytical facility designed to integrate data relevant to flood emergencies in Puerto Rico.
Real-time precipitation data for Illinois [More info]
Access to real-time precipitation data for Illinois.
PDF Real-time seismic monitoring of instrumented hospital buildings [More info]
Specialized monitoring systems installed in a VA hospital in Memphis, TN will help us to design safer hospitals and other buildings and to prevent loss of life in this and similar earthquake-prone areas.
Real-time seismogram displays [More info]
Description of seismograms and how they are produced by drum recorders and electronic instruments with real-time seismograms for Northern California and Long Valley, California and representative seismograms for types of earthquake activity.
Real-time water levels for reservoirs in Puerto Rico [More info]
Links to stations in Puerto Rico for real-time information on water levels for reservoirs.
Real-time water-quality monitoring and regression analysis to estimate nutrient and bacteria concentration in Kansas streams. [More info]
Report on the use of regression equations from measurements made by water quality monitors and analytical results of manually collected samples estimating nutrient, bacteria, and other constituent concentrations to study streams in Kansas.
Recent changes in the food web of Lake Erie - the role of phosphorus and zebra mussels [More info]
Brief overview of the proliferation of zebra mussels and the role of phosphorus in Lake Erie with links to publications related to Lake Erie water quality.
Recent news releases from the Wyoming District [More info]
News releases from Wyoming District on Wyoming water conditions.
Recoverability and vulnerability of desert ecosystems [More info]
Research results (publications, photographs, maps) on ecological processes within the Mojave Desert Ecosystem to provide land managers with scientific understanding and tools needed to conserve and restore threatened desert landscapes.
PDF Redox Conditions in Selected Principal Aquifers of the United States [More info]
Summarizes measurements of ground-water chemistry that affect the vulnerability of aquifers to contamination. Data are from aquifers throughout the conterminous US and Alaska.
PDF Regional assessments of the Nation's water quality--Improved understanding of stream nutrient sources through enhanced modeling capabilities [More info]
Studies of the sources, transport, and fate of nutrients in the streams of six major regions of the conterminous United States.
PDF Regional climate change--Science in the Southeast [More info]
Research projects intended to create regional and national data that conform to conditions predicted by general circulation models, so that land and wildlife managers can understand the likely consequences of climatic changes in their areas of study.
PDF Relations among geology, physiography, land use, and stream habitat conditions in the Buffalo and Current River systems, Missouri and Arkansas [More info]
PDF Relations among land cover, streamflow, and water quality in the North Canadian River Basin near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: 1968-2009 [More info]
Data explains spatial differences and temporal trends in water quality, specifically dissolved oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations.
Report of the Community Sediment Transport Modeling Workshop [More info]
Report on workshop to explore a community approach to improving deterministic models of sediment transport in coastal seas, estuaries, and rivers.
Reservoir sediment studies in Kansas [More info]
Report of completed reservoir sediment studies in Kansas using a combination of bathymetric surveying, sediment coring, chemical analysis, and statistical analysis to understand the quantity and quality of deposited sediment.
PDF Response of Florida shelf ecosystems to climate change: from macro to micro scales [More info]
Study of the effects of ocean acidification on regional carbonate processes, changes in individual estuaries, and organism-level response.
PDF Response of lake chemistry to atmospheric deposition and climate in selected Class I wilderness areas in the western United States, 1993-2009 [More info]
Sulfate deposition to high-elevation areas has decreased here as a result of reductions in SO2 emissions. Nitrate deposition did not change, whereas ammonium deposition increased, particularly at sites near urban and agricultural areas.
Reston Chlorofluorocarbon Laboratory [More info]
Site on the Chlorofluorocarbon Laboratory and its analytical services for CFCs, sulfur hexafluoride, dissolved gases including nitrogen, argon, methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and helium, and tritium/helium-3 dating.
Reston Stable Isotope Laboratory [More info]
The Reston Stable Isotope Laboratory conducts research on the use of isotope ratio measurements in studies of water resources and environmental quality.
Rio Grande data project [More info]
Water-resource related projects on the Rio Grande ongoing or completed by Federal, state, local, or other agencies, to facilitate sharing of data related to the Rio Grande.
Rocky Mountain Geographic Science Center [More info]
A wide variety of web interfaces providing scientific information in geographic form for exploration and analysis, developed by this organization that focuses on geospatial analysis.
Rocky Mountain Mapping Center [More info]
Home page for the USGS Rocky Mountain Mapping Center in Denver, CO with mapping activities in the western U.S. and links to research activities, products, mapping liaisons, and education.
PDF Runoff conditions in Utah for water year 2011 [More info]
Describes snowpack and other factors that affected runoff in the state during this period in which the wettest 90-day period occurred.
PDF SEAWAT: A Computer Program for Simulation of Variable-Density Groundwater Flow and Multi-Species Solute and Heat Transport [More info]
Software based on the MODFLOW modeling framework, used for studies of saltwater intrusion coastal aquifers, storage and recovery in brackish limestone aquifers, and brine migration in continental aquifers.
SPARROW Modeling of Surface-Water Quality [More info]
A software model for regional interpretation of water-quality monitoring data, estimating origin and fate of contaminants in streams, with documentation, publications and data for the applications.
STATEMAP information sheets [More info]
Click on a state on a map or list to access status of geologic mapping at the scales of 1:24,000 and 1:100,000 under the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) providing federal matching funds for state geologic work.
San Francisco Bay Area Regional Database (BARD) [More info]
Download or view digital elevation models of this area.
San Francisco Bay Region geology [More info]
Gateway to the geology of the San Francisco Bay region with links to geologic maps, paleontology, marine geology, earthquakes, landslides, and geophysics. Includes maps, 3-D models, and photos.
San Francisco Bay bathymetry web site [More info]
Provides location-depth grids of bathymetry available for San Francisco Bay and tools for examining those grids. Data provided as GIS grids and animations.
Satellite imagery: Lake Pontchartrain Basin and Gulf of Mexico [More info]
Report on satellite imagery collected by the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on NOAA polar-orbiting weather satellites. Links are provided to imagery of north-central Gulf of Mexico and of the Lake Pontchartrain.
PDF Satellite map of Port-au-Prince, Haiti - 2010 - infrared [More info]
Post-earthquake map derived from 1:24,000-scale base maps incorporating high- and medium-resolution remotely sensed imagery following the 7.0 magnitude earthquake near the capital city of Port au Prince, Haiti, on January 12, 2010
PDF Satellite map of Port-au-Prince, Haiti - 2010 - natural color [More info]
Post-earthquake map derived from 1:24,000-scale base maps incorporating high- and medium-resolution remotely sensed imagery following the 7.0 magnitude earthquake near the capital city of Port au Prince, Haiti, on January 12, 2010
Satellite technologies detect uplift in the Yellowstone Caldera [More info]
Explanation of uplift in the land surface of the northern part of the Yellowstone caldera (12cm, about ~5 inches) that occurred between 1997 and 2003, including the scientific methods by which it was detected and analyzed.
PDF Scanning and georeferencing historical USGS quadrangles [More info]
We are scanning all scales and all editions of approximately 250,000 topographic maps published by USGS since the inception of the topographic mapping program in 1884. They will be available to the public at no direct cost.
Schlumberger soundings at the Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nevada [More info]
Report presenting the data, automatic interpretations, cross sections, and resistivity maps of direct current electrical soundings at the Amargosa Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nevada using a Schlumberger array.
PDF Science challenge questions and answers [More info]
Report giving a collection of 196 questions and answers on Earth and planetary sciences, such as volcanoes, earthquakes, hydrology, cartography, biology, and minerals for general audiences. Also information on obtaining an audio-CD copy.
Science education and USGS [More info]
Information for students and teacher or for anyone curious about natural science. Includes project ideas, homework help, lesson plans, careers, and fun activities.
PDF Science implementation of Forecast Mekong for food and environmental security [More info]
Research activities and data sources for this international effort to enhance U.S. engagement with countries of the lower Mekong River basin.
PDF Science supporting Gulf of Mexico oil-spill response, mitigation, and restoration activities-Assessment, monitoring, mapping, and coordination [More info]
Explains and shows data and expertise we were able to provide to Federal agencies and decision makers to help them deal with this difficult situation.
PDF Science to support the understanding of south Texas surface-water and groundwater resources in a changing landscape [More info]
Short descriptions of the research and monitoring activities we are carrying out to assist state, local, and Federal agencies dealing with water resource issues in the southern part of the state.
PDF Science-Based Strategies for Sustaining Coral Ecosystems [More info]
Explains the environmental factors that affect coral reef habitats and ecosystems, focusing on those that pose urgent problems.
Scientific drilling in Long Valley, California: What will we learn? [More info]
Description of 1998 drilling project at Long Valley Exploratory Well located on Long Valley Caldera's resurgent dome to monitor changing conditions beneath the dome. (Document in PDF format.)
Scientists in action! [More info]
Website with brief articles on careers in the natural sciences with examples of work of USGS scientists from responding to disasters, studying national parks, sampling the ocean floor, and protecting wildlife.
Sea-floor mapping technology [More info]
Integrated shipboard data collection, processing, and archival system for digital sidescan sonar and seismic data used in mapping the inner continental shelf.
