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Featured Scientists/Topics · New Media
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Featured Scientists/Topics

Featured Scientists/Topicsare feature pages containing compilations that spotlight an individual scientist or an area of research

New Media

provides comments about and calls attention to the multiple diverse aspects of the DOE R&D Accomplishments unique and specialized collection

Blog Archive
provides access to previous Blog entries

QR Code
provides alphanumeric text for DOE R&D Accomplishments that can be read/scanned by designated barcode readers and camera phones

provides announcements about new additions to DOE R&D Accomplishments with link(s) to the new addition(s)

RSS Archive
provides access to previous RSS entries

Tag Cloud
provides interactive access to contents of the Database

provides fast facts about what DOE and its researchers have accomplished

provides the ability to download access to search, New4U, the RSS and the Blog

provides the ability to search the database, full-text documents, and Web pages, either through a query string in a browser or via a computer application

provides the opportunity to share a DOE R&D Accomplishments Web page


The Basics

is the Welcome page for DOE R&D Accomplishments

provides information about the content of DOE R&D Accomplishments and provides a brief history of DOE and predecessors

What's New
contains introductory material about recently-added content with link(s) to the content

answers frequently asked questions

Contact Us
is a mechanism for users to provide input or feedback



Nobel Laureates
contains a roster of DOE-associated Nobel Prize winners, organized both alphabetically and chronologically

Fermi Laureates
contains a roster of Enrico Fermi Laureates, organized chronologically

Nobel Physicists
contains a roster of DOE-associated Nobel Prize winners in Physics, organized both alphabetically and chronologically

Nobel Chemists
contains a roster of DOE-associated Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry, organized both alphabetically and chronologically

Medicine Nobels
contains a roster of DOE-associated Nobel Prize winners in Physiology and Medicine, organized both alphabetically and chronologically



Interesting Insights
provide the opportunity to briefly and quickly view a unique and wide-ranging collection of research and development results from DOE and predecessors

SC Stories
recent DOE Office of Science success stories about discovery and innovation

provide quick pictures, introductions, or overviews of DOE accomplishments

R&D Nuggets
is an adjunct area containing scientific information and/or links to educational resources and materials and includes "little" gems or treasures, tidbits of information, and/or scientific content that is related to the content of DOE R&D Accomplishments



provides the capability to search the DOE R&D Accomplishments Database and patents owned by DOE and predecessors

Browse Reports
provides the capability to browse the reports contained in the Database

Database Help
provides information about the System and about Database features and search capabilities


Finding Aids

Site Map
contains an expandable/collapsable list of DOE R&D Accomplishments Web pages

A - Z Index
contains an alphabetical listing of pertinent terms and researcher names, with link(s) to related Web pages

Menu Synopsis
contains menu items/links, each accompanied by a very brief description


Some links on this page may take you to non-federal websites. Their policies may differ from this site.