2012 Directors Guidance

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 Joint Reserve Force at JRTRX 2012

 Photo of a Sailor from the DLA Joint Reserve Force prepares to fire a M-4 rifle during the fifth annual Joint Reserve Training R    Photo of DRT reservists processing incoming DRMO property  Photo of Navy and Army reservists at Balad DRMO, Iraq






We are the Joint Reserve Force of the Defense Logistics Agency. We are Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps reservists working together to support the DLA mission world-wide. We are a high-performing, customer-focused, globally responsive force.

DLA prides itself in being the "source behind the force." The source includes more than 750 reservists - Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines - assigned to nearly every DLA organization across the United States, including Hawaii, and Europe.

At any given time, more than 135 military and civilian personnel assigned to DLA are deployed in support of the Global War on Terrorism or other contingency operations. Approximately half of those deployed are reservists.

More than 1,100 DLA reservists have activated since 2001 in support of DLA operations. Always ready to support the Warfighter, one-third of DLA reservists are "in the bucket" for deployment around the globe in support of U.S. objectives.



To accomplish that mission, our training is designed to be joint in nature and relevant to ensure that DLA reservists are prepared to meet DLA requirements. Assigned personnel can anticipate an annual Joint Reserve Training and Readiness Exercise to fulfill joint as well as service-specific requirements.

Readiness is also a top priority for us to ensure that our reservists are not only trained to do their jobs, but also ready to go at a moment's notice: medically qualified, physically fit, and fully prepared - including family readiness.

In addition to meeting our mobilization taskings, we provide operational support to DLA field activities on drill weekends and annual tours. Our reservists are a key part of the DLA team.



Our vision is for DLA reservists to be fully integrated and valued as essential members of the DLA team while providing competent and effective mission support in time of war and peace.

To reach this goal, we are implementing a new Center of Excellence (COE) for Readiness and Training. The COE will serve as a clearing house for best practices in training to ensure consistent, cost-effective, standardized policies and procedures for training across DLA's Joint Reserve Force.



Benefits for assigned reservists include an understanding of the logistics support provided by DLA to the various services and experience in joint-service exercises and training. Our strict adherence to Department of Defense "dwell" policy and our standard six-month deployment tour length gives you predictability for mobilization recalls and deployments for Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation New Dawn.


Questions? Contact us. If you're interested in joining our team, click here.