Sea-floor morphology between Año Nuevo and Santa Cruz, California [More info]
Report with preliminary sea floor map displaying submarine rock exposures found along the northern part of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, extent based on side-scan sonar records, seismic-reflection records, and underwater video.
Seabed Observation and Sampling System (SEABOSS) [More info]
Link to PDF fact sheet describing the SEABASS system that collects seabed images and sediment samples in coastal regions.
PDF Seafloor erosional processes offshore of the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana [More info]
Study addresses questions and concerns related to limited sand resources along the Louisiana shelf and their implications to long-term relative sea-level rise and storm impacts, using newly acquired geophysical and vibracore data.
Seamless geographic data distribution system [More info]
Online map system providing downloadable geospatial data, primarily NSDI framework themes (that is, general geographic data such as transportation, boundaries, hydrography, orthoimagery, land cover, and elevation).
Search for Washington State publications [More info]
Bibliography of published reports, maps, journal articles, and proceedings related to the water resources of Washington State as published by the U.S. Geological Survey, or in cooperation with other Federal or State agencies.
Sediment Transport Instrumentation Facility [More info]
The Sediment Transport Instrumentation Facility at USGS Woods Hole Field Center maintains and deploys oceanographic instrumentation for the study of coastal and ocean circulation and sediment transport.
Sediment load from major rivers into Puget Sound and its adjacent waters [More info]
Sediment from rivers has both beneficial and detrimental effects on ecosystems and human activities around Puget Sound. We explain where the sediment comes from, how it is transported, and the nature of the data that we can use to understand it.
Seismic properties of North America and the surrounding ocean basins [More info]
Presentation of maps of the seismic properties of North America and the surrounding ocean basins compiled from seismic refraction and reflection data, earthquake studies, and surface wave analyses showing crustal thickness and geologic provinces.
Selected Western Region Mineral Resources on-line publications [More info]
Links to digital publications on minerals and mineral resources research in the western United States.
Selected references on fossils and paleontology [More info]
Bibliography of books, periodicals, fossil collecting guides, audiovisual aids, videos, filmstrips, charts, and posters which may be borrowed from libraries or purchased if still available.
Selected volcano information [More info]
Selected books, maps, videos, and other materials produced by the USGS Volcano Hazards Program. Many products highlighted here are intended for general audiences.
Sense of place: a place-based approach to science for land management [More info]
Examples of on-site, place-focused research programs using USGS scientists in land management projects.
ShakeMap [More info]
ShakeMap sites provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity following significant earthquakes.
Sinkholes [More info]
Explains sinkhole formation and distribution, with special emphasis on their occurrence in Missouri
SolVES - Social values for ecosystem services [More info]
GIS application for assessing, mapping, and quantifying the social value of ecosystem services. Helps decision makers consider tradeoffs among them with the human attitudes and preferences that express underlying social values.
Solar irradiance and streamflow in Kansas [More info]
Report on the hypothesis that variations of the total solar irradiance reaching the Earth and its atmosphere affect the precipitation and runoff of the western U.S. Includes links to research papers, bibliography, and climatic data.
Solar-irradiance variations and regional precipitations in the western United States [More info]
Study of the relationship of changes in total solar irradiance to changes in regional precipitation in the western United States as affected by water circulation in the Pacific Ocean.
PDF Sound data management as a foundation for natural resources management and science [More info]
Arguments in favor of using formal database technology, expecially geodatabases, to manage scientific information, with examples from Texas.
Sound waves [More info]
Monthly online newsletter covering coastal and marine science with links listed under sections titled fieldwork, meetings, outreach, and research.
Source Water-Quality Assessment [More info]
Characterize the quality of selected rivers and aquifers used as a source of supply to community water systems in the United States to determine the occurrence of about 280 primary unregulated anthropogenic organic compounds.
PDF South Carolina coastal erosion study [More info]
USGS project to understand coastal evolution and modern beach behavior; to identify and model the physical processes affecting coastal ocean circulation and sediment transport; and to identify sediment sources and construct a regional sediment budget.
South Dakota District - our cooperators [More info]
Links to web sites of cooperators coordinating with the USGS South Dakota District in the collection of water resources data includes federal, state, tribal and local agencies.
South Florida Ecosystem History Project [More info]
Project is designed to integrate studies from a number of researchers compiling data from terrestrial, marine, and freshwater ecosystems within south Florida. Links to publications, maps, posters, and data of studies.
South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) data exchange [More info]
Provides links to the data, models and maps on the biology, ecology, geology, mapping, hydrology, and chemistry of research studies in southern Florida.
South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) metadata [More info]
Links to metadata of South Florida research projects and to the webpage of the project.
South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) projects by region [More info]
Listing of South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) projects by region
South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) projects by topic [More info]
Links to explore South Florida and the Everglades ecosystem projects arranged by topic and subtopic, including proposals, project summaries, scopes of work, work plans, publications, and contacts.
South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) publications [More info]
A variety of publications including fact sheets, open file reports, circulars, and posters, are available on the South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) site.
South Florida Restoration Science Forum [More info]
Discussions and posters about agriculture, ecology, hydrology, ecosystems, and resource management efforts in south Florida.
Southern California Areal Mapping Project (SCAMP): find geologic maps [More info]
Download digital geologic databases produced by the Southern California Areal Mapping Project (SCAMP) or view SCAMP work in progress by clicking on 1:100,000-scale, 30x60 minute quadrangles.
Southern California Mapping Project (SCAMP) [More info]
Description of the SCAMP project to produce geologic and geophysical maps and reports that describe the geologic setting and geologic history of southern California.
PDF Southwest Principal Aquifers Regional Ground-Water Quality Assessment [More info]
Study of the susceptibility and vulnerability of basin-fill aquifers in the region to ground-water contamination by synthesizing the information on ground-water quality conditions in 15 basins from previous studies.
PDF Space Acquired Photography [More info]
These photographs were taken by Gemini mission astronauts with handheld cameras or by the Large Format Camera (LFC) that flew on space shuttle Challenger in October 1984.
Space Acquired Photography [More info]
Ordering and descriptive information for National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) imagery acquired by the USGS from Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, International Space Station, Space Shuttle, and Shuttle Large Format Camera missions.
Spatial Analysis Branch, National Wetlands Research Center [More info]
Home page for National Wetlands Research Center's (NWRC) Spatial Analysis Branch (SAB), which uses state-of-the-art technology to assist the work of natural resource managers with spatial data and computerized analysis techniques.
Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) information site [More info]
Homepage for ISGS Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) information with links to software, FTP site, standard, and data available on line, USGS mass conversion schedule, meetings, and related web sites.
Spectroscopy Lab [More info]
Links to Spectroscopy Lab projects to identify and map materials through spectroscopic remote sensing (imaging spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging, imaging spectrometry, ultraspectral imaging, etc) on the Earth and in space.
Spectroscopy of rocks and minerals, and principles of spectroscopy [More info]
Technical review of the principles of spectroscopy and its use in identifying minerals and other materials.
St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center [More info]
Research with a primary focus on coastal and marine environments and societal implications of natural hazards, resource sustainability, and environmental change.
PDF St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center coral reef research [More info]
Describes ecological problems facing coral reef ecosystems and the research strategies we use to study the prevalence and severity of those problems.
Standard reference samples for water quality analysis [More info]
Standard reference samples for laboratory quality assurance testing and are available to purchase for internal quality control. The majority of samples are prepared with water from Colorado streams.
State Water Resources Research Institute Program [More info]
Homepage of the Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI) Program with links to institutes, projects, and programs.
State minerals statistics and information [More info]
Links to mineral statistics from annual Mineral Yearbooks for each state in the United States and Puerto Rico, with contacts for further information, and means to apply for e-mail subscription service for regular updates.
Statewide observation well network in Pennsylvania [More info]
In 1931, the USGS established a statewide network of wells in Pennsylvania to monitor water-level fluctuations. This network consists of 68 wells to monitor ground water conditions during droughts. Links to ground-water data, hydrographs, and levels.
PDF Streamflow characteristics and benthic invertebrate assemblages in streams across the western United States [More info]
Change in streams accompanying land and water use may affect benthic invertebrate assemblage composition and structure through changes in density of invertebrates or taxa richness, the number of different species living in the stream.
PDF Streamflow of 2007--Water year summary [More info]
A broad survey of regional patterns in stream flow nationwide. Maps and graphs summarizing streamflow conditions for water-year 2007 (October 1, 2006 to September 30, 2007) in the context of the 78-year period 1930-2007.
Streamflow of 2008--Water year summary [More info]
A broad survey of regional patterns in stream flow nationwide. Maps and graphs summarizing streamflow conditions for water-year 0810 (October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008) in the context of the 79-year period 1930-2008.
Streamflow of 2009--Water year summary [More info]
A broad survey of regional patterns in stream flow nationwide. Maps and graphs summarizing streamflow conditions for water-year 2009 (October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2000) in the context of the 80-year period 1930-2009.
Streamflow of 2010--Water year summary [More info]
A broad survey of regional patterns in stream flow nationwide. Maps and graphs summarizing streamflow conditions for water-year 2010 (October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010) in the context of the 81-year period 1930-2010.
PDF Streamflow of 2011 - Water Year Summary [More info]
A broad survey of regional patterns in stream flow nationwide. Maps and graphs summarizing streamflow conditions for water-year 2011 (October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011) in the context of the 82-year period 1930-2011.
