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Our goal is to help you develop exciting ideas for how you can improve highway safety in your State. We hope you will join us in thinking outside of the box and trying new approaches and techniques to reach our target audiences. Please do not hesitate to call or email any of our campaign managers should you have any questions.

Adult Occupant Protection
Mike Joyce (
(202) 366-5600

Distracted Driving
Lori Millen (
(202) 366-9742

Child Passenger Safety
Elizabeth Graziosi (
(202) 366-3587

Teen Access To Alcohol / General Site Feedback
Kathryn Henry (
(202) 366-6918
Impaired Driving (Social Norming)
Kil-Jae Hong (
(202) 493-0524

Director of Consumer Information
Susan McMeen (
(202) 366-4165
Impaired Driving (Enforcement) and Speed
Glaceria Mason (
(202) 366-5876
Associate Administrator of Communications and Consumer Information
Susan Gorcowski (
(202) 366-4165


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