Reading Room Remodeling

The Law Library Reading Room is being remodeled in the near future.  In connection with this project, several collections currently located in the Reading Room will be permanently relocated to other areas of the Law Library and Library of Congress shelving areas.

The Library’s online catalog records will be updated as materials are relocated.  Researchers are encouraged to consult the online catalog and then to contact the Law Library Reading Room at (202) 707-5079 concerning any unanswered questions about the location of materials.

Public users will be able to obtain updated information through the Law Library’s website, blog, Facebook page, and Twitter account.


  1. pokey939
    March 6, 2011 at 9:33 am

    I just want to give a hello to Pam, the librarian at the Law Library of the Library of Congress. She is very professional and has been very instrumental in helping me to receive my certification as a Paralegal. She is very knowledgeable in the library.

    Hello, Pam. I miss seeing and talking with you.

  2. Andy Patterson
    July 4, 2011 at 5:37 pm

    Thanks, but it would be helpful if this webpage could indicate the categories or names of the collections that are being (or will be) moved out of the Reading Room.

  3. Andrew Weber
    July 5, 2011 at 8:04 am

    There are two updates that provide more information: Collections Relocated for the Law Library Reading Room Remodeling and State Collections Being Relocated and Where to Find Them. I hope these help.

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