Streamflow statistics for US states [More info]
Streamflow statistics and basin characteristics for most streams in specific US states using the Streamstats program. Data for areas can be selected from interactive maps and by an automated process. Includes a tutorial.
Student employment in the U.S. Geological Survey [More info]
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) offers diverse employment opportunities for students in biology, hydrology, computer science, cartography, geology, and other fields. Site provides links to student programs and how to apply.
PDF Studies and trends of selected inland lakes of the Great Lakes Cluster National Parks [More info]
Report on the status of the biota and ecological factors of the inland lakes of the Great Lakes Cluster Parks: Indiana Dunes, Sleeping Bear Dunes,and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshores and Isle Royale and Voyageurs National Parks. (PDF file, 321 p.)
Studies in Long Island Sound: geology, contaminants, and environmental issues [More info]
Description of Long Island Sound projects and links to research topics, data, publications, photos, and technology on sediment transport, sea floor mapping, contaminant sampling, sediment texture, and environmental issues.
Studies of polluted sediment offshore Los Angeles [More info]
Overview of studies of marine sediment on the continental shelf south of Los Angeles contaminated with DDT and PCBs from past sewage effluent discharges with links to research on Santa Monica Bay, Los Angeles Shelf and Palos Verdes Peninsula.
Studying ocean acidification in the Arctic Ocean [More info]
New synoptic data from samples collected in the Arctic Ocean and insights into the patterns and extent of ocean acidification. This foundational geochemical information will help us to understand potential risks to Arctic resources.
PDF Suggestions to authors of the reports of the USGS [More info]
The writing style guide for USGS technical reports and maps. The STA is widely distributed in paper outside of the USGS as a basic scientific writing style guide for scientists, students.
PDF Summaries and data packages of important areas for mineral investment and production opportunities in Afghanistan [More info]
Shows where important mineral resources are located in Afghanistan, the type of deposits there, the commodities that are present, and describes the data available to support further exploration and exploitation of these resources.
PDF Summary of Bed-Sediment Measurements Along the Platte River, Nebraska, 1931-2009 [More info]
Studies of the size of bed sediment along the length of a river through time show how the river channel will be affected by development or management efforts.
PDF Summary of estimated water use in the United States in 2005 [More info]
Estimates the amount of several types of water (surface or groundwater, freshwater or saltwater) withdrawn for use in 2005, detailing the major activities for which the water was used.
Summary of suspended-sediment concentration data, San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2000 [More info]
Suspended-sediment concentration data were collected in San Francisco Bay during water year 2000 using optical backscatterance sensors and water samples. This report presents the data-collection methods, data, and calibration plots.
Surface water information pages [More info]
Lead page for detailed United States surface water information with links to real-time and historic streamflow data, suspended sediment data, USGS programs and facilities, publications, techniques, and featured news releases.
Surface-water data and statistics from U.S. Geological Survey data-collection networks in New Jersey on the world wide web [More info]
Streamflow-gaging and water quality sampling sites with real-time and historical surface-water data for many of the sites in New Jersey.
Surface-water data for the Nation [More info]
Homepage for USGS national surface-water data with more than 850,000 station years of time-series data for stream levels, streamflow (discharge), reservoir and lake levels, surface-water quality, and rainfall plus real-time data and tutorial.
Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group (SMIG) [More info]
The USGS Surface-water quality and flow Modeling Interest Group (SMIG) is interested in surface-water quality and flow modeling activities with links to articles, model archives, data archives, clearinghouse, mailing list, classes, and meetings.
Surface-water reports [More info]
Links to Office of Surface Water reports on streamgaging, streamflow data and information, current meters, sediment, modeling, journal articles, and techniques.
Survey Photography [More info]
Information for ordering from a large diverse group of aerial photos (1939 to the present) from film received from many federal agencies such as Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Army, Navy, National Park Service and others.
Suspended-sediment database: daily values of suspended sediment and ancillary data [More info]
Enables searching by state, hydrologic region, basin, time period, and length of record to retrieve suspended sediment data for the United States.
PDF Sustainability of Water Resources in the Fractured-Rock Area of Maryland [More info]
Explains why a water resource assessment for the area west of the Fall Line is needed.
PDF Sustainability of natural attenuation of nitrate in agricultural aquifers [More info]
Nitrate from fertilizer is degraded by microbial action in the presence of solid minerals. This helps mitigate the effect of the nitrate, but begins to diminish the solid minerals needed. Will the process be sustainable in the long term?
PDF Sutter Buttes-the lone volcano in California's Great Valley [More info]
Explains history and structure of this unusual geologic feature.
Tampa Bay Estuary Interactive Mapping System (IMS) [More info]
Interactive Mapping Service (IMS) is an Internet based Geographic Information System designed to provide users with online mapping capability of habitats, land use and land cover, and seagrass for areas of Tampa Bay.
Tampa Bay Study [More info]
Overview of interdisciplinary research on the Tampa Bay estuary of the Gulf of Mexico with links to digital library, interactive mapping, reports, posters, water chemistry maps, meetings and conferences, scientist directory, and field trips.
Tampa Bay estuary digital library [More info]
Database entry page to search keywords and product type (document, map, data, metadata, photos, video, animation, aerial photo) for information on the Tampa Bay estuary and related research studies.
Tapestry of time and terrain: union of two maps, geology and topography [More info]
Colored map compiled by merging geologic and topographic maps of the United States through computer processing and enhancement with links to panoramic movie using QuickTime, descriptions of features, and a game entitled Puzzle of Regions.
PDF Taste and odor occurrence in Lake William C. Bowen and Municipal Reservoir #1, Spartanburg County, South Carolina [More info]
Explains why and how water from this reservoir, and others like it, sometimes acquire undesirable taste or odor, yet are not dangerous to drink.
Teacher's guide to the San Francisco Bay area geophysics maps (U.S. Geological Survey GP-1006 and GP-1007) [More info]
This publication (Open-File Report 95-479) is a teacher's guide to two U.S. Geological Survey maps that show gravity and magnetic data in contour form superimposed on a LANDSAT satellite image of the San Francisco Bay area.
Tennessee publications on water resources [More info]
Access to online publications produced by the Tennessee District and its cooperators on Tennessee water resources.
PDF Terrestrial essential climate variables (ECVs) at a glance [More info]
Explains 16 distinct types of scientific information that are needed to understand climate change, including the specific parameters measured, why they are needed, who measures them, and the type and amount of information that are not yet available.
PDF The 3D Elevation Program -- Summary of Program Direction [More info]
Strategy to be used to improve elevation data in support of many public concerns addressed by multiple Federal and state agencies.
PDF The Alaska Geochemical Database: v. 1.0 - Geologic Materials [More info]
Geochemical analyses of rocks, mineral separates, lake and stream sediment bulk samples, heavy-mineral concentrates, and soils collected by USGS in Alaska from 1962 through 2009.
PDF The Border Environmental Health Initiative-investigating the transboundary Santa Cruz watershed [More info]
Study to identify risks to water resources in the SCW, and the potential consequences to riparian ecosystems and ultimately human health.
PDF The Cottonwood Lake study area, a long-term wetland ecosystem monitoring site [More info]
Here we study effects of climate and groundwater on surface-water levels, the hydrological effects on wetland water chemistry, and the combined effects of climate, hydrology, and water chemistry on plant and animal communities of prairie pothole wetlands.
The Geologic Story of Colorado's Sangre de Cristo Range [More info]
Rock types, geologic structure, and the history of their formation in this mountain range.
The Geologic Time Spiral - A Path to the Past [More info]
Poster depicting the changes in the Earth and its life throughout its history.
The Great Flood of 1993 [More info]
Photos, publicatons and recordbreaking flood peaks from the flood that included 9 states, the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, and completely inundated 75 towns.
The Great Ice Age [More info]
Booklet (PDF format) on the Pleistocene glaciations known as the Great Ice Age and the resulting geomorphological, climatic, and environmental changes that occurred on Earth during the period.
The Lewis and Clark expedition and the USGS [More info]
Because of its origin in natural resource surveys and the similarity of the USGS mission to Thomas Jefferson's charge to Meriwether Lewis, the USGS can be seen as the organizational successor to Lewis and Clark.
The Marine Realms Information Bank family of digital libraries: Access to free online information for coastal and marine science [More info]
An introduction to three related USGS digital libraries: the general-purpose Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB); the regionally focused Monterey Bay Science (MBS) Digital Library; and the topically focused Coastal Change Hazards (CCH) Digital Library.
PDF The National Land Cover Database [More info]
The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) serves as the definitive Landsat-based, 30-meter resolution, land cover database for the Nation.
The National Map [More info]
Homepage describing The National Map, which will produce a seamless, continuously maintained set of public domain geographic base information, with links to map viewer, pilot projects, reports, fact sheets, and national atlas.
The National Map Viewer [More info]
National Map Viewer, a GIS application, is a Web-enabled portal to the geospatial information contained in The National Map. It supports on-line access and allows the download of digital data and creation of cartographic products.
The National Map: reports [More info]
Fact sheets and reports on the National Map in HTML format or PDFs.
The National Map: topographic maps for the 21st century [More info]
Description of the The National Map project intended to provide a seamless, integrated, and continuously maintained set of geographic base information for easily accessible, up-to-date, accurate mapping of the United States.
