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Introduced, Invasive, and Noxious Plants

NRCS Invasive Species Policy
Invasive Species Executive Order 13112

Utah State-listed Noxious Weeds
23 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with more information, and web links if available. Noxious weeds that are synonyms retain their noxious status, and are indented beneath the current PLANTS accepted name.

Utah Department of Agriculture. 2003. Utah noxious weed act (20 October 2003). Utah Department of Agriculture.

Symbol Scientific Name Noxious Common Name State Noxious Status Native Status*
ACRE3 Acroptilon repens (L.) DC. L48 (I), CAN (I)
CERE6 Centaurea repens L. Russian knapweed NW
CADR Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. hoary cress NW L48 (I), CAN (I)
CANU4 Carduus nutans L. musk thistle NW L48 (I), CAN (I)
CEDI3 Centaurea diffusa Lam. diffuse knapweed NW L48 (I), CAN (I)
CESO3 Centaurea solstitialis L. yellow starthistle NW L48 (I), CAN (I)
CESTM Centaurea stoebe L. ssp. micranthos (Gugler) Hayek L48 (I), HI (I), CAN (I)
CEMA4 Centaurea maculosa auct. non Lam. spotted knapweed NW
CEVIS2 Centaurea virgata Lam. ssp. squarrosa (Willd.) Gugler L48 (I)
CESQ Centaurea squarrosa Willd. squarrose knapweed NW
CIAR4 Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Canada thistle NW L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I)
COAR4 Convolvulus arvensis L. field bindweed NW L48 (I), HI (I), CAN (I)
CYDA Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.1 bermudagrass NW L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), VI (I), CAN (W), SPM (W)
ELRE4 Elymus repens (L.) Gould L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I)
AGRE2 Agropyron repens (L.) P. Beauv. quackgrass NW
EUES Euphorbia esula L. leafy spurge NW L48 (I), CAN (I)
ISTI Isatis tinctoria L. dyers woad NW L48 (I), CAN (W)
LELA2 Lepidium latifolium L. perennial pepperweed NW L48 (I), CAN (I)
LYSA2 Lythrum salicaria L. purple loosestrife NW L48 (I), CAN (I), SPM (I)
ONAC Onopordum acanthium L. Scotch thistle NW L48 (I), CAN (W)
SOAL Sorghum almum Parodi perennial sorghum NW L48 (I)
SOHA Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. johnsongrass NW L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I)
TACA8 Taeniatherum caput-medusae (L.) Nevski medusahead NW L48 (I)


†CodeNoxious Status
NW Noxious weed

*CodeNative Status
I Introduced
W Waif

*CodeNative Status Jursdiction
L48 Lower 48 States
AK Alaska
HI Hawaii
PR Puerto Rico
VI Virgin Islands
CAN Canada
GL Greenland
SPM St. Pierre and Miquelon

1 Bermudagrass shall not be a noxious weed in Washington County and shall not be subject to provisions of the Utah noxious Weed Act within the boundaries of the county  

Additional information about noxious plants in this state can be found at:


Time Generated: 02/17/2013 09:27 PM CST