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Photodetector Analysis for Biological Agent Detection


Photomultiplier tube (PMT) analysis with respect to PMT sensitivity and long-term stability using synchrotron radiation.


Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) will be tested using the NIST Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facility (SURF III). This effort will ensure the reliability and accuracy of biological detection systems.

The project includes the calibration of several PMTs using SURF beamlines 3 and 4. We will measure the linearity, special responsivity, and spatial uniformity of several photomultiplier tubes.

In addition, we will test photomultiplier tubes in photon counting mode. This will require special low current operation of SURF III and some additional configuration of the beamlines.

SURF III Beamline 4.
Beamline 4: Normal incidence monochromator, refocusing optics, test chamber, and absolute cryogenic radiometer (left to right).

End Date:


Lead Organizational Unit:



Lindsay Hum, Naval Surface Warfare Center Corona

Facilities/Tools Used:


Name: Uwe Arp
Phone: 301-975-3233
Email: uwe.arp@nist.gov
100 Bureau Dr, MS 8410
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8410

Name: Ping-Shine Shaw
Phone: 301-975-4416
Email: ping-shine.shaw@nist.gov