The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) [More info]
Explains the characteristics and history of this distinctive way of describing geographic position characteristic of the midwestern and western states of the US.
The San Andreas Fault [More info]
Online booklet on the San Andreas fault system on the California coastal region with discussion of faults, relationship of faults and earthquakes, magnitude of earthquakes, and earthquake probability.
The South Florida environment-- a region under stress [More info]
This report serves as an environmental review and framework for developing USGS programs in the south Florida ecosystem, especially the Everglades and its watershed, and stresses the critical role of water in natural and human environment.
The Stanford-U.S. Geological Survey SHRIMP ion microprobe--a tool for micro-scale chemical and isotopic analysis [More info]
Instrument measures elemental abundance and isotopic ratios in samples as small as a few nanograms. Uses include geochronology, geological thermometry, and trace element geochemistry of geological and biological materials.
The U.S. Geological Survey Ocean Bottom Seismometer Facility [More info]
The Ocean Bottom Seismometer facility provides technical support for a variety of scientific investigations ranging from deep crustal structure to gas hydrate and surface sediments.
PDF The U.S. Geological Survey's TRIGA reactor [More info]
USGS operates a low-enriched uranium-fueled, pool-type reactor located at the Denver Federal Center. We use it for analyses of fissile and fissionable isotopes, geochemical analysis, and geochronology.
The USGS role in Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) assessments [More info]
Detailed information on Total Maximum Daily Load, the total quantity of a pollutant that a stream can carry and still conform to water quality standards, used as a measurement in the monitoring, assessment, and remediation of polluted waters.
PDF The Yukon River Basin Active Layer Network: A cooperative project between the Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council and the U.S. Geological Survey [More info]
Monitoring soil temperature, soil moisture, air temperature, and overall thickness of the soil and sediment that is above the permafrost, therefore undergoing freeze-thaw cycles. Climate change may affect this active layer; we want to know how it does.
The carbon cycle in lakes of the Upper Mississippi Basin [More info]
Summary of part of the USGS interdivisional Mississippi Basin Carbon project that will study the changes in climate and the environment through carbon cycle changes recorded in lake sediments in the Upper Mississippi River Basin.
The chronology for the d18O record from Devils Hole, Nevada, extended into the Mid-Holocene [More info]
This study extends the oxygen isotope record of this important paleoclimate record forward in time to cover more recent history, up to 4,500 years before present.
PDF The concept of geologic carbon sequestration [More info]
Explains securing carbon dioxide in deep geologic formations to prevent its release to the atmosphere and contribution to global warming as a greenhouse gas.
The crustal structure of China from deep seismic sounding profiles [More info]
Summary of results of Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profiles in China with links to a sample DSS profile, contour map of China with crustal thickness, crustal columns and maps showing profile locations and seismic data.
PDF The life cycle of a mineral deposit - A teacher's guide for hands-on mineral education activities [More info]
Defines what a mineral deposit is and how a mineral deposit is identified and measured, how mineral resources are extracted, and how a mine site is reclaimed; how minerals are processed; and how we use minerals in everyday life.
The rivers of Mississippi [More info]
Colored maps and geographic descriptions of major river basins in the state of Mississippi.
The role of climate in estuarine variability [More info]
Article from American Scientist on study of the San Francisco Bay estuary as a component of the global climate system showing that natural fluctuations might be mistaken for anthropogenic trends affecting waterflow and salinity.
The sea-floor mapping facility at the U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Field Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts [More info]
Fact sheet on the sea-floor mapping facility at Woods Hole describing state-of-the-art technology used to produce accurate geologic maps of the sea floor and reporting on its data-acquisition, data-processing, and archiving capabilities.
PDF Thermal Properties of Methane Gas Hydrates [More info]
This unusual form of hydrocarbons can alter the thermal properties of host sediments; the analysis presented here helps us understand how those sediments might behave under natural or human-induced changes in the environment.
PDF Three Experimental High-Flow Releases from Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona-Effects on the Downstream Colorado River Ecosystem [More info]
Scientific issues we should consider when conduction high flow experiments to ameliorate the negative effects of dams on native river species and fluvial processes.
Three-dimensional geologic maps and visualization [More info]
Techniques of computer-based representations of areal geology to construct three-dimensional geologic maps that retain all the information of traditional geologic maps while providing a more detailed picture of the subsurface.
Tides and inflows in the mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) [More info]
Links for the Tides and Inflows in the Mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) project on the effects of freshwater and tidal flows on the Everglades mangroves. With links to software & manuals, time data, photos, animations, and bibliography.
PDF Tintina gold province study, Alaska and Yukon Territory, 2002-2007 [More info]
New discoveries and modernized extraction methods prompted renewed interest in gold deposits in this part of central Alaska, prompting a variety of studies described here.
Topographic Science [More info]
Explains and illustrates the types of topographic information USGS obtains, how we use this information, and how to obtain topographic data for your own work.
Topographic map locator [More info]
Interactive map locator for downloading free USGS topographic maps.
Topographic maps [More info]
General information on topographic maps with links to topographic mapping, USGS topographic maps, digital raster graphics, how to find and order USGS maps, map revision, and map symbols.
Toxic Substances Hydrology Program [More info]
Homepage for the Toxic Substances Hydrology Program, which provides scientific information on contaminated sites and on human and environmental health. Links to news, topical information, investigations, meetings, publications, and photos.
PDF Toxicity and bioavailability of metals in the Missouri River adjacent to a lead refinery [More info]
Report (PDF format) on an evaluation of the potential environmental impacts of contaminated ground water from a metals refinery adjacent to the Missouri River in Omaha, Nebraska testing water and sediments for contaminants and toxicity.
PDF Trace metals related to historical iron smelting at Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site, Berks and Chester Counties, Pennsylvania [More info]
Iron ore containing elevated concentrations of trace metals was smelted here during 113 years of operation (1771-1883). We sampled a variety of materials nearby to determine the amount of metals such as arsenic, chromium, copper, lead, and zinc.
Tualatin River basin water quality assessment [More info]
Overview of project assessing water quality of the Tualatin River basin near Portland, Oregon with links to reports on chemical and nutrient levels and selected data on streamflow, water temperature, weather and precipitation.
Types and effects of volcano hazards [More info]
Describes the 6 main types of hazardous activities and processes associated with volcanoes, including tephra, lava flows, pyroclastic flows, lahars (volcanic mudflows), landslides, and volcanic gas.
U.S. - Mexico Border Environmental Health Initiative: interactive maps [More info]
Geographic and scientific information focused on health issues in the area of the US-Mexico border
U.S. Atlantic East Coast [More info]
Atlantic East Coast interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) [More info]
Homepage for the U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, serving as portal to all USGS information with search options, USGS in the news, most frequently requested topics, and access to major categories of USGS information.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Western Region Kasatochi Volcano Coastal and Ocean Science [More info]
Long-term studies to better understand the effects of the eruption and the role of volcanism in structuring ecosystems in the Aleutian Islands, a volcano-dominated region with high natural resource values.
PDF U.S. Geological Survey Community for Data Integration-NWIS Web Services Snapshot Tool for ArcGIS [More info]
Software used within GIS allowing streamflow, water level, and water quality data to be obtained on demand through the Internet.
PDF U.S. Geological Survey archived data recovery in Texas, 2008-11 [More info]
Our 2008-11 data rescue and recovery efforts resulted in an efficient workflow process, database, and Web user interface for scientists and citizens to access archived environmental information not previously available to the public.
PDF U.S. Geological Survey disaster response and the International Charter for space and major disasters [More info]
How we support an international agreement designed to facilitate the use of remote sensing data for assisting when major disasters occur anywhere on earth.
PDF U.S. Geological Survey protocol for sample collection in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Gulf of Mexico, 2010 [More info]
It is important that we collect samples consistently and properly to assure the quality of the information needed by decision makers. This report explains the procedures for sampling water, sediment, benthic invertebrates, and microorganisms.
U.S. Gulf of Mexico Shoreline Change [More info]
Interactive map of the Gulf of Mexico coast reflecting shoreline changes.
USGS - Nebraska cooperators and other contacts [More info]
Links to webpages of federal, state, local & municipality agencies and Nebraska Natural Resource Districts that are cooperators with the Nebraska District in the collection of water resources data. Plus contacts for other related agencies.
USGS / Department of Energy cooperative studies in Nevada [More info]
Describes cooperation of the USGS office in Las Vegas, Nevada, with the Department of Energy to address environmental and scientific issues at the Nevada Test Site and vicinity with links to project information.
PDF USGS Alaska State Mosaic [More info]
Using 172 Scenes from the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics 2001 collection geometrically and radiometrically aligned, we produced seamless, relatively cloud-free image of the entire state.
PDF USGS EDMAP Program-Training the Next Generation of Geologic Mappers [More info]
How to apply for funding for students to complete geologic mapping projects, with a list of universities who have participated in the program.
USGS East-coast sediment analysis: analysis, procedures, database and georeferenced displays [More info]
Grain-size analysis of marine sediments of the U.S. eastern coast with sampling and lab methods, surficial sediment database in three formats (Excel, Dbase IV, ASCII), and use of geographic mapping tools for visualizing sediment data layers.
