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Strategic Studies Institute

United States Army War College

The Source for National Security

Research & Analysis

Recent Publications

  • Publication cover with title

    Added September 12, 2012

    Perspectives on Russian Foreign Policy

    Edited by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
    Charles de Gaulle said that states are cold monsters. To see how perhaps one of the coldest of these monsters thinks about and acts in world politics take a look at these essays from SSI’s annual Russia conference of September 26-27, 2011.

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    Added August 30, 2012

    The Promise and Pitfalls of Grand Strategy

    Authored by Dr. Hal Brands.
    This monograph offers a critical analysis of the idea of “grand strategy.” It explains why grand strategy is simultaneously so important and so difficult to do, and offers suggestions for how U.S. officials might approach the challenges of grand strategy in the 21st century.

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    Added August 16, 2012

    Transnational Organized Crime, Terrorism, and Criminalized States in Latin America: An Emerging Tier-One National Security Priority

    Authored by Douglas Farah.
    The emergence of new hybrid (state and nonstate) transnational criminal/terrorist franchises in Latin America operating under broad state protection now pose a tier-one security threat for the United States. Similar hybrid franchise models are developing in other parts of the world, making understanding the new dynamics an important factor in a broader national security context.

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    Added August 10, 2012

    Arms Control and European Security

    Edited by Dr. Stephen J. Blank, COL Louis H. Jordan, Jr.
    Is the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty dead, or waiting to be reborn? These three papers from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia illuminate the complexities and dilemmas facing any attempt to raise the vexed issue of conventional arms control in Europe.

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    Added August 08, 2012

    Culture, Identity, and Information Technology in the 21st Century: Implications for U.S. National Security

    Authored by Dr. Pauline Kusiak.
    The author describes strategic trends in cultural change and identity formation in the 21st century and suggests that the beliefs and values of foreign societies may increasingly, and more directly, impact our own national security in a future dominated by information technology.

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    Added August 01, 2012

    Against All Odds: Relations between NATO and the MENA Region

    Authored by Dr. Florence Gaub.
    Whereas NATO had no relationships with the Middle East and North Africa at all until 1994, it has expanded now to an extent where the League of Arab States mandated its Libya mission in 2011. This monograph explains this unlikely development.

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    Added August 01, 2012

    2012-13 Key Strategic Issues List

    Edited by Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria, II.
    The purpose of the Key Strategic Issues List is to provide military and civilian researchers a ready reference for issues of special interest to the Department of the Army and the Department of Defense.

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    Added July 25, 2012

    The Next Arms Race

    Edited by Mr. Henry D. Sokolski.
    As the United States and Russia negotiate to bring their number of deployed nuclear weapons down, China, India, Pakistan, and Israel continue to bump their numbers up while a growing number of smaller states develop “peaceful” nuclear programs that will bring them closer to getting bombs if they choose. Welcome to the brave new world of tighter, more opaque nuclear competitions, the focus of The Next Arms Race—a must read for policy analysts and planners eager to understand and prevent the worst.

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    Added July 05, 2012

    U.S. Army War College Guide to National Security Issues, Vol 2: National Security Policy and Strategy, 5th Ed.

    Edited by Dr. J. Boone Bartholomees, Jr.
    This edition of the U.S. Army War College Guide to National Security Issues reflects both the method and manner that the U.S. Army War College uses to teach strategy formulation to America’s future senior leaders. It contains essays on the general security environment, strategic thought and formulation, the elements of national power, the national security policymaking process in the United States, and selected strategic issues.

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    Added June 22, 2012

    U.S. Army War College Guide to National Security Issues, Vol. 1: Theory of War and Strategy, 5th Ed.

    Edited by Dr. J. Boone Bartholomees, Jr.
    This edition of the U.S. Army War College Guide to National Security Issues reflects both the method and manner that the U.S. Army War College uses to teach strategy formulation to America’s future senior leaders. It contains essays on the general security environment, strategic thought and formulation, the elements of national power, the national security policymaking process in the United States, and selected strategic issues.

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    Added June 07, 2012

    Can Russia Reform? Economic, Political, and Military Perspectives

    Edited by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
    Can or will Russia reform its state, economy, and armed forces at the same time? These papers provide an answer to those questions.

