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    TB and Refugee Health Services Branch

    MC 1939
    P.O. Box 149347
    Austin, TX 78756-9347

    Phone: 512-533-3000
    Fax: 512-533-3167

    Email the TB Program

Tuberculosis (TB)



TB Program News and Announcements

Tuberculosis in Texas

In 2013, 1,222 cases of tuberculosis (TB) were reported in Texas, a rate of 4.6 per 100,000 population. TB can affect anyone but is more likely to be diagnosed in people born in a foreign country where TB is prevalent, people living with diabetes or HIV/AIDS, the homeless, and health care workers. Alcohol abuse is associated with 17% of TB cases and 10% of cases are diagnosed in detention facilities. Learn more...

TB in Correctional Facilities

The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Tuberculosis Services Branch collects, compiles and analyzes tuberculosis screening activity reported by jails meeting Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 89 criteria.  The Annual Tuberculosis Screening Report reflects these screening results for jails meeting the statutory criteria and is now available for viewing or download

Posted 9/24/2014

FY15 Standing Delegation Orders Updated

The revised Standing Delegation Orders and Standing Medical Orders for Tuberculosis Prevention and Control for FY 2015 are now available.

The SDO/SMO and services are written instructions, orders and procedures prepared by the Department of State Health Services Tuberculosis and Refugee Health Services Branch to promote consistent evaluation and treatment practices for persons with suspected or confirmed TB disease or latent TB infection.

The revised Standing Delegation Orders and Standing Medical Orders for Tuberculosis Prevention and Control are effective September 1, 2014.

Posted 8/25/2014



Congregate Setting Target Testing

On May 13, 2014, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Tuberculosis and Refugee Health Services Branch released new guidelines for congregate setting target testing. The guidelines were issued in recognition of the importance of screening activities among high-risk populations and treatment for TB infection as essential components in TB elimination programs. Submission of a Congregate Setting Target Testing Monthly Report is now required under these guidelines.

Posted 5/16/2014


TB Morbidity Data Updated for 2013

Year 2013 TB morbidity data are available for viewing and downloading at our statistics page. Year 2014 data will be available in July 2015.

Posted 8/1/2014

Cohort Review Implementation

In March 2013, the Tuberculosis Services Branch implemented the cohort review system in Texas. A cohort review is a systematic and retrospective review of the management of TB cases and contacts. It is an effective management tool that identifies trends impacting outcomes and provides the impetus for developing systems that enhance program performance.

It is the policy of the Tuberculosis Services Branch that in order to promote optimal case management and contact investigation practices statewide, DSHS health service regions and contracted local health department TB programs will hold quarterly cohort reviews.  DSHS health service regional TB programs will work with low morbidity public health jurisdictions to implement the cohort review process. The Health Service Regions' Tuberculosis Cohort Review Infrastructure form (Adobe PDF File 67 KB) provides the reporting framework for the cohort reviews.

Please refer to the Cohort Review Policy (Adobe PDF File 45 KB) for further information.

The followings tools are available to conduct the cohort review and report findings to DSHS Tuberculosis Program Services Branch:

For help completing the summary form, download An Overview of the Cohort Review Summary Form (Adobe PDF File  141 KB).


Posted 5/9/2013

Recommendations for 12-Dose Regimen to Treat LTBI

On December 8, 2011, the CDC issued recommendations for a 12-dose isoniazid-rifapentine regimen to be delivered by directly observed therapy (DOT) to treat latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection (LTBI). For more information, see the full article in the MMWR or watch the CDC video podcast [English | Español].

Posted 1/31/2012

Electronic Disease Notification Tuberculosis Follow-up Guide

EDN Tuberculosis Follow-up Guide

High risk populations requiring TB screening include class B immigrants and refugees reported through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Electronic Disease Notification (EDN) System. The EDN Tuberculosis Follow-up Guide (PDF, 1.8 MB) provides instructions to complete the electronic TB Follow-up Worksheet for all class B immigrants and refugees.

The TB Follow-up Worksheet should be completed to reflect all screening and treatment outcomes for class B immigrants and refugees reported in EDN. Learn more...

Posted 1/18/2012


Requests for TB Data

Contact the TB Program via e-mail to request TB data.



Last updated March 20, 2015
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