USGS Geography Products [More info]
USGS mapping sciences page containing links describing cartographic and geographic products and programs. The information products are available in printed and digital formats.
USGS Global Change Science [More info]
Broad overview of USGS research and monitoring designed to understand current changes in the context of prehistoric and recent earth processes, distinguishing between natural and human-influenced changes, and recognizing ecological and physical responses
USGS Ground-Water Networks [More info]
Maps of three ground-water monitoring networks that group related wells and data from active well networks, and provide basic statistics about the water-level data collected by USGS.
PDF USGS Hydro-Climatic Data Network 2009 (HCDN?2009) [More info]
This updated subset of USGS streamgages for which the streamflow primarily reflects prevailing meteorological conditions for specified years, screened to exclude sites where human activity affects the natural flow of the watercourse.
USGS Luminescence Dating Laboratory [More info]
The USGS Luminescence Dating Laboratory in the Denver Federal Center, Colorado, is a facility for determining the age of sedimentary and volcanic ash deposits using luminescence dating with information on sample collection and laboratory methods.
USGS Pacific coral reefs website [More info]
Overview of research in the Hawaiian Islands and Guam to gain insight into the structure of coral reefs, to provide the basis for future monitoring, and to understand the influences of natural processes and human activities on coral reef health.
USGS Reference Materials Program: Serving the needs of the global analytical community [More info]
Synopsis of the research and services provided by USGS in support of reference materials used for calibration in laboratory analytical studies.
USGS Science: Addressing Our Nation's Challenges [More info]
Overview of USGS scientific goals and activities framed as responses to national and global problems.
PDF USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center [More info]
Extreme storms, sea-level rise, and the health of marine communities are some of the major societal and environmental issues studied by this part of USGS.
PDF USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center--Research activities in the U.S. Virgin Islands [More info]
Explains type of information we collect and the problems we study in this area, focusing on coral reef ecosystems, ocean acidification, and sea-level change.
USGS Water Science Cooperators and Partners in Nevada [More info]
Links to water resources data customers of the Nevada District includes federal, state, and regional agencies and Indian tribes.
USGS activities in Nevada [More info]
Homepage for USGS projects in Nevada with links to geography, biology, geology and water projects, news items, customers, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), education, recreation, data, studies, and publications on Nevada.
USGS activities in Texas: Texas sites by basin [More info]
Real-time water data, interactive maps, and flood reports for river basins in Texas.
USGS and the Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN) [More info]
Field Office involved in operating GPS stations, data recording, and supplying of earthquake data. Links to GPS data analysis, photos, and technical information.
USGS develops geophysical methods to improve remediation monitoring and site characterization [More info]
Short news article describing the use of electrical resistivity tomography to improve imaging of tracer flow in ground water.
USGS fact sheets [More info]
Access and listing of popular USGS publications listed by themes: resources, hazards, environment, information management, and states, and also by scientific discipline.
USGS geology in the parks [More info]
U.S. Geological Survey and National Park Service virtual geology sites organized by geology topics and individual parks.
USGS image collections [More info]
Homepage to access a large number of photograph collections on many subjects including national parks, ecosystems, plants and animals, and geologic features.
USGS maps [More info]
Overview of the types of maps sold and distributed by the USGS.
USGS mine drainage activities [More info]
Listing of USGS research and monitoring projects on mine drainage, in order to promote cooperation and collaboration among scientists working on problems related to mining and the environment.
USGS multimedia gallery [More info]
Photographs of landscapes, earth history, waterways, wildlife, changing worlds, and earth scientists.
USGS news and information on El Nino [More info]
Information sources on El Nino effects such as landslides, coastal hazards, floods. Includes links to maps and images.
USGS projects in Afghanistan [More info]
Presents scientific expertise, geospatial data, and remote sensing technologies to help assess Afghanistan's natural resources and strengthen its earth science capabilities.
USGS projects in Illinois [More info]
Links to Illinois District water projects including projects on water quality, radium in ground water, ground water studies, and streamflow studies.
USGS publications on Illinois water resources [More info]
List of Illinois District publications, report abstracts, water resources abstracts, and fact sheets, newsletter archives on water resources in Illinois with links to online publications.
USGS recreation site: your science gateway for safe and vital enjoyment of the outdoors [More info]
Gateway to useful USGS websites for recreation in nature watching and exploring, boating, camping, climbing, fishing, hiking, biking, and hunting, with links to maps, real-time streamflow, geology, photos, and plant and animal information.
USGS responds to Deepwater Horizon oil spill [More info]
Imagery, sampling information, and other data intended for use in assessing and remediating environmental problems related to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010
USGS responds to hurricanes [More info]
Information is provided about coastal impacts of Katrina, Rita, and Wilma and Satellite Imagery and other Geospatial Data, News Releases, Streamflow Conditions, publications and other resources.
PDF USGS science for the Nation's changing coasts: Shoreline change research [More info]
Explains how and why coasts, beaches, and shorelines change, and how we study these changes.
PDF USGS science for the Nation's changing coasts; Shoreline change assessment [More info]
Shorelines are always changing, yet we use these areas heavily. This shows what we measure and how, to help adapt to changing coastal zones.
USGS studies in the New York Bight [More info]
Describes and provides links to USGS research in the location of the estuary and coast of Long Island, New York, to map the sea floor and to study sediment transport, contaminants, and sand resources and coastal vulnerability.
USGS tracks acid rain [More info]
Fact sheet on the formation of acid rain, its effects, investigations, and the program of a nationwide network of acid rain monitoring stations called the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN).
Unconsolidated aquifers of upstate New York [More info]
Information on aquifers in upstate New York which consist of unconsolidated deposits of sand and gravel that occupy major river and stream valleys or lake plains. Links to aquifer maps at scales 1:24,000 or 1:250,000 and cooperative publications.
PDF Understanding Contaminants Associated with Mineral Deposits [More info]
Outlines processes that control the release of metals and acidic waters from inactive mines and mineralized areas, the transport of metals and acidic waters to streams, and the fate and effect of metals and acidity on downstream ecosystems.
Understanding our planet through chemistry [More info]
Site with a series of articles showing how chemists and geologists use analytical chemistry to determine the age of the Earth, determine Earth's history, predict volcanic eruptions, observe long-term atmospheric change and study pollution.
PDF Understanding processes affecting mineral deposits in humid environments [More info]
Contaminants from mines move more easily from ore materials and mine waste piles to surrounding estuaries and living organisms when water moves through the mine site. Geochemical results shown here will help people mitigate the negative effects.
PDF Understanding risk and resilience to natural hazards [More info]
General approach taken by USGS to providing communities with the tools and information they need to prepare for natural hazards that may affect them.
United States Antarctic Resource Center [More info]
Description of the Antarctic Resources Center and links to its workshops and archives of Antarctic maps, charts, satellite images, and photographs produced by the member nations of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR).
PDF United States National Seismic Hazard Maps [More info]
Maps indicating areas where earthquakes may cause damage or disrupt human activities, with information about how those maps are compiled.
Unsaturated-Zone Flow Project [More info]
Overview of research to measure, predict, and understand the flow of water through soil and rock between the land surface and the water table with links to field sites, laboratory methods, theoretical developments, publications, and personnel.
Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center (UMESC) [More info]
Homepage for Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center, LaCrosse, Wisconsin, with links to data library, geographical search, science programs, partnerships, long-term resource monitoring program, reports and publications, and education.
Upper Wallkill River study [More info]
Program to measure streamflow stage and discharge at four sites in the Upper Wallkill River Valley's Black Dirt Region and determine Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentration data and estimate loads of TSS and sources of contaminants.
PDF Use of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) to Obtain High-Resolution Elevation Data for Sussex County, Delaware [More info]
Methods and techniques used to collect and process LiDAR elevation data, the generation of the digital elevation model (DEM) and the 2-foot contours, and the quality-assurance procedures and results.
Using geochemical and statistical tools to identify irrigated areas that might contain high selenium concentrations in surface water [More info]
Program using pattern recognition analysis and classification models to determine areas of irrigated land with concentrations of selenium.
PDF Using models for the optimization of hydrologic monitoring [More info]
Usually we choose to put water monitoring stations in places where we have no data already. But it's more efficient to place stations so that they help to reduce uncertainty in the results of modeling. This analysis shows how to choose.
PDF Using observed warming to identify hazards to Mozambique maize production [More info]
Over 30 years of substantial warming, the timing of life cycle events in maize here has changed, threatening the crop yield by exposing the plant at sensitive phases in its life cycle to increased heat and drought, and lowering the weight of its grains.
PDF Using terrestrial light detection and ranging (lidar) technology for land-surface analysis in the Southwest [More info]
Tripod-mounted lidar makes it inexpensive and efficient to measure and map geographic features that change with time, such as sand dunes and erosional features, and soil microtopography.
Using tiltmeters to measure volcano deformation [More info]
Describes and illustrates how scientists use electronic tiltmeters measuring deformation on volcanoes.
View USGS maps and aerial photo images online [More info]
Links to selected partner sites where USGS maps and aerial photo images may be viewed with a web browser.
Visualization of flow alternatives, Lower Missouri River [More info]
This report presents a visual, statistical presentation of five modeled flow-management alternatives and two reference alternatives for four selected sites on the Lower Missouri to aid in decision making for flow management of the river.
