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IHS Physical Activity Kit

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Indian Health Services- Physical Activity Kit

Indian Health Services has created the Physical Activity Kit (PAK) as a useful tool for community groups who wish to incorporate physical activity into their existing programs. The PAK is based on best and promising practices to increase physical activity. The PAK toolkit can be used in schools, communities, worksites, Head Start programs, elderly centers, and youth programs. The Goal of the PAK is to increase the time American Indians and Alaskan Natives spend in medium to high physical activity for all ages across the lifespan. The activities have been field tested to be culturally appropriate for Native communities.

Download the Physical Activity Kits Here:

PAK Young People Book #1contains fun and interactive physical activities for school-age children that can be used in the classroom or group settings. The physical activities include individual, partner and group activities.

PAK Mt. Pathways' Challenge Book #2 focuses on participant's progress through five trails with increasing levels of physical activity.

PAK Modified American Indian Games' Book #3 contains traditional games that have been modified to provide more opportunity for activity while retaining the original nature of the games.

PAK Exercise Breaks Book #4 contains simple and short duration (2-10 minutes) activity breaks that can be done in a small space with no equipment and set-up.

PAK Young Children Book #5 contains physical activities and movement for infants, toddlers, and preschool children.

PAK Adults/Families Book #6contains a variety of physical activities that can be done as a family. Activities include a community event which evolves around the Great Race as participants learn about the race between the two- and four-legged

PAK Older Adults Book #7contains physical activities from the Healthy Body Awareness program which is a physical activity and nutrition education program for Navajo elders.

PAK Resources Book #8 contains titles, descriptions and web links for physical activities resources