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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture

Medical Office Survey Feedback Report Template (Text Version)

Text Version of a Slide Presentation

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{City, State}

For further information about this feedback report, contact:


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Background on the Medical Office Survey

  • An expansion of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture
  • Specifically designed to measure the culture of patient safety in outpatient medical offices:
    • Assesses staff and provider attitudes and beliefs about patient safety.
    • Assesses some areas that are different than the hospital survey; survey items are also different.
  • Pilot tested in 2007 in 182 U.S. medical offices with more than 4,000 respondents; final survey released on AHRQ Web site in 2009.

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Assesses 12 Areas of Patient Safety

Survey areas:

  1. Teamwork
  2. Patient Care Tracking/Followup
  3. Organizational Learning
  4. Overall Perceptions of Patient Safety and Quality
  5. Staff Training
  6. Owner/Managing Partner/Leadership Support for Patient Safety
  7. Communication About Error
  8. Communication Openness
  9. Patient Safety and Quality Issues
  10. Office Processes and Standardization
  11. Information Exchange With Other Settings
  12. Work Pressure and Pace

Two overall rating questions:

  • Health care quality (patient centered, effective, timely, efficient, equitable).
  • Patient safety.

Slide 4

Survey Data Collection

[Describe your medical office's data collection methods here:]

  • When survey was administered & how.
  • To whom the survey was administered (if not a census, how was the sample selected?)
  • Response rate.

Slide 5

Demographic Data About Respondents

1. Tenure in the medical office:

___ % Less than 2 months
___ % 2 months to less than 1 year
___ % 1 year to less than 3 years
___ % 3 years to less than 6 years
___ % 6 years to less than 11 years
___ % 11 years or more

2. Hours worked per week:

___ % 1 to 4 hours per week
___ % 5 to 16 hours per week
___ % 17 to 24 hours per week
___ % 25 to 32 hours per week
___ % 33 to 40 hours per week
___ % 41 hours per week or more

Slide 6

Demographic Data (continued)

3. Staff Position:

___ % Physician (MD or DO)
___ % Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nurse Midwife, Advanced Practice Nurse, etc.
___ % Management
___ % Administrative or clerical staff
___ % Other clinical staff or clinical support staff
___ % Other position

Slide 7

Main Findings: Strengths

A number of strengths emerged from the results:

  • Most respondents...
  • Respondents...

Slide 8

Main Findings: Areas for Improvement

A number of areas for improvement emerged from the results:

  • Most respondents...
  • Respondents...

Slide 9

Overall Rating on Patient Safety

Rate the systems and clinical processes your medical office has in place to prevent, catch, and correct problems that have the potential to affect patients.

Text description is below figure.

Bar chart displays percentage of respondents providing an overall rating of either Excellent: 25%, Very Good: 22%, Good: 33%, Fair: 12%, and Poor: 8%.

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Overall Ratings on Quality and Patient Safety

Rate your medical office on each area of health care quality (G1a-e)

Survey Items % Poor/Fair % Good % Very Good/
Patient centered: Is responsive to patient preferences, needs, and values 5 50 45
Effective: Is based on scientific knowledge 8 60 32
Timely: Minimizes waits and potentially harmful delays 10 55 35
Efficient: Ensures cost-effective care (avoids waste, overuse, misuse of services) 5 67 28
Equitable: Provides the same quality of care to all regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, language 7 30 63

Note: The item's survey location is in parentheses.

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Interpreting the Results

  • Positively and negatively worded items are used in the survey.
  • A positive response to an item is when respondents answer:
    • "Strongly Agree/Agree" or "Always/Most of the time" for a positively worded item.
    • "Strongly Disagree/Disagree" or "Never/Rarely" for a negatively worded item.

Slide 12

Interpreting the Results (continued)

Example of Positive Responses on Staff Training:

Survey Items % Strongly Disagree/
% Neither % Strongly Agree/
1. This office trains staff when new processes are put into place. (C4) 10 10 80
2. This office makes sure staff get the on-the-job training they need. (C7) 10 10 80
R3. Staff in this office are asked to do tasks they haven't been trained to do. (C10) 80 10 10

R This item is negatively worded so disagreeing is "positive".