Volcano Hazards Program [More info]
Homepage for USGS Volcano Hazards Program with feature stories, and links to worldwide volcano updates, volcanic hazards, reducing volcanic risk, USGS international programs, and resources such as educator's page, videos, and online reports.
Volcano Hazards Program, California Volcano Observatory [More info]
Overview of volcano hazards in California with links to monitoring data including earthquakes and deformations, long-term outlook, volcano hazards in the area, USGS response plan, image gallery, monitoring and topical studies, publications and references.
Volcano and hydrologic hazards, features, and terminology [More info]
Links to explanations of volcanic hazards and features and to a glossary of volcano terminology.
Volcano hazard zones in the Long Valley - Mono Lake Area, California [More info]
Describes the volcano-hazard zones for the Long Valley and Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain identified by scientists of the U.S. Geological Survey.
Volcano monitoring at Yellowstone National Park [More info]
Describes volcano monitoring at Yellowstone National Park including an update of recent volcanic activity, real-time data, and link to volcano monitoring techniques information.
Volcano video and television surveillance monitoring systems [More info]
Visual monitoring of volcanoes by closed-circuit television and video monitoring for a permanent video record of events using slow-scan television which permits continuous surveillance at a distance for remote volcanoes or in times of danger.
Volcano watch [More info]
Volcano Watch is a weekly newsletter issued by the U.S. Geological Survey's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory on volcanic features on the Big Island, volcanic hazards, and informational topics of Long Valley, Montserrat, or Alaska.
Volcanoes [More info]
This booklet presents a generalized summary of the nature, workings, publications, and hazards of the common types of volcanoes around the world, along with a brief introduction to the techniques of volcano monitoring and research.
Volcanoes of Hawaii feature stories archive [More info]
Archive of feature stories on volcanic features on the Big Island, guided tours of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, eruptions and eventful earthquakes, and other topics about the work of scientists at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.
Volcanoes of Hawaii photo gallery [More info]
Images of Hawaiian volcanoes and the islands they've built in the past few million years, and images of recent eruptions.
Volcanoes of the United States [More info]
Booklet detailing plate tectonics, eruptions, hazards, and monitoring of U.S. volcanoes with black and white photos.
Volunteer Map Data Collection at the USGS [More info]
Describes past, current, planned, and experimental USGS programs and processes to permit citizen volunteers to collect geographic and cartographic data and information for incorporation into the USGS topographic map revision process.
Volunteer Program of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) [More info]
Site for the Volunteer Program at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) with information on how to become a volunteer, volunteer housing, examples of volunteer experiences, available volunteer projects, and about HVO.
Volunteer for a changing world [More info]
Volunteer opportunities with U.S. Geological Survey research programs.
Washington aeromagnetic maps and data [More info]
Colored geomagnetic and gravity maps and related data and graphical plots for the state of Washington.
Washington current streamflow conditions [More info]
Links to real-time streamflow data, river and storm alerts, snowpack reports, weather data and seasonal runoff for the state of Washington.
Waste disposal and contaminant migration in the arid Southwest: Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nevada [More info]
Links to studies at the Amargosa Desert Research Site by the USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program studying the subsurface migration and fate of contaminants in arid environments. Links to news, remediation, photos, bibliography and techniques.
Water Information Coordination Program (WICP) [More info]
An interagency program that improves information about natural resources management and environmental protection. The Advisory Committee on Water Information identifies water information needs, evaluates information and recommends improvements.
Water Resources Inventory Area 1 (WRIA1) Watershed Management Project [More info]
Hydrologic data web page for the Water Resources Inventory Area 1 (WRIA 1) Watershed Management Project studying surface and ground water in the Nooksack watershed in northwest Washington. Links to environmental data and maps.
PDF Water Resources and Natural Gas Production from the Marcellus Shale [More info]
The Marcellus shale is a black shale unit in the eastern US. It has economic use as a source of natural gas. Environmental concerns arising from the process of exploiting this resource include water supply and wastewater disposal.
PDF Water Resources of Beauregard Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 30.6 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water was withdrawn here, including about 30.4 Mgal/d from groundwater and 0.1 Mgal/d from surface water. Industrial use, primarily for wood products, accounted for about 72 percent (22 Mgal/d).
PDF Water Resources of Caddo Parish, Louisiana [More info]
In 2005, about 72.9 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn here, including about 7.70 Mgal/d from groundwater sources and 65.2 Mgal/d from surface-water sources. Public-supply use accounted for about 71%, and power generation 19%.
PDF Water Resources of Lafayette Parish [More info]
Summarizes information on the water resources of Lafayette Parish, Louisiana. Information on groundwater and surface-water availability, quality, development, use, and trends is based on previously published reports.
PDF Water Use in Georgia by County for 2005; and Water-Use Trends, 1980-2005 [More info]
Estimated using data obtained from various Federal and State agencies and local sources. Total consumptive water use also was estimated for each county in Georgia for 2005.
Water Watch: current water resources conditions [More info]
U.S. map of real-time streamflow compared to historical values with links to U.S. maps and data of surface water, ground water, precipitation, river conditions and floods and other information on current and past water resources conditions.
Water co-produced with coalbed methane in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming: preliminary compositional data [More info]
Compositional data on water from 47 CBM wells sampled in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Data on major, minor, and trace elements are included.
Water data for Illinois [More info]
Links to streamflow, surface and ground water, water quality, flood, drought, and precipitation data in real-time and for historic time periods for Illinois.
Water quality information pages [More info]
Homepage of the Office of Water Quality programs on the quality of the Nation's surface water and ground water resources, with links to general information, quality assurance, software, data, publications, USGS facilities, techniques, and programs.
Water quality of San Francisco Bay [More info]
Thirty year database of water-quality data, visual data displays, and project information on the San Francisco Bay directed towards following and understanding changes in the water quality of San Francisco Bay.
PDF Water quality studied in areas of unconventional oil and gas development, including areas where hydraulic fracturing techniques are used, in the United States [More info]
Maps showing number of water quality samples in areas underlain by unconventional oil and gas resources, broken out by surface water and groundwater.
Water quality well sites in New Jersey [More info]
Map of New Jersey showing the locations of all well sites where ground water-quality data exists in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) database.
Water resource investigations in Montana [More info]
Information on objectives, approach, status, and publications of various research projects investigating water resources in Montana including studies on wetlands, bridge scour, reconstructed wetlands, abandoned mine lands, and others.
Water resources activities in Texas - cooperating agencies [More info]
List of federal, state, regional, city and county agencies that cooperate with the USGS in water resources studies in Texas. Most have links to the agency's own website.
Water resources applications software [More info]
Archive of USGS water resources software and associated data with documentation available to the public without any fee or cost.
Water resources applications software: NCALC, Manning's n value calculation program [More info]
Software for calculating Manning's roughness coefficient values in stream channels with installation instructions for Unix and DOS systems.
Water resources data for Washington [More info]
Access to data on water resources of Washington including surface water, ground water, water quality, water use, GIS, and biological datasets and access to reports.
Water resources for Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. [More info]
USGS water resources home page with links to detailed hydrologic information for Maryland, Delaware, and District of Columbia on ground and surface water, water quality, real-time records, news releases, local weather, and reservoir levels.
Water resources for Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. - District projects [More info]
List of current water resources projects being conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia with links to dedicated websites, contacts, and project descriptions.
Water resources for Mississippi - local projects [More info]
Local projects of the Mississippi District Office on water resources of Mississippi including studies relating to erosion, floods, water data collection, ground water flow, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques, and others.
Water resources maps and geographic information systems (GIS) information [More info]
Portal for links to United State water resources maps and geographic information systems (GIS) data for the United States for viewing or downloading.
Water resources of Alabama [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Alabama with links to hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, surface water, drought conditions, rain, and water quality.
Water resources of Alaska [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Alaska with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and historic data on streamflow, ground and surface water, glaciers, and water quality plus research activities, publications, and contacts.
PDF Water resources of Allen Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 29.2 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn here, including about 26.8 Mgal/d from groundwater sources and 2.45 Mgal/d from surface-water sources. Rice irrigation accounted for 74 percent (21.7 Mgal/d) of the total.
Water resources of Arizona [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Arizona with detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and well levels plus current conditions, publications, and projects.
Water resources of Arkansas [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Arkansas with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, water use, and rain with links to publications and research partners
PDF Water resources of Bossier Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 15.8 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn, including 4.12 Mgal/d from groundwater and about 11.7 Mgal/d from surface-water sources.Public supply use accounted for about 78 percent (12.4 Mgal/d) of the total water withdra
Water resources of California [More info]
USGS water resources home page for California with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality, plus links to online reports, current issues, data archives and image archive.
Water resources of Colorado [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Colorado with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, snowpack, sediment, ground and surface water, and water quality, plus publications, news, and drought watch.
Water resources of Connecticut [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Connecticut with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, streamflow conditions, gage stations, and drought.
Water resources of Florida [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Florida with links to detailed hydrologic studies with real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality, plus publications and products, projects, news, and water watch.
Water resources of Georgia [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Georgia with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and floods, plus drought watch, current projects, and connections.
Water resources of Hawaii & the Pacific. [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Hawaii, Micronesia, and American Samoa with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, rainfall, water use and current issues.
Water resources of Idaho [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Idaho with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and water use, plus drought watch and relevant publications.