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    Added May 22, 2012

    The Role of Small States in the Post-Cold War Era: The Case of Belarus

    Authored by Dr. Dmitry Shlapentokh.
    The absence of a single center of power or a few centers of power — as was the case during the Cold War — provides the opportunity even for small states, sandwiched between much stronger states, to move with comparative ease from one center of power to another. Even when small states become finally attached to one of these centers, their attachment is not absolute, and freedom of action is still preserved. This provides the opportunity for small states, such as Belarus, to move from one center of power to another or to engage in a sort of geopolitical gamesmanship.

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    Added May 10, 2012

    Disjointed Ways, Disunified Means: Learning from America's Struggle to Build an Afghan Nation

    Authored by Colonel Lewis G. Irwin.
    Remarkably ambitious in its audacity and scope, NATO’s irregular warfare and nation-building mission in Afghanistan has struggled to meet its nonmilitary objectives by most tangible measures. This book explores shortfalls in the U.S. Government’s strategic planning processes and the mechanisms for interagency coordination of effort that have contributed to this situation, as well as reforms needed to meet emerging 21st century national security challenges.

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    Added May 01, 2012

    Lessons of the Iraqi De-Ba'athification Program for Iraq's Future and the Arab Revolutions

    Authored by Dr. W. Andrew Terrill.
    This monograph considers both the future of Iraq and the differences and similarities between events in Iraq and the Arab Spring states. Serious and expanding mistakes by new governments are possible in the aftermath of the Arab Spring revolutions, and any lessons that can be gleaned from earlier conflicts will be of considerable value to those nations. Moreover, U.S. Army officers and senior noncommissioned officers (NCOs) may often have unique opportunities and unique credibility to offer advice on the lessons of Iraq to their counterparts in some of the Arab Spring nations.

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    Added April 27, 2012

    Ambassador Stephen Krasner's Orienting Principle for Foreign Policy (and Military Management)—Responsible Sovereignty

    Authored by Dr. Max G. Manwaring.
    This monograph takes the logic of the contemporary security dilemma to another level. The intent is to operationalize and elaborate Ambassador Stephen Krasner’s "Responsible Sovereignty" orienting principle for foreign policy and military management.

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    Added April 25, 2012

    Enabling Unity of Effort in Homeland Response Operations

    Authored by Lieutenant General (Ret.) H Steven Blum, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Kerry McIntyre.
    The authors assert that attaining unity of effort is the fundamental prerequisite for effective homeland response operations. They conclude that the best way to improve unity of effort is to create a dynamic system for producing, validating, and updating a unifying national homeland response doctrine.

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    Added April 19, 2012

    Drug Trafficking, Violence, and Instability

    Authored by Dr. Phil Williams, Dr. Vanda Felbab-Brown.
    The world of armed groups has changed and is continuing to change. What impact will these changes have on the threats and challenges to national and global security in the world today? This monograph focuses on the complex relationship between human security, crime, illicit economies, and law enforcement. It also seeks to disentangle the linkages between insurgency on the one hand and drug trafficking and organized crime on the other, suggesting that criminal activities help sustain an insurgency, but also carry certain risks for the insurgency.

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    Added April 17, 2012

    Conflict Management and "Whole of Government": Useful Tools for U.S. National Security Strategy?

    Edited by Dr. Volker C. Franke, Dr. Robert H. Dorff.
    Intended to facilitate dialogue between academic experts, military leaders, policymakers, and civilian practitioners, this edited volume provides a state of the art analysis of current whole of government (WoG) approaches and their effectiveness for coordinating stabilization and peacebuilding efforts. It explores the question: Can “smart power”—using the right tool for each operational context—successfully shift the burden of stability operations to civilian actors and enable the timely scaling-down of military deployments?

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    Added April 12, 2012

    Tactical Nuclear Weapons and NATO

    Edited by Dr. Tom Nichols, Dr. Douglas Stuart, Dr. Jeffrey D. McCausland.
    What is the role that tactical or non-strategic nuclear weapons (NSNWs) play in NATO defense policy and strategy? This book examines the key issues surrounding this question as the Alliance seeks to redefine itself in the 21st century and meet the requirements in the Defense and Deterrence Policy Review.

