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Saha Database

Version 1.0

Yu. Ralchenko
Atomic Physics Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Welcome to the NIST Saha Plasma Kinetics Modeling Database. This database contains benchmark results for simulation of plasma population kinetics and emission spectra. The data were contributed by the participants of the 3rd Non-LTE Code Comparison Workshop who have unrestricted access to the database. The only limitation for other users is in hidden labeling of the output results. Guest users can proceed to the database entry page without entering userid and password.

References [1,2] contain detailed information about the Workshop and discussion on various aspects of code comparisons.
Acknowledgment. This database would be impossible without the data generously contributed by the NLTE-3 participants.
1. Yu. Ralchenko, R. W. Lee, and C. Bowen, Proceedings of the 14th APS Topical Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, ed. by J. S. Cohen, S. Mazevet, and D. P. Kilcrease, AIP Conference Proceedings v. 730, p. 151 (2004)
2. C. Bowen, R. W. Lee, and Yu. Ralchenko, JQSRT 99, 102 (2006).

Codes and contributors | Call for submissions (NLTE-3) and description of parameters

(for registered users)
Avalable Steady-State Cases:
Element C Al Ar Ge Xe Au


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