Water resources of Illinois [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Illinois with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, flooding, and water quality with highlights and project information.
Water resources of Indiana [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Indiana with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, drought, and water quality plus GPS ground station data and publications.
Water resources of Iowa [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Iowa with links to hydrologic studies and real-time and historical data on floods, streamflow, ground and surface water, sediment, precipitation, and water quality plus news releases, publications and contacts.
Water resources of Kansas [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Kansas with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and historical data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus flood watch, drought watch, publications, and district news.
Water resources of Kansas - governmental cooperators of the USGS [More info]
List of local, state, and federal governmental agencies cooperating with the USGS in joint-funding arrangements to accomplish mutual goals in water resources studies in Kansas.
Water resources of Kentucky [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Kentucky with links to detailed hydrologic studies, real-time and historical data on streamflow, ground and surface water, flow duration, and water quality plus program highlights, contacts, and news.
Water resources of Louisiana [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Louisiana with detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and water supply with publications, contacts, and current conditions.
Water resources of Louisiana - main bibliography [More info]
Bibliography of linked and cross-referenced publications and products on Louisiana water resources searchable by geographic region, subject, parish, and author.
Water resources of Maine [More info]
USGS water home page for Maine with detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, snow, and water quality plus drought watch, press releases, projects, and contacts.
Water resources of Maine - Projects [More info]
Summary of USGS programs in Maine relating to data collection and hydrologic studies of streamflow, ground water, coastal areas, and ecosystems.
Water resources of Massachusetts and Rhode Island [More info]
USGS water resource home page for Massachusetts and Rhode Island with detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, basins, floods, droughts, and water quality, plus district news.
Water resources of Michigan [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Michigan with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, weather, water management, droughts, floods, and water quality.
Water resources of Michigan - programs and projects [More info]
Brief descriptions of categories of USGS research programs and projects on water resources in Michigan with links to more detailed information on projects.
Water resources of Michigan - protection of drinking water sources [More info]
Links to descriptions, publications, and photos of research projects in Michigan related to drinking water including source assessment, ground water availability, water resources, and contaminants in water.
Water resources of Michigan - restoring natural flow regimes [More info]
Links to descriptions, maps, photos, and reports of projects related to studies of the effects of dams and flow regulation in watersheds altered by humans in the state of Michigan including Muskegon and Kalamazoo Rivers and the Seney refuge.
Water resources of Michigan - water availability [More info]
Links to project descriptions and publications for research studies of water availability in Michigan.
Water resources of Minnesota [More info]
USGS water resource home page for Minnesota with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data for streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, and water quality plus district information.
Water resources of Mississippi [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Mississippi with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, precipitation, local weather, and flooding plus current events, projects and reports.
Water resources of Missouri [More info]
Water District homepage with links to detailed real-time and long-term water resources data for Missouri on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality.
Water resources of Missouri - Missouri District cooperating agencies [More info]
Links to the web pages of federal, state, regional and local agencies and university cooperating with the USGS in the collection of water-resources data and the conduct of interpretive hydrologic investigations in Missouri.
Water resources of Missouri - hydrologic studies and research [More info]
Links to USGS research project summaries and publications on water resources in Missouri.
Water resources of Montana [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Montana with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, and water quality plus publications and district information.
Water resources of Montana - our cooperators [More info]
List of federal, state, tribal, and local agencies cooperating with the USGS on water resources studies of Montana.
Water resources of Nebraska [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Nebraska with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus publications and related natural resources information.
Water resources of Nevada [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Nevada with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of New Hampshire and Vermont [More info]
USGS water resources home page for New Hampshire and Vermont with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality plus publications and district information.
Water resources of New Jersey [More info]
USGS water resources home page for New Jersey with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, weather, and water quality plus district information.
Water resources of New Mexico [More info]
USGS water resources home page for New Mexico with links to hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus map of basins.
Water resources of New York [More info]
USGS water resources home page for New York with links to current news and features, real-time and long-term data on acid rain, suspended sediment, ground and surface water, streamflow and water quality.
Water resources of North Carolina [More info]
USGS water resources home page for North Carolina with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, droughts, precipitation, and water quality plus district information.
Water resources of North Carolina - current district projects [More info]
Links to description, publications, data, and maps for research projects on North Carolina water resources.
Water resources of North Dakota [More info]
USGS water resources home page for North Dakota with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of North Dakota - publications [More info]
Searchable database for publications on water resources of North Dakota.
Water resources of Ohio [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Ohio with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, weather, water use, and water quality, plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Oklahoma [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Oklahoma with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, climatology, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Oklahoma list of publications [More info]
List of publications related to Oklahoma water resources. Some on-line publication files are in PDF format.
Water resources of Oregon [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Oregon with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, geographic information, and water quality plus district and publications information
Water resources of Pennsylvania [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Pennsylvania with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, map/GIS information, and water quality plus district and publications information
Water resources of South Carolina [More info]
USGS water resources home page for South Carolina with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, GIS information, acid rain, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of South Dakota [More info]
USGS water resources home page for South Dakota with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Tennessee [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Tennessee with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Texas - USGS activities in Texas [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Texas with links to historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, droughts, coastal storm surge, lakes and reservoirs, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Utah [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Utah with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus district and publications information.
PDF Water resources of Vernon Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 6.67 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn here, including about 6.46 Mgal/d from groundwater sources and 0.21 Mgal/d from surface-water sources. Public-supply use accounted for about 76 percent (5.06 Mgal/d) of the total
Water resources of Virginia [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Virginia with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, flooding, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Virginia - Total Maximum Daily Load [More info]
Description of a project to develop watershed models that can be used to track sources of fecal coliform bacteria by assigning Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) to three stream segments in Virginia.
Water resources of Virginia - Virginia aquifer susceptibility [More info]
Overview of a project in Virginia to develop a program for assessing public supply source waters to determine their susceptibility to contamination and to determine which systems need detailed source-water assessments.
Water resources of Virginia - chloride monitoring network [More info]
Description of project to study the distribution of saline water in the aquifers of the Coastal Plain of Virginia and the potential for saline water intrusion by evaluating chloride concentrations and the factors affecting chloride distribution.
Water resources of Virginia - floods [More info]
Brief description of project for the Federal Emergency Management Agency to prepare and modify Flood Insurance Rate Maps based on flood frequency analysis, ground surveys, and flood profiles in Virginia.
Water resources of Virginia - river input monitoring [More info]
Description of river input monitoring project's collecting and analyzing water-quality data to calculate and explain load and trend estimates of selected nutrients and suspended solids for five major river basins in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Water resources of Washington State [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Washington State with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality, plus GIS data, district and publications information.
Water resources of Washington State - Flood hazards [More info]
Description of the Flood Hazards study project by Water Resources Program in Tacoma, Washington with links to other flood hazard projects.
Water resources of Washington State - projects/studies [More info]
List of links to USGS research and studies on the water resources of Washington, which can be searched by subject, basin and county.
PDF Water resources of Webster Parish [More info]
In 2005, about 9.52 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of water were withdrawn, including about 9.33 Mgal/d from groundwater and 0.19 Mgal/d from surface-water. Public supply use accounted for 70% of the total.
Water resources of West Virginia [More info]
USGS water resources home page for West Virginia with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality, plus district information and press releases.
Water resources of Wisconsin [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Wisconsin with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality, plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Wyoming [More info]
USGS water resources home page for Wyoming with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of the Caribbean [More info]
USGS home page for the Caribbean, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico with links to projects, GIS data, publications, and real-time data for streamflow and rainfall of Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
Water resources of the United States [More info]
Primary homepage for USGS programs in water resources with links to water data, publications and products, technical resources, major programs, and water information services.
Water resources of the United States - current policy memorandums [More info]
Technical water resources memoranda arranged by general subject (ground water, surface water, policy and safety, and publishing) or by organizational unit (National Water Quality Lab, Branch of Quality Systems, and Branch of Systems Analysis).
Water resources programs [More info]
Brief descriptions and links to major USGS programs at the state, regional, national, and international level for providing hydrologic information and for appraising the quantity, quality and location of the Nation's water resources.
Water resources real-time data for the Nation [More info]
Access to national water resources real-time data typically recorded at 15-60 minute intervals, stored onsite, and then transmitted to USGS offices every 4 hours. Select for site information, ground water, surface water, and water quality.
Water science for schools [More info]
Homepage of an educational site for elementary school students with links to water subjects including water basics, water questions and answers, water use, picture gallery, glossary, NavGuide, and certificate of completion.
Water science for schools: common water measurements [More info]
Explanation of common water properties including temperature, pH, specific conductance, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, hardness and suspended sediment for students and general public.
Water science for schools: follow a drip through the water cycle [More info]
Site for elementary school students on the water cycle with a link to a version geared for second grade students and a random link.
Water science for schools: glaciers and icecaps, storehouses of fresh water [More info]
Brief information for students on glaciers and icecaps from Water Science for Schools with link to more glacial information by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).
Water science for schools: land subsidence [More info]
Site for elementary school studies on land subsidence with links to land subsidence in California, wells, ground water quality, sinkholes, glossary, and a random link.
Water science for schools: the activity center - challenge questions [More info]
Educational site for elementary school students with questions to challenge students plus links to opinion surveys, questionnaires, and water facts.
