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Podcasts help Airmen understand workforce shaping

Posted 11/3/2011   Updated 11/3/2011 Email story   Print story


by Debbie Gildea
Air Force Personnel, Services and Manpower Public Affairs

11/3/2011 - RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas  -- From hiring controls to voluntary separation initiatives, the civilian workforce footprint is changing. Air Force Personnel Center officials are working to provide easy-to-digest information to the workforce.

To help Airmen understand how they are or may be affected by workforce shaping initiatives, the AFPC Civilian Force Integration Directorate has developed several podcasts that describe ongoing initiatives, said Michelle LoweSolis, civilian force integration director.

The podcasts cover information that ranges from voluntary early retirement authority and voluntary separation incentive pay to reduction in force and transfer of function.

"Our goal is to provide a readily-understandable overview of topics that are often discussed in a very technical and complex manner," said LoweSolis. "These short videos will help employees better understand voluntary separation options as well as how the reduction in force process works."

Go to the Air Force Personnel Services website at to view the podcasts. In addition to the podcasts, VERA and VSIP articles and other personnel information are available on the Air Force Personnel Services site.

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