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Department of Commerce Bronze Medal


Award Winner: Richard Mirin, Steven Cundiff, Martin Stevens, and Kevin Silverman


The Department of Commerce Bronze Medal Award is the highest honorary award granted by the NIST Director.  A Bronze Medal is defined as superior performance characterized by outstanding or significant contributions which have increased the efficiency and effectiveness of NIST.


The team is recognized for their scientific and engineering achievements in semiconductor quantum dot metrology. They have performed ground-breaking measurements of quantum dot absorption and developed practical quantum dot devices. Their remarkable body of work has provided the semiconductor industry with greatly reduced uncertainties in dipole moment measurements, is fueling progress by the quantum information community toward finding an optimal material to be used as a qubit, and has resulted in the development of an innovative new laser device with applications in optical communications and photonic switching.


Award Date: December 8, 2009

Campus: Boulder

Awarding Organization: Department of Commerce

Awarding Organization Contact Name: NIST

Organization Phone: 303-497-4384