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Divisions within the Material Measurement Laboratory

Analytical Chemistry Division 

Blue Periodic ChartThe Analytical Chemistry Division provides reference measurement methods and standards to enhance U.S. industry's productivity, assure equity in trade, and facilitate sound decision-making regarding human health, safety, and the environment.

Biochemical Science Division

CellsThe Biochemical Science Division provides biochemically based measurement methods, data, reference materials, and predictive models in support of the MML role to provide, as the Nation’s Reference Laboratory, the national system of chemical, physical, and biochemical measurements for advancing the commercialization of biotechnology.

Ceramics Division

Nanoscale StrengthThe mission of the Ceramics Division is to work with industry, standards bodies, universities, and government laboratories in providing the leadership for the Nation's measurements and standards infrastructure for ceramic materials.



Chemical and Biochemical Reference Data Division

Data and the World Wide WebThe Chemical and Biochemical Reference Division performs experimental, theoretical, and computational research on the identity and reactivity of chemical species, emphasizing data, information, and protocols for the identification of chemical and biochemical species.

Materials Reliability


Thank you for taking time to visit the Materials Reliability Division of NIST. We hope you will find many opportunities to collaborate with us and benefit from our research. We offer databases, standard reference materials, recommended practice guides, and new and improved characterization tools --- all focused on helping you better predict how, when, and why a material fails so that its failure can be prevented.

Measurement Services Division

Standard Reference Materials CollageThe Measurement Services Division provides customers with the means to obtain NIST Standard Reference Materials®, Calibration Services, and Standard Reference Data. NIST supports accurate and compatible measurements by certifying and providing over 1300 of the highest quality and metrological value Standard Reference Materials to industry, academia, and government. These materials are used to perform instrument calibrations in units as part of overall quality assurance programs, to verify the accuracy of specific measurements, and to support the development of new measurement methods.

Metallurgy Division


The NIST Metallurgy Division is working closely with materials suppliers and users to develop the measurement and standards infrastructure needed in diverse technological areas - from steelmaking to the fabrication of nanostructured multilayers for magnetic recording heads. 

Polymers Division


Welcome to the Polymers Division. Our mission is to enable U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness in the development and use of materials by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology – in ways that enhance economic security and improve the quality of life.


Surface and Microanalysis Science Division

Surface Cube

As part of the Material Measurement Laboratory at NIST the Surface and Microanalysis Science Division serves as the Nation's Reference Laboratory for chemical metrology research, standards, and data to (1) Characterize the spatial and temporal distribution of chemical species; and (2) Improve the accuracy, precision, sensitivity, selectivity, and applicability of surface, interface, microanalysis, and advanced isotope measurement techniques.


Thermophysical Properties

Molecule RenditionThe Thermophysical Properties Division provides experiment, theoretical, and simulation research on the properties of gases, liquids, and solids, emphasizing thermophysical properties.



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Credit: Image NIST



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Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8300