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Performs, supervises, or manages data, information, and knowledge-sharing services in a fixed and expeditionary environment.



Duties And Responsibilities

Duties And Responsibilities
Duties And Responsibilities
Performs data management. Manages process of planning, coordinating, managing, sharing, and controlling organization's data assets. Updates or uses data vocabularies and metadata catalog, enabling data to be accessed, tagged, and searched regardless of physical location, media, source, owner, or other defining characteristics. Categorizes and specifies how to represent objects, concepts, and other entities based on relevance and application to support specific organizational objectives. Structures data and information for a specific purpose in a specific context for collaborative groups of users who must exchange information in pursuit of their shared goals, interests, missions or business processes. Manages databases for the storage, modification, and retrieval of information to produce reports, answer queries, and record transactions. Uses or assists users with using authoritative data sources, data services, and presentation layer to deliver information to support processes. Performs information management functions. Conducts information analyses to determine proper flow and life-cycle management of information, regardless of medium. Operates information systems to create, collect, process, disseminate, use, store, protect, and dispose of information. Develops, provides, and educates users on workflow capabilities and tools to comply with structured electronic processes and flexibility to create/develop ad hoc courses of actions. Manages timeliness, accuracy, and maintenance of published content. Approves and publishes content through automated publishing tools. Oversees organizations' compliance and management of AF Portal and collaboration tools. Manages publications and forms development, design, control, storage, acquisition and dissemination. Provides guidance to ensure publications and forms meet prescribed style, format, and legal and statutory requirements. Focal point for Internet and e-mail management and use policies. Creates manual and electronic file plans. Applies file cutoff procedures and disposes of and retrieves records. Operates and manages records information management system and records staging areas. Complies with Privacy Act (PA) and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) procedures and provides assistance to ensure others comply. Provides guidance and assistance on common, standard electronic communications applications and establishes policy, processes, and procedures for document management, collaboration, and workflow. Operates Official Mail Center. Manages knowledge services. Serves as consultant/liaison for overall data, information, and knowledge planning and integration; identifies and analyzes data, information, and knowledge requirements to facilitate delivery of decision-quality information to commanders. Uses and manages technologies to capture, organize, and store activities/experiences, leveraging collaborative knowledge across disparate organizations. Promotes interaction among two or more individuals encompassing a variety of behaviors, including communication, information sharing, coordination, cooperation, problem-solving, and negotiation. Assesses, develops and manages desktop common-operating pictures/dashboards. Manages, supervises, and performs planning and implementation activities. Manages implementation and project installation and ensures architecture, configuration, and integration conformity. Develops, plans, and integrates base communications systems. Serves as advisor at meetings for facility design, military construction programs and minor construction planning. Evaluates base comprehensive plan and civil engineering projects. Monitors status of base civil engineer work requests. Performs mission review with customers. Controls, manages, and monitors project milestones and funding from inception to completion. Determines adequacy and correctness of project packages and amendments. Monitors project status and completion actions. Manages and maintains system installation records, files, and indexes. Evaluates contracts, wartime, support, contingency and exercise plans to determine impact on manpower, equipment, and systems.


Specialty Qualifications

Specialty Qualifications
Specialty Qualifications
Knowledge. Knowledge is mandatory of: relationship of data, information, and knowledge; policies and procedures relating to life cycle of information, including electronic communications, e-mail management, content management, records management, publications, forms, and information systems; Freedom of Information Act, Privacy Act, and document security (FOUO, unclassified, classified); standard software applications and collaboration tools; expeditionary concepts and after-action reporting; and information technology fundamentals.

Education. For entry into this specialty, completion of high school is mandatory. Additional courses in business, English composition, computer science or information systems, mathematics, web technologies, computer applications, and keyboarding is desirable.

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Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) Scores (required):