Thermometry and Humidity Calibrations

The Temperature and Humidity Group provides calibration, certification, and test services for thermometric artifacts over the range from 0.65 K to 2,100 °C and humidity artifacts over the range from –100 °C to 85 °C. Additionally, special services are available for prototype artifacts, non-standard artifacts and proficiency tests.

Specific information regarding each service is accessed through the links given below:

Thermometry Calibrations

Industrial thermometers
 – resistance or thermocouple probes
 – digital readouts with probes

Liquid-in-glass thermometers
 – mercury -- DISCONTINUED 1-Mar-2011
 – organic 

 – base metal
 – noble metal
 – pure metal

ITS-90 defining artifacts (Ar TP to Ag FP)
 – standard platinum resistance thermometers
 – fixed-point cell

Cryogenic resistance thermometers (0.65 K to 165 K)
 – capsule standard platinum resistance thermometers
 – rhodium-iron
 – germanium
 – platinum cobalt
 – zirconium nitride, ruthenia

Special tests for thermometry
 – prototype equipment
 – bridge certification
 – proficiency testing

Humidity Calibrations

Trace moisture hygrometers

 – chilled mirror
 – electric
 – electrolytic
 – optical spectrographic
 – infrared
 – aspirated
 – pneumatic bridge
 – RH probes

How to Arrange a Calibration

  1. Contact the staff member in charge of the calibration service for your artifact with any technical or calibration cost questions.
  2. Calibrations are performed on a first come first serve basis.
  3. If you are sending an SPRT for calibration, please measure the triple point of water resistance R(TPW) before shipping.
  4. Ship your artifact with a copy of the purchase order. Use a sturdy box in which we can return the calibrated instrument.
  5. The purchase order my be sent to contact by e-mail, fax, or mail. Please include the following information:
  • Service ID for the calibration
  • Model and serial number of your artifact
  • Customer contact name, address, phone, and email
  • Return shipping method (e.g., shipping account number)
  • R(TPW) value (if applicable, see # 3 above)


General information regarding NIST calibration services may be found on the NIST Technology Services Calibration Webpage

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General Information:
Martin Wilson, Calibration Administrator
301-975-2356 Telephone
301-975-2950 Facsimile

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8441
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8441