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Survey Items % Strongly Disagree/
% Neither % Strongly Agree/
1. When someone in this office gets really busy, others help out (C1) 5 20 75
2. In this office, there is a good working relationship between staff and providers. (C2) 5 20 75
3. In this office, we treat each other with respect. (C5) 5 20 75
4. This office emphasizes teamwork in taking care of patients. (C13) 5 20 75

Note: The item's survey location is in parentheses.

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Patient Care Tracking/Followup

Survey Items % Never/
% Most of the Time/Always
1. This office reminds patients when they need to schedule an appointment for preventive or routine care. (D3) 5 20 75
2. This office documents how well our chronic-care patients follow their treatment plans. (D5) 5 20 75
3. Our office follows up when we do not receive a report we are expecting from an outside provider. (D6) 5 20 75
4. This office follows up with patients who need monitoring. (D9) 5 20 75

Note: The item's survey location is in parentheses.

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Organizational Learning

Survey Items % Strongly Disagree/
% Neither % Strongly Agree/
1. When there is a problem in our office, we see if we need to change the way we do things. (F1) 5 25 70
2. This office is good at changing office processes to make sure the same problems don't happen again. (F5) 5 25 70
3. After this office makes changes to improve the patient care process, we check to see if the changes worked. (F7) 5 25 70

Note: The item's survey location is in parentheses.

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Overall Perceptions of Patient Safety and Quality

Survey Items % Strongly Disagree/
% Neither % Strongly Agree/
1. Our office processes are good at preventing mistakes that could affect patients. (F2) 5 20 75
R2. Mistakes happen more than they should in this office. (F3) 75 20 5
R3. It is just by chance that we don't make more mistakes that affect our patients. (F4) 75 20 5
R4. In this office, getting more work done is more important than quality of care. (F6) 75 20 5

R Indicates a negatively worded item.
Note: The item's survey location is in parentheses.

Slide 17

Staff Training

Survey Items % Strongly Disagree/
% Neither % Strongly Agree/
1. This office trains staff when new processes are put into place. (C4) 5 20 75
2. This office makes sure staff get the on-the-job training they need. (C7) 5 20 75
R3. Staff in this office are asked to do tasks they haven't been trained to do. (C10) 75 20 5

R Indicates a negatively worded item.
Note: The item's survey location is in parentheses.

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Owner/Managing Partner/Leadership Support for Patient Safety

Survey Items % Strongly Disagree/
% Neither % Strongly Agree/
R1. They aren't investing enough resources to improve the quality of care in this office. (E1) 75 20 5
R2. They overlook patient care mistakes that happen over and over. (E2) 75 20 5
3. They place a high priority on improving patient care processes. (E3) 5 20 75
R4. They make decisions too often based on what is best for the office rather than what is best for patients. (E4) 75 20 5

R Indicates a negatively worded item.
Note: The item's survey location is in parentheses.

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Communication About Error

Survey Items % Never/
% Most of the Time/Always
R1. Staff feel like their mistakes are held again them. (D7) 75 20 5
2. Providers and staff talk openly about office problems. (D8) 5 20 75
3. In this office, we discuss ways to prevent errors from happening again. (D11) 5 20 75
4. Staff are willing to report mistakes they observe in this office. (D12) 5 20 75

R Indicates a negatively worded item.
Note: The item's survey location is in parentheses.

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Communication Openness

Survey Items % Never/
% Most of the Time/Always
1. Providers in this office are open to staff ideas about how to improve office processes. (D1) 5 20 75
2. Staff are encouraged to express alternative viewpoints in this office. (D2) 5 20 75
R3. Staff are afraid to ask questions when something does not seem right. (D4) 75 20 5
R4. It is difficult to voice disagreement in this office. (D10) 75 20 5

R Indicates a negatively worded item.
Note: The item's survey location is in parentheses.