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    Added March 29, 2012

    Project on National Security Reform - Vol. 2: Case Studies Working Group Report

    Authored by Dr. Richard Weitz.
    The case studies in this volume confirm that flawed responses recur in issue areas as diverse as biodefense, public diplomacy, and military intervention as well as across presidential administrations. The piecemeal national security organizational reforms enacted to date have not fostered improved policy outcomes or decisionmaking, while capability building, especially in the civilian national security agencies, remains less than optimal.

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    Added March 14, 2012

    Delegitimizing Al-Qaeda: A Jihad-Realist Approach

    Authored by Dr. Paul Kamolnick.
    Preventing radicalization and recruitment to al-Qaeda’s terrorism is vital to U.S. national security. This monograph suggests a distinct “jihad-realist” approach for partially accomplishing this elusive strategic objective.

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    Added February 24, 2012

    Categorical Confusion? The Strategic Implications of Recognizing Challenges Either as Irregular or Traditional

    Authored by Dr. Colin S. Gray.
    "First, do no harm" is a golden rule for both medicine and strategic theory. Challenges to national security are simply challenges, they are neither irregular nor traditional.

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    Added February 08, 2012

    Once Again, the Challenge to the U.S. Army During a Defense Reduction: To Remain a Military Profession

    Authored by Dr. Don M. Snider.
    The exact shape of the recently initiated Department of Defense reductions and the defense strategy that our down-sized land forces are to execute in the future are only now becoming clear. How can the U.S. Army best meet these challenges?

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    Added December 23, 2011

    Organizational Change in the Russian Airborne Forces: The Lessons of the Georgian Conflict

    Authored by Dr. Rod Thornton.
    Russia’s best troops are to be found in the Airborne Forces. These were the only Russian troops to emerge with their reputation intact after the conflict with Georgia in 2008. They can represent a formidable foe. This monograph examines the current state of the Airborne Forces and why they might be seen as "formidable."

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    Added December 19, 2011

    The United States and China in Power Transition

    Authored by Dr. David Lai.
    Historically, systematic power transitions were settled in war. Can China and the United States avoid a deadly contest and spare the world another catastrophe? What can we expect from China and the United States with respect to the future of international relations?

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    Added December 16, 2011

    Real Leadership and the U.S. Army: Overcoming a Failure of Imagination to Conduct Adaptive Work

    Authored by Colonel John B. Richardson, IV.
    This is a case study of a cavalry squadron struggling with operational adaptability. Through this struggle, the study provides a means for analyzing the complexity of organizational leadership in the contemporary security environment. The case study provides an example where hard fought lessons learned resulted in a more holistic approach to leadership, because the leader transcended that of simply being an authority figure, and instead, become a real leader who provided a safe and creative learning environment where the organization was able to tackle and solve complex problems.

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    Added December 08, 2011

    The Saudi-Iranian Rivalry and the Future of Middle East Security

    Authored by Dr. W. Andrew Terrill.
    Saudi Arabia and Iran have often behaved as serious rivals for influence in the Middle East and especially the Gulf area since at least Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution. While both nations define themselves as Islamic, the differences between their foreign policies could hardly be more dramatic. Recently, the rivalry between Riyadh and Tehran has intensified and been reflected in their policies involving a number of regional states including Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, and others.

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    Added December 01, 2011

    The Strategic Logic of the Contemporary Security Dilemma

    Authored by Dr. Max G. Manwaring.
    This monograph is part of a continuing effort to inform the contemporary transnational security debate, move it to the strategic level, and support the best interests of the United States Government and peoples, and also those of the Western Hemisphere and the rest of the world.

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    Added November 25, 2011

    Forecasting Zero: U.S. Nuclear History and the Low Probability of Disarmament

    Authored by Jonathan Pearl.
    Should the United States relinquish its nuclear weapons? This monograph discusses both the technical and political factors related to the future of American nuclear weapons.

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    Added November 22, 2011

    Russian Nuclear Weapons: Past, Present, and Future

    Edited by Dr. Stephen J. Blank.
    A new work by leading Russian, European, and U.S. experts analyzing the multiple issues of force structure, doctrine, strategy, and Russian national security policy connected with Russia’s reliance on nuclear weapons as the main deterrent of threats to its security.

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