Water science for schools: the water science picture gallery [More info]
Photos with descriptions of water subjects and of scientists engaged in water research.
Water science for schools: water properties [More info]
Educational site for elementary school students on the properties of water with links to a true/false quiz, common water measurements, pH, and water facts.
Water science for schools: water quality [More info]
Educational site for elementary school students on water quality with links to related topics including pesticides in ground water, kid's view, urbanization and water and others.
Water science for schools: water questions and answers [More info]
Educational site on water for elementary school students with questions and answers that are meant to be useful and entertaining.
Water science for schools: water use in the United States [More info]
Educational site for elementary school students on water use in the United States.
Water site information for the Nation [More info]
The Site Inventory System provides inventory of and access to data for sites at stream reaches, wells, test holes, springs, tunnels and other hydrologic locations where hydrologic data is collected by the USGS. Data can be viewed or downloaded.
Water use in Florida, 2005 and trends 1950-2005 [More info]
Explains many activities in which water is used, with statistics on how much water is used in each activity.
Water use in Tennessee [More info]
Tennessee water-use information including links to a fact sheet, data, charts, and maps.
Water use in the United States [More info]
Links to water use reports for the United States for 1985, 1990, and 1995 comparison of use and renewable water supply by region, handbook for collecting water-use data, and other information on national water use.
Water use trends in Washington, 1985-2005 [More info]
Summary of water use by major category through the last few decades in the state.
Water use trends in the southwestern United States 1950-1990 [More info]
Online report for an interactive workshop Impact of Climate Change and Land Use in the Southwestern United States. Gives a review of domestic and agricultural water use in the Southwest with graphs and maps.
Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budgets (WEBB) [More info]
Describes the studies of five small watersheds, four in the U.S. and one in Puerto Rico, under the WEBB program to understand the processes controlling water, energy, and biogeochemical fluxes with links to other watershed research.
Water-Level Changes in the High Plains Aquifer, Predevelopment to 2002, 1980 to 2002, and 2001 to 2002 [More info]
Data from some 7,000 wells monitoring annual water level changes in the High Plains aquifer indicting changes in water level 1980 to 2002.
Water-quality data for the Nation [More info]
Homepage for USGS water quality information. The NWISWeb discrete sample database is a compilation of over 3.5 million historical water quality analyses in the USGS district databases. Also includes access to real-time data and a tutorial.
Water-quality information - data [More info]
Links to major databases on USGS real-time and historic time period data for water quality, atmospheric deposition, streamflow, and suspended sediments and links to related databases of other agencies.
Water-related scientific programs in Hawaii and Pacific islands [More info]
Overview of water-related scientific programs in Hawaii and Pacific islands (Northern Marianas, Guam, Palau, and American Samoa). Links to programs on hydrologic data collection, ground water availability, and surface runoff.
PDF Water-resources activities of the U.S. Geological Survey in Ohio [More info]
Report on recent USGS programs in Ohio related to water resources studies, with program highlights, flood and drought studies, ground water studies, microbiological water quality research, stream data, and recent publications.
Watershed and River Systems Management Program-WARSMP: application to the Yakima River Basin, Washington [More info]
Description of Yakima River Basin Program including: location of basin, description of economic activities, water management issues and modeling processes used to account for water availability.
Watershed modeling [More info]
Description of the development and use of models to study watersheds supporting a broad range of applications and user skills. Includes links to related memos, training, software, projects, and references
PDF Watershed modeling applications in south Texas [More info]
Explains how mathematical simulations of watershed properties can help us understand the likely behavior of the water systems, putting the choices available to people in better perspective.
Watershed processes and modeling [More info]
Links to published materials produced by the Watershed Processes and Modeling Project on watershed model TOPMODEL, compilation of STATSGO soils data, climate change, landscape heterogeneity in ecoregions, and other links.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Cathance Stream Basin, Maine [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Clear Creek Basin, Iowa [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--East River Basin, Colorado [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Feather River Basin, California [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Flint River Basin, Georgia [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Naches River Basin, Washington [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Pomperaug River Watershed, Connecticut [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Sagehen Creek Basin, California [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Sprague River Basin, Oregon [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Starkweather Coulee Basin, North Dakota [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Trout Lake Basin, Wisconsin [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Watershed scale response to climate change--Yampa River Basin, Colorado [More info]
Mathematical models predict overall streamflow, runoff, subsurface flow, groundwater flow, and soil moisture in this area in response to four different greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
PDF Web-Based Geospatial Tools to Address Hazard Mitigation, Natural Resource Management, and Other Societal Issues [More info]
Discusses web resources recently developed to support ecosystem portfolio and land use modeling
West-central Florida erosion study [More info]
West central Florida erosion interactive map with GIS datasets to download including geologic interpretative layers, samples, bathymetry, and imagery.
Western Geographic Science Center [More info]
USGS geographic information studies and data for the western United States.
Western Mineral Resources [More info]
Western Mineral Resources home page with links to projects to assess the mineral resources and mineral related environmental problems of the western region of the United States. Also links to products, offices, facts, FAQs and newsletter.
Western Region Coastal and Marine Geology [More info]
Western Region Coastal and Marine Geology science center conducts research in the coastal and offshore areas of California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, and other U.S. Pacific Islands.
Western Region Geology and Geophysics Center [More info]
Overview of the research of this organizational unit with links to projects and activities and to geologic information on the western U.S.
Western Region Mineral Resources Project listing [More info]
Links to ongoing mineral resources projects in the Western Region of the United States plus links to offices and staff of the Western Mineral Resources Team.
Western Region geologic information [More info]
Links to geologic information on western states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada and Oregon including information on coastal and marine geology, mineral resources, earthquakes, landslides, earthquake hazards and geologic maps.
Western Region geophysical investigations by the Geophysical Unit of Menlo Park, Calif. (GUMP) [More info]
Overview of the research group Geophysical Unit of Menlo Park (GUMP) with links to studies, models, and maps on gravity and geomagnetism in Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington and the U.S.
Western lake catchment systems - Bear Lake region, Idaho-Utah [More info]
Homepage for project on Bear Lake, Idaho-Utah, to study past climate change and effect on lake catchment basins. Includes link to summary, personnel, geology, methods used including coring and seismic surveying, and publications.
What Mobilizes Arsenic in Ground Water? [More info]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--chemical reactions between nitrate, iron, and oxygen can affect the mobility of trace amounts of arsenic.
What is an Ocean Bottom Seismometer? [More info]
Description and uses of the Ocean Bottom Seismometer; a self contained data-acquisition system which free falls to the ocean floor and records seismic data generated by airguns and earthquakes.
Why Study Paleoclimate? [More info]
It's the only way to understand global environmental conditions that were very different from the way they are today.
PDF Wildfire effects on source-water quality--Lessons from Fourmile Canyon fire, Colorado, and implications for drinking-water treatment [More info]
Stream discharge and nitrate concentration increased downstream of the burned area during snowmelt, but these were probably within the treatment capacity of most drinking-water plants, and limited changes were observed in downstream ecosystems.
Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Geology Field Center [More info]
Site with links to projects of the field center of the Woods Hole Coastal Marine Geology Program on underwater areas between shorelines and the deep ocean, off the U.S. East Coast, the Gulf of Mexico, and in parts of the Caribbean and Great Lakes.
World Coal Quality Inventory (WoCQI) [More info]
Homepage of the World Coal Quality Inventory (WoCQI) with sample collection procedures.
World Data Center for Remotely Sensed Land Data, Sioux Falls [More info]
Description of the World Data Center for Remotely Sensed Land Data (WDC/RSLD), the world's largest collection of space and aircraft imagery. Includes aerial photography, DOQs, Landsat satellite imagery and photography and AVHRR imagery.
World Petroleum Assessment 2000: description and results [More info]
World Petroleum Assessment 2000 estimates of the quantities of conventional oil, gas, and natural gas liquids outside the United States that have the potential to be added to reserves in the next 30 years (1995 to 2025).
World petroleum assessment [More info]
A rigorous geologic foundation for estimating world undiscovered energy resources. Links to world energy resources text and maps (PDF format), total petroleum system (TPS), and world geologic maps.
Wyoming drought watch [More info]
Gives map of streamflow conditions in Wyoming with access to streamflow data, real-time, daily and historic, plus information on drought analysis and management.
PDF Wyoming groundwater-quality monitoring network [More info]
Shows high-priority areas where groundwater will be monitored, outlines the methods of collection and analysis that will be used.
Yakima River Basin [More info]
Description of the studies of the ground water system in the Yakima River Basin and how it interacts with rivers and streams in the basin. Includes links to project status, datasets, maps, project summaries, news releases and bibliographies.
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO) [More info]
Homepage of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory with links to information about the observatory at Yellowstone National Park, volcanic history, photo gallery, monitoring data, publications and products, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Yosemite Valley geologic story [More info]
Site describes the present understanding of the various geologic processes that contributed to the valley's creation. Links to Yosemite Valley's geologic maps.
PDF Zinc-The key to preventing corrosion [More info]
Explains how we use zinc, where it comes from, and discusses worldwide supply and demand.
usSEABED (marine sediment and rock distribution) [More info]
Data on sediment and rock distributions in the waters off the United States, shown using an internet map service with links to downloadable data files
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