Slide 21

Patient Safety and Quality Issues
(Page 1 of 2)

How often did the following things happen over the past 12 months?

Survey Items % Daily or Weekly %
Monthly or
several times
% Once, twice,
or never
Access to Care
1. A patient was unable to get an appointment within 48 hours for an acute/serious problem. (A1)
5 20 75
Patient Identification
2. The wrong chart/medical record was used for a patient. (A2)
5 20 75
Charts/Medical Records
3. A patient chart/medical record was not available when needed. (A3)
5 20 75
4. Medical information was filed, scanned, or entered into the wrong patient's chart/medical record. (A4) 5 20 75

Note: All items are negatively worded; the item's survey location is in parentheses.

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Patient Safety and Quality Issues
(Page 2 of 2)

How often did the following things happen over the past 12 months?

Survey Items % Daily or Weekly %
Monthly or
several times
% Once, twice,
or never
Medical Equipment
5. Medical equipment was not working properly or was in need of repair or replacement. (A5)
5 20 75
6. A pharmacy contacted our office to clarify or correct a prescription. (A6)
5 20 75
7. A patient's medication list was not updated during his/her visit. (A7) 5 20 75
Diagnostics and Tests
8. The results from a lab or imaging test were not available when needed. (A8)
5 20 75
9. A critical abnormal result from a lab or imaging test was not followed up within 1 business day. (A9) 5 20 75

Note: All items are negatively worded; the item's survey location is in parentheses.

Slide 23

Office Processes and Standardization

Survey Items % Strongly Disagree/
% Neither % Strongly Agree/
R1. This office is more disorganized than it should be. (C8) 75 20 5
2. We have good procedures for checking that work in this office was done correctly. (C9) 5 20 75
R3. We have problems with workflow in this office. (C12) 75 20 5
4. Staff in this office follow standardized processes to get tasks done. (C15) 5 20 75

R Indicates a negatively worded item.
Note: The item's survey location is in parentheses.

Slide 24

Information Exchange With Other Settings

Over the past 12 months, how often has your medical office had problems exchanging accurate, complete, and timely information with:

Survey Items % Daily or Weekly %
Monthly or
several times
% Once, twice,
or never
1. Outside labs/imaging centers? 5 20 75
2. Other medical offices/outside physicians? 5 20 75
3. Pharmacies? 5 20 75
4. Hospitals? 5 20 75
5. Other? 5 20 75

Slide 25

Work Pressure and Pace

Survey Items % Strongly Disagree/
% Neither % Strongly Agree/
R1. In this office, we often feel rushed when taking care of patients. (C3) 75 20 5
R2. We have too many patients for the number of providers in this office. (C6) 75 20 5
3. We have enough staff to handle our patient load. (C11) 5 20 75
R4. This office has too many patients to be able to handle everything effectively. (C14) 75 20 5

R Indicates a negatively worded item.
Note: The item's survey location is in parentheses.

Slide 26

Comparison With 182 Pilot Study Medical Offices

Patient Safety Culture Area [Site name]
% Positive
MO Pilot Study Comparison:
Average % Positive
1. Teamwork [Your data] 84
2. Patient Care Tracking/Followup [Your data] 78
3. Organizational Learning [Your data] 75
4. Overall Perceptions of Patient Safety and Quality [Your data] 75
5. Staff Training [Your data] 72
6. Owner/Managing Partner/Leadership Support for Patient Safety [Your data] 69
7. Communication About Error [Your data] 67
8. Communication Openness [Your data] 66
9. Patient Safety and Quality Issues [Your data] 62
10 Office Processes and Standardization. [Your data] 61
11. Information Exchange With Other Settings [Your data] 55
12. Work Pressure and Pace [Your data] 49

Current as of March 2009

Internet Citation:

Medical Office Survey Feedback Report Template. Text Version of a Slide Presentation. March 2009. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQAdvancing Excellence in Health Care