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CACFP plays a vital role in improving the quality of day care for children and elderly adults by making care more affordable for many low-income families. 
Through CACFP, more than 3.2 million children and 112,000 adults receive nutritious meals and snacks each day as part of the
day care they receive.

See how CACFP can make a difference in the quality of your program! Whether you are a provider in your home, at a day care center, in an afterschool care program, or in an emergency shelter, you will find many useful resources for serving nutritious meals and snacks.



Tell me about CACFP
Here's an overview of how CACFP fits into the FNS safety net to improve access to food and a healthful diet.

State agency contacts
CACFP is a federally-funded program administered by States. Contact your State agency to apply, find a day care home sponsor, or locate a facility that participates.
How to manage CACFP
Find all of the basic information you need for participating in CACFP, including legislation, regulations, policy, meal requirements, and reimbursement rates.
Emphasis on integrity
How are we raising Program performance? Look for best practices, locate financial management resources, and read about efforts to reduce paperwork.
Improving health and wellness
Learn how provisions of the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act and the Institute of Medicine's recommendations are helping us build towards an even healthier tomorrow for our children and older adults.
What's new
Get the latest news and e-mail updates.
Resources and tools
Are you looking for new ideas for recipes, menu planning, food preparation, or nutrition education? CACFP has resources to help you prepare high quality meals to improve health and nutrition, promote a healthy lifestyle, and reduce overweight.

  Last modified: 06/29/2012