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Health Statistics on the Web: It's as Easy as…1, 2, 3!


This hands-on course focuses on the location, selection, and effective use of statistics relevant to health on the local, state, national, and international levels. The importance and relevance of health statistics in various contexts will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to become familiar with the features and scope of several statistics Internet resources through the use of numerous exercises.


At the conclusion of the class, participants will:

  • Be able to identify selected key websites for use in the location of data sets and statistics for use at the local, state, national, and international level.
  • Achieve a general understanding of the types of data sets and statistics available on the Internet.
  • Understand the 4-step process used to successfully locate relevant health statistics for a particular circumstance or issue.

Course Materials

Continuing Education

Upon successful completion of this class, each participant will receive either 2 or 3 hours of continuing education credit awarded by the Medical Library Association.


South Central Region

Ruicha Mishra, Health Professions Coordinator, ,

Cheryl Rowan, Public Health Coordinator, ,

Southeastern Atlantic Region

Sheila Snow-Croft, Public Health Coordinator, ,


Cheryl Rowan, Public Health Coordinator, NN/LM South Central Region