2012 Regional Measurement Assurance Programs (RMAP) Training

NIST Handbook 143, Section 5.2, Table 2 notes that annual attendance at the RMAP training session is required for ongoing laboratory Recognition. Handbook 143, Program Handbook details the criteria used for WMD Laboratory Recognition. In addition, participation in ongoing RMAP proficiency tests (PTs) requires completion of training requirements to the designated level and attendance at the annual RMAP training sessions.

The 2012 Regional Measurement Assurance Program (RMAP) training events have been scheduled as noted in the table below. Training topics (see attached detailed agenda and abstracts) are selected based on annual needs assessments; input is obtained during laboratory assessments, annual reviews of submitted data, and laboratory requests. Participating staff will have pre-work to compile resources as needed for the workshops noted in the agenda.

Schedule and Location

The schedule, location, and contact host for each of the RMAP training is listed below. The agenda and detailed learning objectives are in the following sections. NIST will provide training content. Local hosts will provide details on hotel and local logistics.



Location Host Contact


March 26 to 29, 2012

Myrtle Beach, SC Robert McGee


May 21 to 24, 2012

Cheyenne, WY Robert Weidler


September 10 to 13, 2012

Portland, ME Danny Newcombe


September 17 to 20, 2012

Sioux Falls, SD Brad Stover


September 24 to 27, 2012

Baton Rouge, LA Richert Williams


Registration fees for the RMAP training will be determined by the local hosts in conjunction with NIST assistance. Every effort will be made to keep registration fees to a minimum. Specific details about registration will be sent with information for each RMAP. The OWM database will be used to generate attendee registrations and lists and shared with each host (this will enable tracking, full contact lists, and preparation of attendees lists and training certificates.)



Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday

8:00 AM

Round Table

17025 Topics: Supplier Evaluation (4.6) and Mass Standards 
and Calibrations 
to Support 
Legal Metrology 
Standards and Calibrations to Support Legal Metrology


10:00 AM
Customer Service (4.7)
12 N

1:00 PM
Proficiency Test (Round Robins Reviews)
National Traceability Assessments
Mass Standards 
and Calibrations 
to Support 
Legal Metrology
Standards and Calibrations to Support Legal Metrology


3:00 PM
PT Planning and RMAP Business Meeting
Assessing and Witnessing Traceability for Weights and Measures
5:00 PM





Abstracts and Learning Objectives

Laboratory Round Table – Laboratory round table sessions help to identify major trends and changes among the laboratory community. Reports focus on changes and challenges related to facilities, equipment, standards, staffing, operations, and economic/workload issues. These items are covered in Handbook 143 and ISO/IEC 17025, Sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6. Specific follow up actions are identified.

PT Reviews and Planning – Proficiency testing results are presented and analyses and corrective actions are discussed. Planning is done to ensure that every laboratory has a PT available to cover every area of their scope at least once every four years. PT Plans must now be available for every laboratory and are a new Accreditation Requirement (every Accredited laboratory must have a PT Plan available for their Accreditation Body.)

Supplier Evaluation. Evaluation of product, service, and calibration providers is a critical aspect of ensuring metrological traceability of measurement results. It is also one of the major elements of Handbook 143 (and ISO/IEC 17025), Section 4.6. We will consider the requirements for supplier evaluation and also identify tools and resources for finding acceptable suppliers. Laboratories in each region will share best practices and lessons learned. At the end of this session, participants will have identified specific action items to improve supplier evaluations in their laboratory and have a list of suppliers used by other laboratories. Staff need to bring copies of their supplier evaluation procedure, forms, and approved supplier lists.

Customer Service. Government staff often lose sight of the value of good customer service; yet in times of budget cuts and scarce resources, not only is customer service critical, it can provide value-added program advocates! It is also one of the major elements of Handbook 143 (and ISO/IEC 17025), Section 4.7. We will consider the requirements for customer service and also identify tools and resources that are used in laboratories in the region. Participants will share best practices and lessons learned. At the end of this session, participants will have identified specific action items to improve customer service in their laboratory. Staff should bring copies of their customer service procedure, forms and example feedback.

National Traceability Assessments. Metrological traceability was covered in detail during the 2011 RMAP training sessions. The 2011 Annual Submissions for State laboratories required a full technical assessment of metrological traceability. This session will review the submissions and address any system-wide non-conformities and technical issues regarding metrological traceability. Staff will need to bring their copy of the laboratory Traceability Assessment that includes reference to State laws, traceability hierarchies, traceability assessment forms, and summaries of Corrective Action and Preventive Action that was identified during their internal audits. Industry participants may prepare by evaluating metrological traceability based on training content from the 2011 RMAP sessions and forms that are available on the OWM website: http://www.nist.gov/pml/wmd/labmetrology/lab-resources.cfm (See Traceability Assessment Form).

Assessing and Witnessing Traceability for Weights and Measures. The Office of Weights and Measures periodically gets requests regarding assessment of new types of standards, new field testing methods, and the witnessing of calibrations and field inspections/calibrations by service companies. This session will provide an outline for applying metrological traceability assessment concepts to applications that are not part of the Recognized or Accredited laboratory Scope. Participants should come with examples of measuring instruments, standards, or processes where they might need to assess metrological traceability for weights and measures applications. At the end of this session, participants will have tools and outline that can be used in assessing and witnessing calibrations, inspections, and tests.

Mass Standards and Calibrations to Support Legal Metrology. This will be a working session. It will cover a variety of topics related to mass standards and calibrations needed to support legal metrology. Specific topics will include: applicable documentary standards for legal metrology, calibration procedures that are required (as well as what are considered acceptable procedure modifications), assessments of traceability, uncertainty, and measurement assurance, conducting peer reviews of laboratory spreadsheets using SAP 10 and Form A, and creation and review of Kragten uncertainty analyses spreadsheets. Staff need to bring copies of any local procedure modifications as well as spreadsheets (and all supporting/linking files) used for mass calibrations (and a computer). At the end of this session participants should be able to identify their own best practices as well as areas for preventive action and continual improvement action.

Volume Standards and Calibrations to Support Legal Metrology. This will be a working session. It will cover a variety of topics related to volume standards and calibrations needed to support legal metrology. Specific topics will include: applicable documentary standards for legal metrology, calibration procedures that are required (as well as what are considered acceptable procedure modifications), assessments of traceability, uncertainty, and measurement assurance, conducting peer reviews of laboratory spreadsheets using SAP 10 and Form A, and creation and review of Kragten uncertainty analyses spreadsheets. Staff need to bring copies of any local procedure modifications as well as spreadsheets (and all supporting/linking files) used for mass calibrations (and a computer). At the end of this session participants should be able to identify their own best practices as well as areas for preventive action and continual improvement action.

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