Database Help

The DOE R&D Accomplishments Database may be used to search, locate, access, and electronically download full-text research and development (R&D) documents, DOE/predecessor patents, and/or their bibliographic information.  Database Help provides information about using the Database and includes:

Searching the Database

Search Features

Search allows you to search the OCRed full-text document and bibliographic information, the bibliographic information only, the title, the author/inventor and/or a number associated with Database documents and patents.  With this fielded search capability, you may enter terms into any field or a combination of multiple fields.

  • Case Sensitivity
    Queries conducted in the Database are case insensitive. A word entered in lower case will match words in upper case, lower case, or mixed case.

  • Date Searching
    The Database supports date searching by year when using the "Bibliographic Data" field.  For example, for documents with a date of 1997, you may enter 1997 into the " Bibliographic Data" query box and select "Submit".

Content of the Search Results

The search results contain information about research and development (R&D) documents and/or DOE/predecessor patents. 

    R&D Results/Documents:  The first set of search results received contains brief citations for R&D results/documents.  A PDF icon linking to the full-text document for each citation is provided with the R&D results.

    The default sort of the R&D results is relevance.  R&D results can also be sorted by author, title, and/or publication date.

    Document titles link to full bibliographic citations, which also provide a PDF icon for the full text of the document.

    DOE/predecessor Patents Results:  DOE/predecessor patent information can be accessed by selecting "Patents" at the top of the R&D results page.  An HTML icon linking to the patent, if available, is provided with the patents results.

    The default sort of the patents is relevance.  Patents results can also be sorted by inventor, title, and/or publication date.

    Patent titles link to the full bibliographic citations, which may also provide a HTML or PDF icon for the full text of the patent.

Using Database Browse

Database Browse provides the capability to browse all the research and development (R&D) documents contained in the Database.  The default sort for Database Browse is relevance.  Database Browse can also be sorted by most recently added, title, author, and publication date.


Downloading, Viewing, and/or Searching Full-text Documents/Pages

Research and Development (R&D) documents and individual pages available in the Database are in PDF (Portable Document Format) files. PDF allows a file to be read on any operating system with the appropriate Adobe Acrobat Reader.

There are three options for downloading, viewing, and/or searching documents/pages.

Option 1:  Download and View Research and Development (R&D) Documents
To open, download, view, and/or search a full-text PDF document, select the PDF icon for the document.

PDF icons for documents are on the R&D results list, with the full bibliographic citation, and in Database Browse

When the PDF document is downloaded to your computer, you have a nicely formatted document that you can print out at any time "offline" and/or you can view online with your browser.


Option 2:  Search the Full-Text Document and/or Download an Individual Page

Full-text document searching and individual PDF pages are available via the full bibliographic citation page.  This page can be reached by selecting the document Title from the R&D results list or from Database Browse

Choice A:  To search the full-text document and open individual pages containing search terms of interest, enter a search term into the "Search within this document:" query box that is located in the frame at the bottom right on the page.   Then select "Go".

Search term occurrences are indicated by the presence of page numbers. Select a page number in order to download, view, and/or search the individual page.

Choice B:  To see a list of all document pages, go to "Display text for page:" located in the center frame on the right of the page.  Page numbers are available in a drop-down list.  To open, download, view, and/or search an individual page, choose a page number and, select "Go".

After the individual PDF page is downloaded to your computer, you have a nicely formatted page that you can print out at any time "offline" and/or you can view online with your browser.


Option 3: Download, View, and/or Search Using PDF Capabilities

The Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to search for and locate a word or phrase within a PDF document or individual page.

After the PDF has been opened, select the "Find" tool (binoculars).  A query box will appear in which you may type the word or phrase you wish to locate.

The Reader will highlight all occurrences of the word or phrase within that document/page.


Downloading, Viewing, and/or Searching DOE/Predecessor Patents

The full text of patents that are available in the Database are in HTML or PDF files. To view, search, and/or download patents, select the HTML or PDF icon of the patent from the patents results or from the full bibliographic citation.

After the HTML or PDF file is downloaded to your computer, you may print it out at any time "offline" and/or you can view it online with your browser.

To locate terms of interest on the HTML file, go to your browser Edit, select Find, and enter the search term in the query box that you receive. Search term occurrences are highlighted on the HTML page.

To locate terms of interest on a PDF file, select the "Find" tool (binoculars). A query box will appear in which you may type the word or phrase you wish to locate. The Reader will highlight all occurrences of the word or phrase within that document/page.



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