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U.S. Department of the Interior - National Business Center
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Exhibits and Displays

The Branch of Building Operations is responsible for approving occupant requests for displays or exhibits in public space on the property of the Stewart Lee Udall Department of the Interior Building and the South Interior Building.  Requests are reviewed to ensure that each is appropriate for display (e.g., to ensure each contains a subject of wide general interest to occupants and visitors, or supports a Departmental program).

Requests for approval should include details related to the exhibit or display.  As a minimum, details should include the type of display (e.g., poster, exhibit), the space required for the display, dates to be displayed, other requirements (e.g., electrical outlet), and contact information for the person to whom questions can be directed).


You may contact us through the administrative contact for your bureau or office, the NBC Administrative Operations service desk on (202) 208-2222, or one of the individuals below:

Evelyn Bonilla
Phone:  (202) 208-6266
Fax: (202) 208-4459
Gary Peacock
Phone:  (202) 208-7560
Fax: (202) 208-4459