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Atomic Spectroscopy: A Compendium of Basic Ideas, Notation, Data, and Formulas
W. C. Martin and W. L. Wiese 

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899

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  1. Introduction
  2. Frequency, Wavenumber, Wavelength
  3. Atomic States, Shells, and Configurations
  4. Hydrogen and Hydrogen-like Ions
  5. Alkalis and Alkali-like Spectra
  6. Helium and Helium-like Ions; LS Coupling
  7. Hierarchy of Atomic Structure in LS Coupling
  8. Allowed Terms of Levels for Equivalent Electrons 
  9. Notations for Different Coupling Schemes 
  10. Eigenvector Composition of Levels
  11. Ground Levels and Ionization Energies for the Neutral Atoms
  12. Zeeman Effect
  13. Term Series, Quantum Defects, and Spectral-line Series
  14. Sequences 
  15. Spectral Wavelength Ranges, Dispersion of Air
  16. Wavelength (Frequency) Standards
  17. Spectral Lines: Selection Rules, Intensities, Transition Probabilities, Values, and Line Strengths 
  18. Atomic Lifetimes
  19. Regularities and Scaling 
  20. Spectral Line Shapes, Widths, and Shifts 
  21. Spectral Continuum Radiation 
  22. Sources of Spectroscopic Data
  23. References